Punishing Bidenflation Has 1 in 6 Retirees Considering Unretiring

Or, if I were in that position, I would work completely of a 1099 as a subcontractor, make as much as I could or wanted, and not have to worry about SS being reduced. Social Security only gets reduced if you are working at a job that uses a W-2 and you are an employee.

I know, because I still do quite a bit of work as an electrician and get 1099's from the GC's that hire me. That is, I am not an employee, not paying social security (FICA) on my earnings as a self-employed person. Income from things like investments, being a land lord, etc., also don't count. It's only if you take a job, like greeter at Walmart, that you get hit if you make too much money. Your age doesn't matter. What matters is if you are working on a W-2 and having FICA taken out or not.
Just read this again.

I laughed even harder than I did the first time.
My question is this:

Does Trump actually believe that tariffs tax the seller and not the buyer?
He allegedly went to Wharton. If he believes that, he never went to ninth grade.
LOL. That link wasn't even worth clicking. The T.R.P link that was cited here addresses the issue of returning to work, and then goes into an in depth (albeit lacking) discussion of retirement strategies with respect to SS.

If you were collecting wages over the allowed amount while getting your spouse's SS benefits, did the $1 for $2 holdback apply until you reached full retirement? Or was there no limit? Or were you relying solely on investment income at the time?

That worked out well for you, as you didn't suffer a reduction in monthly benefits as you didn't collect on your account.

Yes it still applied, but I didn’t start collecting until I was 64. I was a VP and the company hired me and gave me a massive relo package to take the job. I told them up front I was in only until my 64th birthday. I was 60 at the time. So I was only on my wife’s for about three years. I got full retirement last October and switched over. My full retirement was 66 years and 4 months. Mine is about twice what hers was but my break even is early 80s.

It was HARD to go from a lifetime of building a retirement to actually spending it. And it was really hard to switch to not working. I had to get a new routine. I’m over that hump now. I make way more than I did working so that SS check isn’t needed but Medicare comes out of it and I have to pay way more than most so that just makes it easier.
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Just read this again.

I laughed even harder than I did the first time.

Yep. And he says he’s been getting 1099s for years and never declaring them as income subject to the 15 percent tax. Plus if he didn’t declare it then he owes income tax on it as well at his top rate. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn’t know this because he is galactic ally stupid but I’m guessing he ain’t writing a check now that he’s aware. Which will make him a felon.
Yep. And he says he’s been getting 1099s for years and never declaring them as income subject to the 15 percent tax. Plus if he didn’t declare it then he owes income tax on it as well at his top rate. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he didn’t know this because he is galactic ally stupid but I’m guessing he ain’t writing a check now that he’s aware. Which will make him a felon.
I found it amazing that he believes if you don't have FICA deducted from wages/income, then income magically doesn't exist.
There is no such thing as the Biden Inflation, and there is no recession.

What the entire world experienced was the historic WORLD-WIDE POST COVID RECOVERY INFLATIONARY PERIOD.

And, this historic recovery was eclipsed with another historic event that compounded the World's recovery process- Russia's Scorched Earth Invasion of the Ukraine- that led the entire world into an instant Energy crisis at the same time.

And that WORLD-WIDE Energy Crisis was even further compounded by Saudi Arabia's decision to majorly cut back drilling and exporting Crude Oil in October 2022, and now even again with the Saudi's announcement that they and other OPEC nations to cutback even more just last week. Cutbacks of another 500,000 barrels a day of Crude Oil in just Saudi Arabia alone and the cutbacks to remain in place through the end of the year. While Russia working in alignment with the OPEC countries also announcing cutting back 500,000 barrels of crude oil a day until the end of the year also in an effort to raise their own prices to their Asian Markets.

So, all of these factors are slowing down the world's ability to fully recover from the inflation caused by the Covid Pandemic that officially ended just this last month!

So before all of you Biden haters start blaming Biden for the inflation, ALWAYS CHECK WITH ME FIRST BEFORE SHOOTING OFF YOUR MOUTHS, so that I can cut through all the BULLSHIT and explain what the real reasons are for the INFLATION. Because I can save you guys a lot of embarrassment for falsly blaming Biden for everything under the sun for TOTALLY POLITICALLY MOTIVATED REASONS!


In the Democrats narrow view. Tell that to the poor that can't afford gas or groceries
In the Democrats narrow view. Tell that to the poor that can't afford gas or groceries

I got to get my ass back on EBAY and start selling my collection of records again. As, this inflation is starting to hit home.

The good news, is every one of my guitars and amplifiers has just about doubled in price over the last couple of years.

Even my used cars are worth more today than a couple of years ago.

But, I don't need all of this stuff. May be the time to sell!

We just have to find ways my friend.

I have a feeling we may be stuck with these prices forever now.

Or, I have assumed already that we are anyhow.

Think about it- I do not believe they are ever going back now- I don't care who is the president is.

I've never blamed any president for inflation. I just don't believe they have much to do with it. Never did!
I got to get my ass back on EBAY and start selling my collection of records again. As, this inflation is starting to hit home.

The good news, is every one of my guitars and amplifiers has just about doubled in price over the last couple of years.

Even my used cars are worth more today than a couple of years ago.

But, I don't need all of this stuff. May be the time to sell!

We just have to find ways my friend.

I have a feeling we may be stuck with these prices forever now.

Or, I have assumed already that we are anyhow.

Think about it- I do not believe they are ever going back now- I don't care who is the president is.

I've never blamed any president for inflation. I just don't believe they have much to do with it. Never did!

The best way is to get rid of hateful spend spend spend Democrats