Most of these recruiting centers are not staffed 24/7, but only during daylight hours. Unsuprisingly, the people attacking and vandalizing them, do it only when they can be sure not to face the soldiers they're attacking.
Report Cites Increase in Attacks on Military Recruiting Centers
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
By Melissa Underwood
Newsradio 620 WTMJ-AM
Shattered windows and bomb scares are growing threats for recruiters working to find young men and women to join the U.S. military, according to a new report that claims attacks on military recruiting stations are on the rise.
The report, issued by a not-for-profit group that supports members of the military, calls the incidents — including the spray-painting of graffiti — "attacks," and claims there have been more than 50 since March 2003.
"The peace protesters are not peaceful," said Catherine Moy, executive director of Move America Forward, which released the report. "They are violent. They are causing havoc in an illegal manner on recruiting offices across the United States."
• Click here,4644,3641,00.html for photos of recent incidents.
Vandals last week targeted the Milwaukee Army Recruiting Station, leaving behind the anti-war graffiti message "War Is Offensive." On March 6, a hooded bicyclist was captured on video pedaling away from the military recruiting station in New York's Times Square after a small homemade explosive damaged the facade of America's busiest recruiting center.
Milwaukee and Times Square are among the incidents listed in Move America Forward's report, which documents protests, broken windows, graffiti, bombs and other disturbances among the "attacks."