Prop 312 passes in Arizona

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Prop 312 here in Arizona has passed. It allows private property owners to sue government for losses associated with homeless persons. That is, if you are say a business and homeless people camp out on the sidewalk in front of that business you can now sue the government for any losses of business or property damage resulting from government not doing something about those homeless people.

It's a wakeup call on government to do something about a problem or face paying the public for inaction.
Prop 312 here in Arizona has passed. It allows private property owners to sue government for losses associated with homeless persons. That is, if you are say a business and homeless people camp out on the sidewalk in front of that business you can now sue the government for any losses of business or property damage resulting from government not doing something about those homeless people.

It's a wakeup call on government to do something about a problem or face paying the public for inaction.
Will Arizona raise taxes to hire more police officers?
From your fingers to the eyes of Arizonians... Maybe they'll stop voting totalitarian leftist permanently.
Right now, Damo, we don't know the next time there may be any meaningful voting.
We have the American Reich that you wanted.
But where are our potential liberators?
That's for the Resistance to figure out.
I don't care what happens in the shithole states like Arizona.
I only care about the civilized ones.
Unfortunately, dystopia is in store for ALL of them.
Why do you pretend that Boston Isnt as big of a shithole as other places. It makes you seem senile and silly.

No point engaging the right at this point.​

FROM @NiftyNiblick 's RANT POST
I, for one, am no longer interested in discourse with trumpanzee mutants.
I have convinced them of nothing.
I have failed to deter them from destroying our country.
I viscerally hate them, and am perfectly content for them to hate me.
I don't hate anyone on this forum. You should have that hate checked out. It's not good for you.
"Property tax refund". What a brilliant concept. Should apply to damage to border property by illegal aliens too.
Janice Brewer made it possible for new business to open in Arizona. Katie Hobbs came in to open the border.

Which one is the crazy bitch?
Not particularly necessary to meet this law, all the ones we have now have to do is have the permission of government to enforce laws already on the books for vagrancy, illegal camping, loitering, and the like. The problem goes somewhere else, most likely California.
It seems to me there's more to the story than simply enforcing current laws. Usually it's a pandering government, which AZ doesn't strike me as being, or a lack of money.

AZ is free to fill their prisons with the homeless thus the taxpayers will be giving them three hots and a cot for months on end as they cycle in and out of the local lock up.

Here's something to consider: most chronically homeless are mentally ill. These people are not rational and won't simply go away. Run them off and they'll come back. Patrol the front sidewalk and they'll go behind the building.

Again, I don't see it as simply enforcing the laws. Which, BTW, is odd. When do Arizona police need permission to enforce the law?

Back when I was being RIF'd out of the Marine Corps and before the Navy processed my package, I was looking at civilian and other government helicopter jobs. Among my top five was the Arizona Highway Patrol for two main reasons; unlike other law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, they didn't require I be a ground officer for two years first. The second was, at the time, a recent incident with bank robbers. Most police helicopters aren't armed. The AZ HP helicopter quickly flew to where the robbers were reported fleeing on a highway. The robbers, being idiots, fired on the helicopter where upon the observer pulled out an M-16 and hosed them down. The car crashed and there were no survivors. My kind of police force. LOL