Althea told me...
Try online. I got right in.Awwww, you mean my application to be a militia nutjob and risk going to prison has been denied? Dang.
Try online. I got right in.Awwww, you mean my application to be a militia nutjob and risk going to prison has been denied? Dang.
Biden just gave them $1400trump will continue milking the rubes for $$$$$$$$$$
For some reason, people in this country seem to believe that he's a special needs adolescent. Remember 'give him time' to digest the election loss? How did that work out?Yes, perhaps. But as far as influencing US politics he's done.
Try online. I got right in.
Hey LR! Hope you are well! Hope you and your kids at school are safe and thriving. (My sister has three kids ages 10 - 13 and they just went back to school a couple of weeks ago for a few hours. My sister speaks about how much it's hurt them being away from school this long. It's sad.)
I know you voted for Trump. Curious why you don't want to see him run again. Is it simply because he lost and its time for someone new? Or some other reason.
I never did like him and thought he was very boorish. While I like his “America first” mantra I didn’t like his crass way of promoting it. I (and the rest of Oklahoma) would have liked Cruz (2016) a lot better. But given the choice between Trump and Clinton or Trump and Biden ... it wasn’t really a choice either year.
Edit: We are doing well, thanks for asking. We’ve been in person in school all year with the exception of one week when several teachers (me included) got COVID. We’ve played every basketball game but 2 and every and baseball game and we’ve had every academic meet. I believe our kids are a lot mentally healthier for it, not to mention they aren’t as far behind academically as they could have been.
It's certainly a possibility. If that happens it would be a failure of our judicial system.
But then, I am assuming that an incarcerated prisoner cannot serve as president.
Glad you all got over that, LR. No residual symptoms, I hope?
None that I know of, thank you. I was pretty sick for a 48 hour period and mildly sick for about 10 days. What is weird is that it wasn’t until after I got out of my 2 week quarantine that I noticed anything in my lungs. For a few days there I felt like I did back in the 90’s when I smoked. That was during the Christmas and New Year season. I seem to be all good now.
trump is going to try to draw that out as much as possible, and running for president would be part of that. It is not illegal to investigate a candidate for president, but it sure feels like a sensitive issue. It would slow down any investigation/prosecution.
I don't follow. The court has jurisdiction. An indicted suspect has no special rights for being a candidate.
To bring it to the court, investigators must first investigate, and prosecutors must then prosecute (over simplification, but bear with me). No one involved should have an appearance of a conflict of interest. When it gets to court, then the judge should not have an appearance of a conflict of interest.
If trump is a candidate for the highest office in the land, then a lot of people have the appearance of a conflict of interest. Suddenly, everything has to be handled more delicately. Everything takes more time.
Worse yet, trump thrives on victimhood. A normal candidate being under investigation for a laundry list of crimes is a campaign ender. trump worshippers will love him all the more for being accused of crimes.
Interesting observation. Makes sense. Thanks.
trump is old and in bad health. he might delay investigation for the rest of his life.
I doubt he is thinking that. he probably believes he is young, and will live for another hundred years. he is trying to delay in hopes that he will figure out a way out.
1) Delusion
2) LIE
Yeah, he is just accomplishing so much now.
Belief, not results. You have deluded yourself. You will just keep believing no matter what a crazy guy Trump is. Trump was a disastrous president and did so much damage. I feel sorry for you.
I was listening to Douglas Murray on Gad Sad being asked how it is has come through, how he is OK with all the abuse he takes, and he said something like "Except for the people I both know and respect I dont give a flying fuck what people think, I pursue truth to the best of my ability and quality people can help me with that as but for the opinion of random people I could not care less".
I have come around to that position given all of the very low quality fucks we have running around now.
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