Proletarians in Food Lines, ... Stock Market keeps rising.

The system is to help the rich and punish the poor.

Hard to miss THAT under the current situation.
How can some (about 50%) continue to invest in the Stock Market, while others are waiting in Food Lines.

I've heard 'Universal Basic Income' (UBI) tossed around as a Solution. (I don't know that much about it though)
Hard to miss THAT under the current situation.
How can some (about 50%) continue to invest in the Stock Market, while others are waiting in Food Lines.

I've heard 'Universal Basic Income' (UBI) tossed around as a Solution. (I don't know that much about it though)

Most Americans are not investors. They may have a company IRA but they do not actually manage their portfolios.
"Universal basic income
Universal basic income, also called unconditional basic income, basic income, citizen's income, citizen's basic income, basic income guarantee, basic living stipend, guaranteed annual income, or universal demogrant, is a theoretical governmental public program for a periodic payment delivered to all citizens of a given population without a means test or work requirement.Wikipedia"
The system is to help the rich and punish the poor.

i would say the republican system is to help the rich, pretending the more they have, the more they will let some "trickle down" on the vast majority of American consumers who are not rich. I am not sure I would say they want to punish the poor as much as they just don't give a fuck about them.
i would say the republican system is to help the rich, pretending the more they have, the more they will let some "trickle down" on the vast majority of American consumers who are not rich. I am not sure I would say they want to punish the poor as much as they just don't give a fuck about them.

Little difference between reckless action and intentionality.
Most Americans are not investors. They may have a company IRA but they do not actually manage their portfolios.

I've heard 50% of Americans are invested in the Market. I don't know how many are 'active' Investors that actually know how to construct a Portfolio.
Little difference between reckless action and intentionality.

actually, there is. a lot of these clowns actually believe too much welfare keeps poor people lazy and unmotivated to work, which is why they say they want to limit how much they can have. but somehow bailing out the rich with tricky bankruptcy laws and tax subsidies and breaks only the rich have access to, does not make them dependent and lazy, it motivates them to do better.
i would say the republican system is to help the rich, pretending the more they have, the more they will let some "trickle down" on the vast majority of American consumers who are not rich. I am not sure I would say they want to punish the poor as much as they just don't give a fuck about them.

'Proletarian' is probably a good name. Their only value is their Labor. They live 'hand-to-mouth' and 'week-to-week'. As Industry is 'automated', less Human Labor is needed.
Other than the popular idea of sticking the 'Excess People' in to 'For Profit Prisons', I haven't heard of any Solutions.
'Proletarian' is probably a good name. Their only value is their Labor. They live 'hand-to-mouth' and 'week-to-week'. As Industry is 'automated', less Human Labor is needed.
Other than the popular idea of sticking the 'Excess People' in to 'For Profit Prisons', I haven't heard of any Solutions.

and what value did any communist system give to the vast majority of citizens except their labor?
At most, 10% are active investors. Just my estimate.

"Thus far in 2020, Gallup finds 55% of Americans reporting that they own stock, based on polls conducted in March and April. This is identical to the average 55% recorded in 2019 and similar to the average of 54% Gallup has measured since 2010."

"Stock ownership is strongly correlated with household income, formal education, age and race.
In 2020, the percentages owning stock range from highs of 85% of adults with postgraduate education and 84% of those in households earning $100,000 or more to lows of 22% of those in households earning less than $40,000 and 28% of Hispanics."
"Thus far in 2020, Gallup finds 55% of Americans reporting that they own stock, based on polls conducted in March and April. This is identical to the average 55% recorded in 2019 and similar to the average of 54% Gallup has measured since 2010."

"Stock ownership is strongly correlated with household income, formal education, age and race.
In 2020, the percentages owning stock range from highs of 85% of adults with postgraduate education and 84% of those in households earning $100,000 or more to lows of 22% of those in households earning less than $40,000 and 28% of Hispanics."

Okay. And the people who run the markets are using that capital for their own profit.
I don't know.

It seems 'Communism' has been abandoned and we now have a Global System of Capitalism.

good!! nothing wrong with capitalism as long as enough social safety nets are available and unions and workers and consumers have government protection as needed. people who work harder, who try harder, who do what it takes, should be rewarded, and not all workers or people are the same and be paid the same or given the same opportunities at advancement.