I personally do not think that Gay men or Lesbian Women that are in a meaningful relationship, is Marriage...I am an old fuddy dud when it comes to this....I think the meaning of marriage should not be changed by our government....it has in general for a couple of thousands of years, been between a husband and wife or a husband and wives....I am being honest here...it is very hard for me to change my view on this...I have honestly tried and I can not come to terms with a married couple not being a husband and a wife, a man and a woman.... I can't get over this....i am sorry...but I just can't change that meaning that I have known the near half a century of my life....
However, I do see the discrimination that the gay community must feel towards this issue...so, I personally would like to see the state, not involved in "marriage" at all and leave that up to the different churches and synagogues and temples and mosques, the Episopalean Church performs / accepts gay marriages I believe, and maybe the united church of christ does, but I am uncertain on all of that....
The state should sanction anyone that wants to be in a meaningful partnership equally, or should not sanction any relationship at all...to be fair to all...and to not discriminate.