Put a fork in Ron and Rand

Ask him what happened after the smoke cleared when Raygun's 'tsunami' was over.

Hint....the banks collapsed.

Ask him the difference between the tax cuts he proposes in order to create a tsunami, and the 40% of the stimulus that was TAX CUTS.

Well Regan's tsunami lasted for nearly 30 years, until enough mindless nincompoops managed to dismantle many of his policies and reverse course. The banks collapsed after Democrats Barney Frank and Chris Dodd decided it would be a splendid idea to finance houses for people who couldn't afford them. Reagan was dead in the ground, half eaten by worms, when this happened... it's not HIS fault!

The stimulus did not cut taxes on the top marginal rates. That is what was being discussed.

In 1980, it was 70% --Reagan reduced it to 28% and wanted to go to 25%.
In 1993, Clinton raised it to 39.6%
In 2005, Bush II lowered it to 35%
In 2010, Obama extended that rate.

The last time the top marginal rate was significantly reduced, was under President Reagan.

It created the longest period of peacetime prosperity in American history, and created MILLIONS of jobs.
Most of you fuckwits who want to tell us about Ronald Reagan, were still shitting yellow in your diaper when Reagan was president. Your analysis and opinion is about as irrelevant as can be.

I'm not watching your goddamn propaganda link... sorry, you'll have to earn your commission points off some other dupe. I'm not clicking through!

If you have a point to make, then make it, I am capable of looking it up on my own and verifying it, I don't need you to post me links.

Blah, blah, blah.....Of course you won't watch/read/click. Your posts make it abundantly clear how misinformed you are, rube. The rest of your vitriol just highlights what an insecure asshole you are about it. :D
Blah, blah, blah.....Of course you won't watch/read/click. Your posts make it abundantly clear how misinformed you are, rube. The rest of your vitriol just highlights what an insecure asshole you are about it. :D

I'm totally not the least bit insecure about anything, when it comes to you.

I'm not 'misinformed' because I refuse to support left wing propaganda outlets with my patronage.
Well Regan's tsunami lasted for nearly 30 years, until enough mindless nincompoops managed to dismantle many of his policies and reverse course. The banks collapsed after Democrats Barney Frank and Chris Dodd decided it would be a splendid idea to finance houses for people who couldn't afford them. Reagan was dead in the ground, half eaten by worms, when this happened... it's not HIS fault!

The stimulus did not cut taxes on the top marginal rates. That is what was being discussed.

In 1980, it was 70% --Reagan reduced it to 28% and wanted to go to 25%.
In 1993, Clinton raised it to 39.6%
In 2005, Bush II lowered it to 35%
In 2010, Obama extended that rate.

The last time the top marginal rate was significantly reduced, was under President Reagan.

It created the longest period of peacetime prosperity in American history, and created MILLIONS of jobs.
As I suspected....you're too young to have this discussion. You never lived through the S&L crisis that Raygun's 'tsunami' caused.

And, Raygun lowered top marginal rates from 70%, to 50%.

He lowered them to 38.5% in '87, and to 28% on his way out the door in '88.

Your posts illustrate how grossly misinformed you are. Try researching for a change, instead of relying on talking points.
As I suspected....you're too young to have this discussion. You never lived through the S&L crisis that Raygun's 'tsunami' caused.

And, Raygun lowered top marginal rates from 70%, to 50%.

He lowered them to 38.5% in '87, and to 28% on his way out the door in '88.

Your posts illustrate how grossly misinformed you are. Try researching for a change, instead of relying on talking points.

Talking points are all the 'living legend' has. The rube's blowhard bravado is particularly funny when he's citing the wrong tax rates while calling others 'nincompoops'.
As I suspected....you're too young to have this discussion. You never lived through the S&L crisis that Raygun's 'tsunami' caused.

And, Raygun lowered top marginal rates from 70%, to 50%.

He lowered them to 38.5% in '87, and to 28% on his way out the door in '88.

Your posts illustrate how grossly misinformed you are. Try researching for a change, instead of relying on talking points.

Nothing I said was incorrect. Reagan lowered the rate to 28%, that was what I said, that is what he did. You want to argue that because he first lowered them to 50%, then to 38.5, then to 28%... that what? He DIDN'T lower them to 28%? Are you smoking crack regularly now? The last time the top marginal rates were lowered significantly was under Reagan. You can't refute that because it is a fact, so you have to play some silly little semantics game.

And I am 52 years old. How old are you?
You never lived through the S&L crisis that Raygun's 'tsunami' caused.

No, I didn't, apparently. I recall the S&L crisis that Democrats caused by heaping regulatory burdens on the S&Ls, which Reagan lifted after inheriting the problem from Carter. The S&Ls were already in deep shit by the time Reagan came along. At first, the deregulation worked, it actually saved the S&Ls, and they were showing signs of life... but then the subsequent Democrat congresses in the late 80s, decided it needed to back S&L depositors, and this released S&Ls from any fiscal responsibility. Conservatives like Reagan were opposed, but we couldn't stop a majority Democrat congress from doing this. The result, the deregulated and non-responsible S&Ls made as much as they could then folded, leaving the government to pick up the pieces. Ronald Reagan tried to tell them, the Conservatives tried to tell them, but the Democrats didn't listen, they went ahead and did what they did, and when it all went to shit...they did as they always have, they blamed it on Republicans. Which, you are still doing to this day.
Nothing I said was incorrect. Reagan lowered the rate to 28%, that was what I said, that is what he did. You want to argue that because he first lowered them to 50%, then to 38.5, then to 28%... that what? He DIDN'T lower them to 28%? Are you smoking crack regularly now? The last time the top marginal rates were lowered significantly was under Reagan. You can't refute that because it is a fact, so you have to play some silly little semantics game.

And I am 52 years old. How old are you?
Older than you. Maybe you were in a coma in the late 80's/early 90's.

Now you're backpedaling, because you have to cover your tracks. For the bulk of Raygun's terms, top marginal rates were 50%. If you're attributing his 'tsunami' to his tax rates, then we ought to raise them back to 50%.

No, I didn't, apparently. I recall the S&L crisis that Democrats caused by heaping regulatory burdens on the S&Ls, which Reagan lifted after inheriting the problem from Carter. The S&Ls were already in deep shit by the time Reagan came along. At first, the deregulation worked, it actually saved the S&Ls, and they were showing signs of life... but then the subsequent Democrat congresses in the late 80s, decided it needed to back S&L depositors, and this released S&Ls from any fiscal responsibility. Conservatives like Reagan were opposed, but we couldn't stop a majority Democrat congress from doing this. The result, the deregulated and non-responsible S&Ls made as much as they could then folded, leaving the government to pick up the pieces. Ronald Reagan tried to tell them, the Conservatives tried to tell them, but the Democrats didn't listen, they went ahead and did what they did, and when it all went to shit...they did as they always have, they blamed it on Republicans. Which, you are still doing to this day.
Just when I think you've reached the bottom, you come up with this mess.

Go back to Wiki, and read it again. You have everything backwards.

Tell me again who deregulated the banks in '80?
Older than you. Maybe you were in a coma in the late 80's/early 90's.

Now you're backpedaling, because you have to cover your tracks. For the bulk of Raygun's terms, top marginal rates were 50%. If you're attributing his 'tsunami' to his tax rates, then we ought to raise them back to 50%.

No, there is no backpedaling, I stated that the top marginal rate was 70% and Reagan lowered it to 28%... do you dispute that fact? When he took office, the rate was 70% (that statement can be true or false)... When he left office, the rate was 28% (that statement can be true or false.) In both cases, the statements are true, not false. So how am I backpedaling?

Just when I think you've reached the bottom, you come up with this mess.

Go back to Wiki, and read it again. You have everything backwards.

Tell me again who deregulated the banks in '80?

Well no one deregulated the banks, we're talking about Savings and Loans, not banks. In 1979, the S&Ls were struggling because of federal regulations which did not apply to banks, only to S&Ls. Interest rates were regulated, and couldn't be adjusted for the markets, so the S&Ls lost their asses when the markets tanked under Carter. Reagan deregulated the S&Ls so they would be operating under the same criteria as banks, and the S&Ls rebounded. The problem is, the S&Ls weren't under the same reporting and financial guidelines as the banks, which opened the door for widespread abuse and corruption, leading to the second S&L crisis in the late 80s. Also, very similar to what we just saw with Freddy and Fannie, the government was issuing mandates for the S&Ls to make low-interest loans to certain people, who couldn't afford to repay the loans. This was eventually rectified through a series of regulations which brought the S&Ls into compliance with the same standards as banks. We no longer have an S&L crisis, and they can be found in every major city, doing just fine and dandy.

But the problem with S&Ls wasn't Reagan's fault. The problem existed LONG before Reagan. What you need to do, is educate yourself with something other than liberal propaganda, it's rotting your brain out!
For the bulk of Raygun's terms, top marginal rates were 50%. If you're attributing his 'tsunami' to his tax rates, then we ought to raise them back to 50%.

For the record, I never said the Reagan tsunami was attributed to his tax rates. I said top marginal rates have not been significantly lowered since Reagan, and it created 30 years of peacetime prosperity and created millions of jobs. Now we can look at when the top marginal rates have been lowered, and we can see that my statement is true, the last time they were significantly lowered was under Reagan. We can also see, it created jobs and 30 years of economic prosperity. What we don't see, is any evidence I have lied or misled, which is more than I can say for you.
No, there is no backpedaling, I stated that the top marginal rate was 70% and Reagan lowered it to 28%... do you dispute that fact? When he took office, the rate was 70% (that statement can be true or false)... When he left office, the rate was 28% (that statement can be true or false.) In both cases, the statements are true, not false. So how am I backpedaling?
You gave us your ideas about what would cause an economic tsunami. You then went on to tell us how Raygun achieved it with his lowered tax rates. By the time he left office, banks were fucked. Likewise, he ballooned the deficit to new heights, which gave the impression that the economy had grown, but the reality hit when Dubyah senior was in office.

You were wrong when you claimed that Raygun deregulated the S&Ls after Carter regulated them. Carter initiated the deregulation, which caused them to make uber risky real estate loans.

The crash finally came, when Raygun changed the tax structure to negate writeoffs against real estate losses. This effectively killed the fake R.E boom, and the results were devastation of the industry, with the S&Ls to follow soon after.

The supposed Raygun tsunami you reference, happened w/marginal tax rates of 50%. Sorry if that isn't convenient for your argument.

Nobody pays marginal rates when you're in the upper 5% anyway, so your point is moot.

Well no one deregulated the banks, we're talking about Savings and Loans, not banks. In 1979, the S&Ls were struggling because of federal regulations which did not apply to banks, only to S&Ls. Interest rates were regulated, and couldn't be adjusted for the markets, so the S&Ls lost their asses when the markets tanked under Carter. Reagan deregulated the S&Ls so they would be operating under the same criteria as banks, and the S&Ls rebounded. The problem is, the S&Ls weren't under the same reporting and financial guidelines as the banks, which opened the door for widespread abuse and corruption, leading to the second S&L crisis in the late 80s. Also, very similar to what we just saw with Freddy and Fannie, the government was issuing mandates for the S&Ls to make low-interest loans to certain people, who couldn't afford to repay the loans. This was eventually rectified through a series of regulations which brought the S&Ls into compliance with the same standards as banks. We no longer have an S&L crisis, and they can be found in every major city, doing just fine and dandy.

But the problem with S&Ls wasn't Reagan's fault. The problem existed LONG before Reagan. What you need to do, is educate yourself with something other than liberal propaganda, it's rotting your brain out!

There's an old saying....you're entitled to your own opinion....you aren't entitled to your own facts.

How could you post the paragraph above, and totally ignore the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (DIDMCA) of 1980?

Further, your c/p above is proof that Carter's initiation, and Raygun's doubling down on dereg, caused the banks to fail.

What happed to that 30 year 'golden era' that Raygun brought us?
What you need to do, is educate yourself with something other than liberal propaganda, it's rotting your brain out!

^^ More blowhard bravado from the 'living legend'. Obviously some fools never learn, no matter how many times they get their asses handed to them... :D
I hear ya, that's why I find it astonishing. You cleaned his clock. The guy's a glutton for punishment. :rofl2:
At least I forced him to read Wiki.

Now he's got the Cliff Notes version of the '80s, although he refuses to admit that he was grossly misinformed previously.