Put away your differences for a moment.

Put away your differences for a moment. What are you doing right now to occupy your time. Self isolating? What are you doing to occupy your day? Share something enjoyable and no trolling.

I'm self isolating at the family farm. There is a pond about 100 feet from the front door. I caught a 6 lb bass today. Its nice to just sit quietly and listen to the birds. There is a woodpecker working in the trees near the house.

My 2.5 year old grandson is having a VIRTUAL play day with his 3 year old cousin. They are each sitting in front of a computer on skype with their dinosaurs playing with them and shouting in imaginary voices. Pretty cute.

Spending waaaay too much fucking time on this forum. ;)

I've been doing Spring Cleaning and have a few welding projects to finish. #1 is converting a boat trailer into a kayak carrier/camping trailer.

It'll look something like this:
View attachment 14757
Put away your differences for a moment. What are you doing right now to occupy your time. Self isolating? What are you doing to occupy your day? Share something enjoyable and no trolling.

I'm self isolating at the family farm. There is a pond about 100 feet from the front door. I caught a 6 lb bass today. Its nice to just sit quietly and listen to the birds. There is a woodpecker working in the trees near the house.

My 2.5 year old grandson is having a VIRTUAL play day with his 3 year old cousin. They are each sitting in front of a computer on skype with their dinosaurs playing with them and shouting in imaginary voices. Pretty cute.

Spending waaaay too much fucking time on this forum. ;)

I've been doing Spring Cleaning and have a few welding projects to finish. #1 is converting a boat trailer into a kayak carrier/camping trailer.

It'll look something like this:
View attachment 14757

With the weather warming up, I'd also like to take my kayak out for come fishing.
Put away your differences for a moment. What are you doing right now to occupy your time. Self isolating? What are you doing to occupy your day? Share something enjoyable and no trolling.

I'm self isolating at the family farm. There is a pond about 100 feet from the front door. I caught a 6 lb bass today. Its nice to just sit quietly and listen to the birds. There is a woodpecker working in the trees near the house.

My 2.5 year old grandson is having a VIRTUAL play day with his 3 year old cousin. They are each sitting in front of a computer on skype with their dinosaurs playing with them and shouting in imaginary voices. Pretty cute.

- i've quit weed at the worst time
- i've started playing civ vi and I keep losing so i end up just nuking everyone at the end
- shitposting on the internet as usual
- I make a fire burrito bowl
- i've been exhausted for some reason, supremely tired for the last two weeks (again - probably weed withdrawl related)
- meditation 40 minutes a day
- i dont mind the isolation at all. I was built for this.
I haven’t changed one thing. Won’t either

Well there are a few ppl here counting/hoping on that..

You take care of yourself & your Family Don, if you don't who will??


Great thread, thanks ExpressLane..

I've been mostly hanging out, kick around a few weeds in the back yard & my daughter & grandkids are coming over in a few & we are going to celebrate my grandsons B-day, just us...

Turned out to be a nice day, mostly sunny & hittin 80 by mid week. :)
Drinking and watching a movie. And of course browsing JPP. And there's distant lightnings and yet they're so bright they seem to be close. Talking to my old friend in Fla.

Don't let your alcohol level get to high, you don't want one of the Mods pulling you over for posting under the influence.....:laugh::laugh:
So it's true? Desh is dead?

???? WTF?? You didn't know her & Yurt hooked up...... She is staying a few weeks @ Yurts Mom's place till the virus blows over.....

He has been hitting on her for a year, she finally got tired of dissing him I guess....:whome:
Awesome.. Kayaks are kinda light, you have several you'll be dragging out??

I'll build the carrier to hold and store two. I have three, an old fishing kayak I'll sell, a two-man and my "new" fishing kayak, an Ocean Kayak Prowler 13.

I'll build the carrier to hold and store two. I have three, an old fishing kayak I'll sell, a two-man and my "new" fishing kayak, an Ocean Kayak Prowler 13.

Great....:) I have been thinking of doing that & getting rid of my old van....... I only keep it to lug them around & transport ppl when we go rafting but I get more & more nervous about it each year.....
Great....:) I have been thinking of doing that & getting rid of my old van....... I only keep it to lug them around & transport ppl when we go rafting but I get more & more nervous about it each year.....

Getting a trailer? They're great. I'll mount a lockable truck tool box in the front to hold paddles, vests, etc. I'll construct it so I can leave the kayaks be stored on it long-term without oil-canning the hulls. A tarp will keep the sun off them. A small trailer is movable by hand, you just need a place to tuck it.
Getting a trailer? They're great. I'll mount a lockable truck tool box in the front to hold paddles, vests, etc. I'll construct it so I can leave the kayaks be stored on it long-term without oil-canning the hulls. A tarp will keep the sun off them. A small trailer is movable by hand, you just need a place to tuck it.

I should be able to fit in my 3 car garage, when the van is gone..