It borders on unbelievable how many on the right are such easy prey for demagogues, just tell them anything they want to believe and they will not only swallow it but echo it as truth
WOW....You really dont get me do Ya.....
Was it sarcasm?
How many times have I said that America is now run by a Revolution, that it is controlled by committees of the woke in secret, that Biden is an almost dead never was worth a shit very corrupt guy who is trying to play at President as an actor would but his brain is too dead to remember the lines of the scripts he gets handed?
We've got an epidemic of gullibility and stupidity in our country.
so yes it was sarcasm?
The take-away here is that you dont understand me well enough to lob stones in my direction.
why do you always want to fight?
im the king of the hill, you just need to accept that.
It's sad that the Left doesn't have a sense of humor...
Exposing the deficiencies of trumpanzees isn't grasping at low hanging fruit.
It's picking it up from the ground after a hail storm. .
They've been assured that they're not inferior for being racist, xenophobic, misogynist, and willfully ignorant.
It's been explained to them that the quest for self-improvement is the folly of the pretentious.
Giving them a pass like this is like giving the orangutan himself a dressing room pass to the Miss Teenage America pageant.
They're not going to turn it down, and they will be grateful.
Believe anything?
Believing is all that they do.
Observing and figuring things out is never in the equation.
It requires personal assets which they don't possess.
I get the feeling they laugh out loud behind closed doors in lieu of such garbage as the lgbt agenda forced upon even innocent little children in school for example. Sick minds, easily baited to betray even themselves by doing such things yet too stupid to realize it.
Well, your link goes to a page with news stories that don't look as insane, stupid, or gullible as those on MSNBC, CNN, or even worse, sites like The Young Turks or The Daily Beast.
Holy fuck, I didn't use as a link or a reference, the is used in my post as a disclaimer because one teabagger ( snowflake got offended.
I went with what you posted... and, TYT and the Daily Beast make Breitbart look like a paragon of truth and virtue...