APP - Prosecutors want to charge teen as adult in referee's death

They should charge this teen as an adult, he committed an assault and now murder too!

By charging this teen as an adult, it will also send a message to others too!
I hope he gets an adult sentence in an adult prison too!

Really? You want a 17 year old kid to spend a huge part of his life in adult prison to be victimized, abused and learn to be a real criminal for one momentary lapse of control? The kid threw the unluckiest punch ever thrown.

I'm not excusing his behavior, but the only thing you do when you put kids in adult prison is turn them into true criminals. Should he be punished? Absolutely....should he go to juvie until he turns 21? Yes.
Really? You want a 17 year old kid to spend a huge part of his life in adult prison to be victimized, abused and learn to be a real criminal for one momentary lapse of control? The kid threw the unluckiest punch ever thrown.

I'm not excusing his behavior, but the only thing you do when you put kids in adult prison is turn them into true criminals. Should he be punished? Absolutely....should he go to juvie until he turns 21? Yes.

Let's see.
He's 17 and keeping in Juvi, until he's 21, would mean that he would spend 4 years for killing someone.
Will the Official return to the living, after 4 years?
Will his family get to spend time with him, as he grows older?
Will his Children and Grandchildren get to spend time with him?
Let's see.
He's 17 and keeping in Juvi, until he's 21, would mean that he would spend 4 years for killing someone.
Will the Official return to the living, after 4 years?
Will his family get to spend time with him, as he grows older?
Will his Children and Grandchildren get to spend time with him?

So...what do you think he ought to get? Fuck it...let's put the 5 year old that shot his sister in adult prison. After all, will she get to live her life, have children of her own and see her parents again? How about the kid that shot his brother in the bathtub? Fuck it...put him in "pound me in the ass" prison too.

The kid lost his cool and threw ONE PUNCH. You think he meant to even hurt the guy in a bad way, let alone kill him?

It was a terrible mistake. He is responsible for the man's death. I get that....I just disagree that the book should be thrown at him.
So...what do you think he ought to get? Fuck it...let's put the 5 year old that shot his sister in adult prison. After all, will she get to live her life, have children of her own and see her parents again? How about the kid that shot his brother in the bathtub? Fuck it...put him in "pound me in the ass" prison too.

The kid lost his cool and threw ONE PUNCH. You think he meant to even hurt the guy in a bad way, let alone kill him?

It was a terrible mistake. He is responsible for the man's death. I get that....I just disagree that the book should be thrown at him.

I agree that the book shouldn't be thrown at him; because he could dodge it and then there would be no consequence.

I'm getting a better understanding of your cognitive skills, seeing as how you now equate the behavior of a 5 year old as the same as those of a 17 year old.
Stop getting your panties all twisted.
No one's suggesting that he should get the death penalty, except those looking to see how high you can jump.

I haven't really followed this story; but I'm beginning to think that the 17 year old is a minority and that's why the liberal loons are screaming for mercy.
I agree that the book shouldn't be thrown at him; because he could dodge it and then there would be no consequence.

I'm getting a better understanding of your cognitive skills, seeing as how you now equate the behavior of a 5 year old as the same as those of a 17 year old.
Stop getting your panties all twisted.
No one's suggesting that he should get the death penalty, except those looking to see how high you can jump.

I haven't really followed this story; but I'm beginning to think that the 17 year old is a minority and that's why the liberal loons are screaming for mercy.

The referee was a minority. We don't know the ethnicity of the teen....because he's a TEENAGER.

I'm "screaming" for mercy because kids that go to "real" prison... tend to turn into....guess what? Career criminals.
The referee was a minority. We don't know the ethnicity of the teen....because he's a TEENAGER.

I'm "screaming" for mercy because kids that go to "real" prison... tend to turn into....guess what? Career criminals.

Yeah, everyone should have at least one mulligan on a murder.
At least if liberals think so.
Let me guess.
The Official was stalking the kid and all the kid had was iced tea and skittles.
Yeah, everyone should have at least one mulligan on a murder.
At least if liberals think so.
Let me guess.
The Official was stalking the kid and all the kid had was iced tea and skittles.

Who said anything about a Mulligan? I just said he shouldn't be tried as an adult.

I guess you're cool with fucking up this kid's life for one punch. You know, I could see your point if the kid viciously attacked him and had to be pulled off the guy....or if the kid premeditated a murder...or even if the kid was committing a crime, like say a mugging...and ended up killing someone.

But we are talking about a punch...not a beating.
Who said anything about a Mulligan? I just said he shouldn't be tried as an adult.

I guess you're cool with fucking up this kid's life for one punch. You know, I could see your point if the kid viciously attacked him and had to be pulled off the guy....or if the kid premeditated a murder...or even if the kid was committing a crime, like say a mugging...and ended up killing someone.

But we are talking about a punch...not a beating.

So you would give leniancy to the guy that punched the homosexual, out side of a bar, and when the homosexual fell, he hit his head and died.

It was an accident and just a lucky punch; HUH?

St. Cloud Man Dies After Injuries From Punch

Vietnam vet dies after being punched by 18-year-old during traffic confrontation

Man dies after being punched in face at barbecue

Cops: Man dies after punch from Burger King worker

Northwest Side man dies day after being punched to sidewalk in fight
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So you would give leniancy to the guy that punched the homosexual, out side of a bar, and when the homosexual fell, he hit his head and died.

It was an accident and just a lucky punch; HUH?

Nope....first off, if the guy was in a bar, he's an he should be tried as an adult. Should he be tried for murder one? wasn't a premeditated thing.
Nope....first off, if the guy was in a bar, he's an he should be tried as an adult. Should he be tried for murder one? wasn't a premeditated thing.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH, so you're drawing the limit of the whether the criminal is at least 18 or not.

Then what about some of these:

St. Cloud Man Dies After Injuries From Punch - age of aggreser unknown

Vietnam vet dies after being punched by 18-year-old during traffic confrontation - 18 year old criminal

Man dies after being punched in face at barbecue - Both early to mid 20's

Cops: Man dies after punch from Burger King worker - Caused by a 20 year old

Northwest Side man dies day after being punched to sidewalk in fight - Age of criminal unkown
i am not familiar with utah laws, however, in california he would likely be charged with negligent homicide, if charged as an adult.

You might want to recheck that thought; because:

California's Legal Definition of
"Criminal Negligence"

And as Long Beach criminal defense attorney John Murray explains4, "It is important to understand that under California law, criminal negligence is only concerned with the act itself, not with the consequences."

This means that

1.even if no one is hurt, an individual can still be held criminally negligent if his/her underlying behavior is such that it is likely that someone will be seriously hurt or killed, and

2.even if someone is seriously injured or even killed, criminal negligence exists only if the act itself clearly involves a high-degree of danger. Carelessness, thoughtlessness, or even sheer stupidity do not elevate the conduct to criminal negligence, regardless of the consequences.5

Example: Mary goes to a late-night movie, leaving her four young children (between the ages of 2 and 6) asleep in their beds, home alone. While she is gone, a fire spreads throughout her house. A neighbor is able to save two of Mary's children, but the other two die in the fire.

Although Mary exercised poor judgment leaving her small children home alone, such an act doesn't rise to the level of criminal negligence. Despite the fact that two of her children were killed, Mary's act…that of leaving her sleeping children home alone…didn't create a high risk of death or serious bodily injury.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH, so you're drawing the limit of the whether the criminal is at least 18 or not.

Then what about some of these:

St. Cloud Man Dies After Injuries From Punch - age of aggreser unknown

Vietnam vet dies after being punched by 18-year-old during traffic confrontation - 18 year old criminal

Man dies after being punched in face at barbecue - Both early to mid 20's

Cops: Man dies after punch from Burger King worker - Caused by a 20 year old

Northwest Side man dies day after being punched to sidewalk in fight - Age of criminal unkown

What about them? If you are an go to an adult jail. Of course, there are incidents that warrant adult time for juveniles.... but that would involve malice, forethought and cruelty. Which none of them apply here.
What about them? If you are an go to an adult jail. Of course, there are incidents that warrant adult time for juveniles.... but that would involve malice, forethought and cruelty. Which none of them apply here.

Once again, you are woefully uninformed. :palm:

Can a juvenile be tried in adult court?
There are several circumstances under which a juvenile can be tried in adult court.
These include cases where the juvenile is fourteen on older and has been charged with a serious felony. See Utah Code 78A-6-702 for examples.

Looking up 78A-6-702 it makes the distiction of 16 years of age and refers to a link to 76A-5-103 which has the following:
76-5-103. Aggravated assault.

(1) A person commits aggravated assault if the person commits assault as defined in Section 76-5-102 and uses:

(a) a dangerous weapon as defined in Section 76-1-601; or

(b) other means or force likely to produce death or serious bodily injury.
(2) (a) A violation of Subsection (1) is a third degree felony, except under Subsection (2)(b).

(b) A violation of Subsection (1) that results in serious bodily injury is a second degree felony.

News article at this site:
17 year old Charged in the Death of Soccer Referee
Once again, you are woefully uninformed. :palm:

Can a juvenile be tried in adult court?
There are several circumstances under which a juvenile can be tried in adult court.
These include cases where the juvenile is fourteen on older and has been charged with a serious felony. See Utah Code 78A-6-702 for examples.

Looking up 78A-6-702 it makes the distiction of 16 years of age and refers to a link to 76A-5-103 which has the following:
76-5-103. Aggravated assault.

(1) A person commits aggravated assault if the person commits assault as defined in Section 76-5-102 and uses:

(a) a dangerous weapon as defined in Section 76-1-601; or

(b) other means or force likely to produce death or serious bodily injury.
(2) (a) A violation of Subsection (1) is a third degree felony, except under Subsection (2)(b).

(b) A violation of Subsection (1) that results in serious bodily injury is a second degree felony.

News article at this site:
17 year old Charged in the Death of Soccer Referee

Hey douchebag....where did I say he couldn't be charged....I was just expressing my opinion....but do prattle on.
Hey douchebag....where did I say he couldn't be charged....I was just expressing my opinion....but do prattle on.

Odd how you mention prattle; because you do it so many times and everytime, you're proving that you don't know what you're talking about.

I didn't see anything that said you were stating your opininon, in the following post:

What about them? If you are an go to an adult jail. Of course, there are incidents that warrant adult time for juveniles.... but that would involve malice, forethought and cruelty. Which none of them apply here.

Especially with your comment of:

"...but that would involve malice, forethought and cruelty. Which none of them apply here..."

And instead it looked like you had some knowledge of what you were proposing. :)
Odd how you mention prattle; because you do it so many times and everytime, you're proving that you don't know what you're talking about.

I didn't see anything that said you were stating your opininon, in the following post:

Especially with your comment of:

"...but that would involve malice, forethought and cruelty. Which none of them apply here..."

And instead it looked like you had some knowledge of what you were proposing. :) knowledge and opinion can't be intertwined? Fuck off.

So....tell me slick....what do you think would be a better outcome for this kid and society in general....

A. Kid gets tried as an adult, convicted and does hard time for 5 those 5 years, the kid is abused mentally, physically and sexually and likely hooks up with some gang for a modicum if protection.

B. Kid goes to Juvie till he's 21, gets counseling, vocational training and his record is expunged after so many years of keeping his nose clean.

Which, out of those two scenarios do you think is wisest? For the kid and for society after he gets out. one knows jack shit about this kid. Is he a delinquent? Or is a decent kid who fucked up? That is another variable. knowledge and opinion can't be intertwined? Fuck off.

So....tell me slick....what do you think would be a better outcome for this kid and society in general....

A. Kid gets tried as an adult, convicted and does hard time for 5 those 5 years, the kid is abused mentally, physically and sexually and likely hooks up with some gang for a modicum if protection.

B. Kid goes to Juvie till he's 21, gets counseling, vocational training and his record is expunged after so many years of keeping his nose clean.

Which, out of those two scenarios do you think is wisest? For the kid and for society after he gets out. one knows jack shit about this kid. Is he a delinquent? Or is a decent kid who fucked up? That is another variable.

At first I had the idea that you knew what happens in the adult and juvenile systems, maybe because of your own past; but then I remembered that you have the habit of just throwing comments out there, to see what sticks on the wall. :good4u:

Since confession is good for the soul; why don't you speak more of how you were abused mentally, physically and sexually and then how you hooked up with some gang for a modicum of protection.
At first I had the idea that you knew what happens in the adult and juvenile systems, maybe because of your own past; but then I remembered that you have the habit of just throwing comments out there, to see what sticks on the wall. :good4u:

Since confession is good for the soul; why don't you speak more of how you were abused mentally, physically and sexually and then how you hooked up with some gang for a modicum of protection.

Ahhh yes....the old, "if I can't beat 'em, attack 'em" card.....

Never spent a single day in about you?