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read the state of the union address.
What for? We know it's fucked.
read the state of the union address.
What for? We know it's fucked.
well as long as your mind is made up, slammed shut, and fact free... lets talk about it.
Any fat fool can reduce taxes for the rich, just as any fat fool can claim credit for the inscrutable movements of capitalism as it swings between boom and slump, but if you believe such ridiculous propaganda, indeed there's not much to discuss, is there?
but it takes a hero to defeat the new world order.
New World order? You talking Illuminati? Do you really believe that? It is true the wealthy are emboldened in America and Europe. They are seizing power. Trump is making a plutocracy. You can be sure he does not know what it is. But he is doing it reflexively. Bush the first talked about the New World Order. It was a plot of the wealthy, not liberals. The super-rich are changing America to their benefit. Trump is helping them.
call it what you want.
basically its the erosion of national sovereignty to the point where multinational corporations dictate policy. what they want is no borders, to get cheap labor and eliminate tariffs, and on a deeper level, foster a dependance mindset. self reliance is anathema to the corporate mindset.
You are claiming you are concerned about corporate interests and Trump has installed corporate execs and lobbyists throughout the agencies. Can you take a stab at consistency and logic? Trump is doing the opposite of what you claim to want, but you back him 100 percent.
You are lost.
but it takes a hero to defeat the new world order.