APP - Prosecutors want to charge teen as adult in referee's death

Ahhh yes....the old, "if I can't beat 'em, attack 'em" card.....

Never spent a single day in about you?

I guess you could reference several years, as not a "single day". :)

I know misery loves company and that criminals try to project their own behavior as being normal; which would explain why you FEEL that I may have a criminal record, because that way you can feel that what you have done isn't so terrible. :chesh:
I guess you could reference several years, as not a "single day". :)

I know misery loves company and that criminals try to project their own behavior as being normal; which would explain why you FEEL that I may have a criminal record, because that way you can feel that what you have done isn't so terrible. :chesh:

OK gun runner, whatever you say.
Fuck yeah....string him up....get judge Roy Bean the fuck out here.

I hope you guys' level of compassion for the kid(especially since no one seems to know anything about him other than this incident) is returned a thousand fold over your lifetimes.
Fuck yeah....string him up....get judge Roy Bean the fuck out here.

I hope you guys' level of compassion for the kid(especially since no one seems to know anything about him other than this incident) is returned a thousand fold over your lifetimes.

May some 17 year old kid punch you in the head and then we'll see how much compassion your surviving family feels. :)
Of course; after reading your posts, the resulting party would probably be epic. :chesh:
Really? You want a 17 year old kid to spend a huge part of his life in adult prison to be victimized, abused and learn to be a real criminal for one momentary lapse of control? The kid threw the unluckiest punch ever thrown.
wouldnt that be the same kind of example that most of you takers want to impose upon people that have momentary lapses of control with a gun? why yes, I think it is.

I'm not excusing his behavior, but the only thing you do when you put kids in adult prison is turn them into true criminals. Should he be punished? Absolutely....should he go to juvie until he turns 21? Yes.
A husband and father is dead because of his temper tantrum. fuck that 17 year old. he should spend the next 25 years doing manual labor and giving every penny to the mans family that he killed.
Fuck yeah....string him up....get judge Roy Bean the fuck out here.

I hope you guys' level of compassion for the kid(especially since no one seems to know anything about him other than this incident) is returned a thousand fold over your lifetimes.

Meanwhile, I'll just feel compassion for the victim and his family. You can hoard all of the compassion for the fucktard emobitch.
What about them? If you are an go to an adult jail. Of course, there are incidents that warrant adult time for juveniles.... but that would involve malice, forethought and cruelty. Which none of them apply here.
bullshit. this 'kid' didn't throw a punch spur of the moment. he was a bully used to getting his way by intimidating others and using force. he didn't like a call, so he resorted to his normal methods of punishment and it ended up killing someone.
Meanwhile, I'll just feel compassion for the victim and his family. You can hoard all of the compassion for the fucktard emobitch.

Who said I didn't feel compassion for the family? That's the way it is with you I'm telling ya, you lock that kid up in adult prison, we'll be dealing with him the rest of his life.

A teenager charged with killing a Utah soccer referee over a call during a game has pleaded guilty to a charge of homicide by assault.

The plea deal was hashed out Monday morning between the teen's attorneys and prosecutors. Under the deal, prosecutors agreed to keep the case in juvenile court.

Police say the teenager punched 46-year-old Ricardo Portillo once in the head on April 27 after the referee called a foul on him. Portillo died after a weeklong coma
Really? You want a 17 year old kid to spend a huge part of his life in adult prison to be victimized, abused and learn to be a real criminal for one momentary lapse of control? The kid threw the unluckiest punch ever thrown.

I'm not excusing his behavior, but the only thing you do when you put kids in adult prison is turn them into true criminals. Should he be punished? Absolutely....should he go to juvie until he turns 21? Yes.

You are right. Imagine if he said Nigger. I shudder to think what the punishment might be.