Q: Will Barack Obama be a one-term president?

Your predicted "appeal to ridicule" proves my assertion. That is all you libtards have.

"When the shoe fits", as they say. She's a terrible candidate - already proved it once.

As a proponent of a strong 2-party system, I actually hope they can find a better nominee than her...
"When the shoe fits", as they say. She's a terrible candidate - already proved it once.

As a proponent of a strong 2-party system, I actually hope they can find a better nominee than her...

Pulling a veep with little national experience and a short term governor of a small state was a bad idea, and that decision was made by the bad candidate. That's what they get when the GOP allows its opposition to choose its candidate. Hopefully they won't be that retarded this time.

But now, Palin has national experience and intense media training. She won't be the candidate she was in 2008.
Pulling a veep with little national experience and a short term governor of a small state was a bad idea, and that was done by the bad candidate. That's what they get when the GOP allows its opposition to choose its candidate. Hopefully they won;t be that retarded this time.

But now, Palin has national experience and intense media training. She won't be the candidate she was in 2008.

a small state? what Alaska are you referring to?
What has she done for you to come to that conclusion?
US relationships with many nations have improved since she has taken office. She has brokered treaties and trade issues. I am sorry you aren't aware of her achievements, but the very fact that Rush and Michele Mankin aren't talking about her should tell you something.
If jobs aren't created, then like Bush 41, he will be a one timer, but it definitely will depend on who the GOP has to run against him. because even some of the them would vote Obama over Palin.

I bet Obama isn't on the ballot.
Obama is a hell of a politican....one of the best....its his ability to lead a country that is so fuckin' awful, foreign policy sucks, economy sucks, overall a useless piece of shit....a presidential disaster but a fine community organizer....
Unhuh....and how many times did you vote for W?
US relationships with many nations have improved since she has taken office. She has brokered treaties and trade issues. I am sorry you aren't aware of her achievements, but the very fact that Rush and Michele Mankin aren't talking about her should tell you something.
Any specific examples?
me thinks you're not paying enough attention to the news lately. the GOP is on the bad end of a hostile takeover right now, and they are losing more everyday. All the democrats have to do is keep on keeping on, and they are going to lose to the 'extremists' in the TEA party.

What do TEA people have to offer in areas other than taxation?
can you be a little more specide, why would you do it, how would you do it, who would you do it to and what would be the positive impact from doing so? What would be the negative impact from doing so?

Well, I'd do it because I feel I have a right to my life. Simply because I'm alive makes this belief self evident. If this is true then I must have a right to sustain my life. If I have a right to sustain my life, I must have a right to the legal right to things (property) that I can use to accomplish this goal. Lets say a fishing pole, and maybe something like a car that can get me to the lake, and back quicker than just a pair of shoes.

When gov't comes up with legislation that restricts me from sustaining my life, they have to come up with a beaurocrat. Making life harder to sustain has it's limits, and this would be one reason why I would do it.

How would I do it? I would take back the right to my property. Which seems to starve the beaurocrat.

Who would you do it to and what would be the positive impact from doing so? How about beaurocrat. My life being easier to sustain would be the positive impact from doing so.

What would be the negative impact from doing so? I'm not sure. Maybe we should ask the beaurocrat this question.:dunno: