Psilocybin—A.K.A. Shrooms—Could Become the Next Legalized Drug

"Portugal decriminalized the use of all drugs in 2001. Weed, cocaine, heroin, you name it -- Portugal decided to treat possession and use of small quantities of these drugs as a public health issue, not a criminal one. The drugs were still illegal, of course. But now getting caught with them meant a small fine and maybe a referral to a treatment program -- not jail time and a criminal record."

I am not arguing one way or the other for legalizing or decriminalizing (same as legalizing) drugs.

I am saying stop with the nonsense of “medical use” it was always a bogus argument to move toward legalization

At least be honest about what is in play.

That is why I hate liberals. I mean I really hate them.

At least ISIS are honest about their aims and goals. Liberals lie. All the time.
Same here.
We only grew weed, though.
Never tried to grow our own 'shrooms.

I've only grown the edible kind that comes in a kit. This spring I'm going to try growing wine caps and see how that goes. They're not psychoactive though; only delicious.
I am not arguing one way or the other for legalizing or decriminalizing (same as legalizing) drugs.

I am saying stop with the nonsense of “medical use” it was always a bogus argument to move toward legalization

At least be honest about what is in play.

That is why I hate liberals. I mean I really hate them.

At least ISIS are honest about their aims and goals. Liberals lie. All the time.

Oh fuck off, you typical right-wing goofball hypocrite. :palm:

You assholes took lying and propaganda first to art form and then to a science. You support a piece of shit who tells blatant, obvious lies that conflict with other lies he just told in the same sentence.

Even your screen name is a big, fat lie.

That is why I hate Trumptards. I mean I really hate them.
Oh fuck off, you typical right-wing goofball hypocrite. :palm:

You assholes took lying and propaganda first to art form and then to a science. You support a piece of shit who tells blatant, obvious lies that conflict with other lies he just told in the same sentence.

Even your screen name is a big, fat lie.

That is why I hate Trumptards. I mean I really hate them.

Thank you for conceding that I am right about "medical use" being a lie to move toward legalization.
Look, if you want to fight for legalizing pot go ahead. Just stop lying to people making them think it is going to cure them of particular ailments when it won't. That is cruel and barbaric.
Thank you for conceding that I am right about "medical use" being a lie to move toward legalization.
Look, if you want to fight for legalizing pot go ahead. Just stop lying to people making them think it is going to cure them of particular ailments when it won't. That is cruel and barbaric.

Oh look, I Loathe America tells another fat lie after pissing his diaper about what he claims is lying, which itself was yet another lie.

I don't concede shit to you because shit is what you're full of.

Nobody is claiming pot "cures" anything. It is therapeutic in terms of things like pain management, appetite maintenance and psychological well being. Plus, its effects on glaucoma have been well documented for decades.

If you want to flap your yap about how you hate lib'ruls go ahead. Just stop trying to make people think you know shit from shinola about issues that require facts to arrive at conclusions about.
I am not arguing one way or the other for legalizing or decriminalizing (same as legalizing) drugs.

I am saying stop with the nonsense of “medical use” it was always a bogus argument to move toward legalization

At least be honest about what is in play.

That is why I hate liberals. I mean I really hate them.

At least ISIS are honest about their aims and goals. Liberals lie. All the time.

I never brought up 'Medical Use' or 'Marijuana'. But now that YOU did, I believe it has been proven there IS a medical use for marijuana. You could probably google it if you wanted to educate yourself on the subject.
I never brought up 'Medical Use' or 'Marijuana'. But now that YOU did, I believe it has been proven there IS a medical use for marijuana. You could probably google it if you wanted to educate yourself on the subject.

Nope. Not proven. You have been duped
Nope. Not proven. You have been duped

Doesn't matter to me.
Do you think the drug 'alcohol' is medicinal?
Do you think the drug 'nicotine' is medicinal?
Do you think the drug 'caffeine' is medicinal?

Are you getting the drift here?

Cultural tip: In the West, wine and beer have been around since Biblical days. In the East, marijuana (ganja) has been around just as long.
No one gets addicted to shrooms. Shrooms is different, it's something you should experience, but it's probably not something you'll ever want to dry many times.
You must be super bitter ila, opposing every advance society made over your entire life and watching the world only get better from all of your values being quashed one by one.
What if they don't turn purple? Does that mean it's the wrong type of mushroom?

When I went to LSU I had several friends go out to the cow pastures near the Mississippi River levee after a rain. They really seemed to enjoy it.

Just ask your friends how to identify. I don't trust to do it myself but my brother in law does. I've watched him do it, it is indeed almost always around cow dung, but there are others he doesn't pick.
Just ask your friends how to identify. I don't trust to do it myself but my brother in law does. I've watched him do it, it is indeed almost always around cow dung, but there are others he doesn't pick.
What's the good stuff taste like? So, so OK, like a dandelion leaf sort of? I'd think the toxic mushrooms taste... toxic.
What's the good stuff taste like? So, so OK, like a dandelion leaf sort of? I'd think the toxic mushrooms taste... toxic.

They taste kind of like dirt.

The best way to eat them is after drying them out in a hot oven.

It also kills the little crawly things wriggling around up in between the gills.

Another good thing to do is boil them down into a tea, then mix it with Kool Aid or some other sweet/tart flavoring to cover the earthy taste.

You can also crumble them dried up into a joint with some buds or mix them with buds in a pipe and smoke them.

Great buzz, though.
They taste kind of like dirt.

The best way to eat them is after drying them out in a hot oven.

It also kills the little crawly things wriggling around up in between the gills.

Another good thing to do is boil them down into a tea, then mix it with Kool Aid or some other sweet/tart flavoring to cover the earthy taste.

You can also crumble them dried up into a joint with some buds or mix them with buds in a pipe and smoke them.

Great buzz, though.

Something I gotta do before I leave this earth!
Something I gotta do before I leave this earth!

Like most of these other kinds of drugs, you should do it with some good friends around and of course, when you have absolutely nothing else to do.

Once when I was a teenager, we did some on the way to the beach to go surfing.

Ended up driving around Cocoa Beach, up and down A-1A raising hell and laughing our asses off all day.

I was surprised that I could drive just fine, but I did do some kind of reckless shit that could have turned out badly.

Had fun, though.
Like most of these other kinds of drugs, you should do it with some good friends around and of course, when you have absolutely nothing else to do.

Once when I was a teenager, we did some on the way to the beach to go surfing.

Ended up driving around Cocoa Beach, up and down A-1A raising hell and laughing our asses off all day.

I was surprised that I could drive just fine, but I did do some kind of reckless shit that could have turned out badly.

Had fun, though.

My experience with it was similar. With friends and COULD NOT stop laughing. Very pleasant.
My experience with it was similar. With friends and COULD NOT stop laughing. Very pleasant.

We took them before school a couple of times.

Did some mescaline before school a couple of times, too.

Back in the 70's, it was easier to get away with being high in school.

We used to smoke weed on campus during school hours.

I'm surprised I was able to do as well and learn as much as I did.

And that I never got busted too, for that matter.

We all got away with a hell of a lot of shit in those days.
We took them before school a couple of times.

Did some mescaline before school a couple of times, too.

Back in the 70's, it was easier to get away with being high in school.

We used to smoke weed on campus during school hours.

I'm surprised I was able to do as well and learn as much as I did.

And that I never got busted too, for that matter.

We all got away with a hell of a lot of shit in those days.

Never did mescaline. I really never did much in HS. Waited until college to get into the weed. But it was nothing like the shit today.