APP - Proposed law would require pay for sick workers

There are many companies that give as much as 30 paid days or more per year, though usually one has to work for them for 15-20 year to get to that level.

The most common form of paid leave starts with 9 or 10 (depending if the state observes Columbus Day or not) days of holiday pay. If the company stays open for national holidays, it is not uncommon for them to offer double pay for those who work that day, and paid day off for those who do not.

On top of that, many companies offer 5-12 days sick leave per year, accumulated at some fraction of an hour per hour or day worked. (ie: work 168 hours - the average full time month - get 3 hours or so sick leave credit.)

Paid vacation most often starts at one week per year, sometimes after working for the company 5 years, sometimes as soon as the probationary period is over. Like sick leave, vacation leave usually accumulates at a set fraction of an hour per hour worked. The amount of vacation one can accumulate in a year often goes up as an employee gains experience - one week at five years, 10 days at ten years, two weeks at 15 years, etc. In some companies one can work themselves up to 4 weeks paid vacation per year. Add that to 10 holidays and 5 sick days, that's 35 paid days off per year.

In short, the idea of sick leave plus vacation, plus paid holidays is not all that revolutionary, nor all that "liberal". Benefits such as these are one of the primary ways, besides salaries and health insurance, that companies compete with each other for good employees. The problem with making such offering mandatory is, (as is typical of many liberal socialist ideas) it diminishes motivation to maximize one's efforts as a worker. When all is handed out free, regardless of effort, production will go down by FAR more than the 20 days off can account for.
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There are many companies that give as much as 30 paid days or more per year, though usually one has to work for them for 15-20 year to get to that level.

The most common form of paid leave starts with 9 or 10 (depending if the state observes Columbus Day or not) days of holiday pay. If the company stays open for national holidays, it is not uncommon for them to offer double pay for those who work that day, and paid day off for those who do not.

On top of that, many companies offer 5-12 days sick leave per year, accumulated at some fraction of an hour per hour or day worked. (ie: work 168 hours - the average full time month - get 3 hours or so sick leave credit.)

Paid vacation most often starts at one week per year, sometimes after working for the company 5 years, sometimes as soon as the probationary period is over. Like sick leave, vacation leave usually accumulates at a set fraction of an hour per hour worked. The amount of vacation one can accumulate in a year often goes up as an employee gains experience - one week at five years, 10 days at ten years, two weeks at 15 years, etc. In some companies one can work themselves up to 4 weeks paid vacation per year. Add that to 10 holidays and 5 sick days, that's 35 paid days off per year.

In short, the idea of sick leave plus vacation, plus paid holidays is not all that revolutionary, nor all that "liberal". Benefits such as these are one of the primary ways, besides salaries and health insurance, that companies compete with each other for good employees. The problem with making such offering mandatory is, (as is typical of many liberal socialist ideas) it diminishes motivation to maximize one's efforts as a worker. When all is handed out free, regardless of effort, production will go down by FAR more than the 20 days off can account for.

Yeah. That's why France has some of the most productive workers per hour in the entire western world. Face it; you've entirely made this entire line of reasoning up and have no evidence to back it up (as is typical of ALL far right conservative ideas).

People deserve mandatory leave before half their working life is over. 20 years is absurd; you could commit murder and get parole before then. As I said, it only exists as a benefits package for the higher up top 10% of society. You like a society where everyone plays a rat race to the detriment of everyone, a like a happy society. That's the difference between the ignorant far right like you and liberal socialists.
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start a business and see if you can afford to pay people to stay home and pay people to do the job they would be doing.

You ignorant clowns are clueless
Yeah. That's why France has some of the most productive workers per hour in the entire western world. Face it; you've entirely made this entire line of reasoning up and have no evidence to back it up (as is typical of ALL far right conservative ideas).
can you back THAT up with evidence?
In the UK most companies give their employees 25 days holiday per year.

Here's what government workers get.

"Annual leave is earned on the basis of years of federal service, including creditable military service. Full-time employees with 15 years or more service earn 26 days of annual leave a year; those with three but less than 15 years earn 20 days; and those with less than three years earn 13 days. Normally, part-time employees with 15 years or more service earn one hour of annual leave for each ten hours in a pay status, those with three but less than 15 years earn one hour for each 13 hours in pay status, and those with less than three years earn one hour for each 20 hours in pay status."

Government workers are entitled to the following ten regular holidays each year:

* New Year’s Day, January 1
* Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday, 3rd Monday in January
* Washington's Birthday, 3rd Monday in February
* Memorial Day, last Monday in May
* Independence Day, July 4
* Labor Day, 1st Monday in September
* Columbus Day, 2nd Monday in October
* Veterans Day, November 11
* Thanksgiving Day, 4th Thursday in November
* Christmas Day, December 25

Most private industry workers get way less vacation time, and holidays are cut to 5 or 6 out of the ten above.
Here's what government workers get.

"Annual leave is earned on the basis of years of federal service, including creditable military service. Full-time employees with 15 years or more service earn 26 days of annual leave a year; those with three but less than 15 years earn 20 days; and those with less than three years earn 13 days. Normally, part-time employees with 15 years or more service earn one hour of annual leave for each ten hours in a pay status, those with three but less than 15 years earn one hour for each 13 hours in pay status, and those with less than three years earn one hour for each 20 hours in pay status."

Government workers are entitled to the following ten regular holidays each year:

* New Year’s Day, January 1
* Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday, 3rd Monday in January
* Washington's Birthday, 3rd Monday in February
* Memorial Day, last Monday in May
* Independence Day, July 4
* Labor Day, 1st Monday in September
* Columbus Day, 2nd Monday in October
* Veterans Day, November 11
* Thanksgiving Day, 4th Thursday in November
* Christmas Day, December 25

Most private industry workers get way less vacation time, and holidays are cut to 5 or 6 out of the ten above.

Yeah and it's next to impossible to fire a government employee. Private companies can't compete.
I'm not sure what you folks are trying to prove when you cite a government paying for time off.

No DUHH! They don't have to be profitable.
thanks, this piece of shit didn't need anything else to bring it down but someone some turbo-lib asswhole added some.