Qanon / Conspiracy

Some good insights.

I might be in the boomer age range too, so it gives me no pleasure to make my generation look like dunces!

I cannot find the article I read right now, but a quick google search turned up some articles which posed the hilarious question: "Did your crazy Uncle fall for Qanon?"

Another great subject for someone's doctoral thesis.

We're in an age of transition and transitions are never easy. It's like the transition between being a child to being a teenager to being a full-fledged adult. It's painful growth but necessary as a part of maturation.

As mentioned before, despite all the shit I enjoy giving them, Millennials are very likely to become the 21st Century's Greatest Generation because of all the shit they've experienced growing up.

From the controversy of the 2000 election to 9/11 to the controversy of the 2020 election and all the shit in between, it's been quite an experience for them.

I think most of them will be good people like "Disaster Girl", Zoe Roth now about 20 years old. She's a beautiful young woman with a great attitude.

Hillary is hardly a cult leader. Sorry.

Disagreed. Just because Trump was better at the cult thing and dumber on the Washington politics things doesn't detract from Hillary's little cult of personality.

Two facts are noteworthy: Her cult died within two years of her 2016 loss. She still has her fans and defenders.
The “MAGA fans” and “Bernie bros” manifest the same patterns of behavior that Atran finds among those committed to sacred values. For one, they elevate their favored leader, both mentally and by voting and making financial contributions to their campaigns. They also denigrate opposing candidates (not to mention the supporters of those candidates). Secondly, their activity becomes more intense when their candidate’s success was threatened—witness the reaction of Sanders supporters to moves the Democratic party made in Hillary Clinton’s favor. Finally, both sets of supporters display a proclivity for ignoring negative stories, and eventually in Trump’s case, his failures to make good on promises to build a convincing wall or deliver quality healthcare. On a small and interpersonal level, this is the treatment that cult leaders strive for: no questions, no doubts, only unending commitment and respect. Politically, of course, large numbers of energetic and decidedly uncritical followers make life easier.

Another great subject for someone's doctoral thesis.

We're in an age of transition and transitions are never easy. It's like the transition between being a child to being a teenager to being a full-fledged adult. It's painful growth but necessary as a part of maturation.

As mentioned before, despite all the shit I enjoy giving them, Millennials are very likely to become the 21st Century's Greatest Generation because of all the shit they've experienced growing up.

From the controversy of the 2000 election to 9/11 to the controversy of the 2020 election and all the shit in between, it's been quite an experience for them.

I think most of them will be good people like "Disaster Girl", Zoe Roth now about 20 years old. She's a beautiful young woman with a great attitude.

I remember my parent's generation claiming we were going to screw things up, so I never put stock in the claim that millennials are hopelessly unmotivated and out of their league.
I remember my parent's generation claiming we were going to screw things up, so I never put stock in the claim that millennials are hopelessly unmotivated and out of their league.

Parents are more conservative, their children are more idealistic. Somewhere in between is the truth. :)
'Reason and rationality have never been more important than they are today.' From OP below

Qanon took a big hit, Trump lost. But consider too their many misses. So why do people still believe. I'll offer some thoughts on topic, included will be many sources for your analysis. Life often doesn't make easy sense, it seems too random, too confusing, too complex, so then why not invent a hidden conspiracy of planners and doers hidden but in control. You can name them too, they fill history. Spirits, ghosts, demons, witches, fill in your favorite foe and instigator. But but we know they are behind it all. It seems so simple, reveal them, but then what do you do? Lots of bad history here. And lots of evil which is often the bad part of conspiracy thought. Make sure you check out the 'Bad Thinkers' piece.

Bloomberg and others investigated Qanon founder, see YouTube below. I've included several detailed discussions for those who want to investigate the whys and hows of conspiracy thinking. A deep dive into topic.

'EXCLUSIVE: Failed Screenwriter from New Jersey Behind One of QAnon’s Most Influential Personas'

'What Comes Next For QAnon Followers'

'The QAnon Timeline: Four Years, 5,000 Drops and Countless Failed Prophecies'

'How to Extract Adrenochrome from Children'

'How the QAnon Conspiracy Seduces Normal People'

'Bad thinkers'

'Learning By Thinking, A Conversation With Tania Lombrozo '

Bloomberg Qanon Investigation

'The gullible rarely believe they are gullible and the closed-minded don’t believe they are closed-minded.'

it would be nice to think someone in deep state cares about the people.
if Facts and Truth along with limiting the spread of Lies does not work then what is left????????

Hold on Folks, we are in for a bumpy ride.

According to opinion polls, as many as one in three Americans believe that the 2020 election was fraudulent. They believe this because Trump and his helpers have been repeating for months that there was "widespread fraud" - with no evidence, of course.

Trump's motive is clear enough: self-serving as always, he wants to maintain credibility with his followers as the one who can never lose, and he doesn't give a damn what harm it does to the country. He may even have come to believe it himself.

In a society as free and open as America, it's difficult to see what can be done to stop people who are determined to spread lies, especially if they have a receptive audience. That's why I say that an independent commission should be set up to examine these claims and clear them up once and for all.
Another great subject for someone's doctoral thesis.

We're in an age of transition and transitions are never easy. It's like the transition between being a child to being a teenager to being a full-fledged adult. It's painful growth but necessary as a part of maturation.

As mentioned before, despite all the shit I enjoy giving them, Millennials are very likely to become the 21st Century's Greatest Generation because of all the shit they've experienced growing up.

From the controversy of the 2000 election to 9/11 to the controversy of the 2020 election and all the shit in between, it's been quite an experience for them.

I think most of them will be good people like "Disaster Girl", Zoe Roth now about 20 years old. She's a beautiful young woman with a great attitude.

Her brother should also have been a meme.
According to opinion polls, as many as one in three Americans believe that the 2020 election was fraudulent. They believe this because Trump and his helpers have been repeating for months that there was "widespread fraud" - with no evidence, of course.

Trump's motive is clear enough: self-serving as always, he wants to maintain credibility with his followers as the one who can never lose, and he doesn't give a damn what harm it does to the country. He may even have come to believe it himself.

In a society as free and open as America, it's difficult to see what can be done to stop people who are determined to spread lies, especially if they have a receptive audience. That's why I say that an independent commission should be set up to examine these claims and clear them up once and for all.

First off, Well Said. Secondly, I like the idea of a commission but I am dubious that they will be able to suggest a viable method to actually deal with it. My thinking is since we are all so tied to the Web and Televisión that a message needs to be pushed to counter the message from the extremists, it might save some.
Hello Tranquillus in Exile,

According to opinion polls, as many as one in three Americans believe that the 2020 election was fraudulent. They believe this because Trump and his helpers have been repeating for months that there was "widespread fraud" - with no evidence, of course.

Trump's motive is clear enough: self-serving as always, he wants to maintain credibility with his followers as the one who can never lose, and he doesn't give a damn what harm it does to the country. He may even have come to believe it himself.

In a society as free and open as America, it's difficult to see what can be done to stop people who are determined to spread lies, especially if they have a receptive audience. That's why I say that an independent commission should be set up to examine these claims and clear them up once and for all.

We wish it could be so easy. A commission could be set up, but it won't settle things once and for all. If it is set up by Democrats, Qheads will simply dismiss it as part of the 'deep state.' If the commission includes Republicans then it will ensure the Qanonsense issue is not resolved.
Hello midcan5,

Wow. This is a very interesting story:

'EXCLUSIVE: Failed Screenwriter from New Jersey Behind One of QAnon’s Most Influential Personas'

So this guy tried writing fiction where fiction is normally marketed, ran into dead ends, and then proceeded to write fiction for a completely new market, and made it pay big time, earning over $150,000 spreading lies for profit.

No wonder this whole Qanonsense has spread so far and wide. Spreading it is a huge profit generator!
I was glad to see comment on topic.

I read an article which claimed it is overwhelmingly baby boomers who are being duped by Q.

The explanation is that boomers are not tech or internet savvy, and are not as capable of detecting internet spoofs, misinformation, trolling.

As a baby boomer who knows lots of other BB, I disagree - somewhat. Consider too if BB are not techies why would they buy into a conspiracy that is primarily tech promoted? This YouTube amazed me.

I was glad to see comment on topic.

As a baby boomer who knows lots of other BB, I disagree - somewhat. Consider too if BB are not techies why would they buy into a conspiracy that is primarily tech promoted? This YouTube amazed me.

Considering the youngest baby boomer is mid-50s this year, I agree that not all of the Qless are boomers; lots of Gen Xers in there too with several Gen Ys.

The Boomers are retirement age so a felony conviction isn't as big a deal for them. It's a life-changing event for mid-life, middle manager Gen Xers and Yers to suddenly become unemployed for their criminal actions.
Conspiracies provide a means to belong, knowledge, to be a part of something in our complex world. But for many people they make little sense for soon they are forced to change as predictions fail. This constant change should tell the person something, but instead it often deepens the belief.

"There is an urgent need to-day for the citizens of a democracy to think well. It is not enough to have freedom of the Press and parliamentary institutions. Our difficulties are due partly to our own stupidity, partly to the exploitation of that stupidity, and partly to our own prejudices and personal desires." Susan Stebbing

"It’s a commonplace now that we live in a fragmented age of filter bubbles in which everyone can locate a collection of online resources which will reinforce and support their views."

'Why You Can Never Argue with Conspiracy Theorists'

Hello Tranquillus in Exile,

We wish it could be so easy. A commission could be set up, but it won't settle things once and for all. If it is set up by Democrats, Qheads will simply dismiss it as part of the 'deep state.' If the commission includes Republicans then it will ensure the Qanonsense issue is not resolved.

Well the right will get to prove their case when the civil lawsuits crank up, Powell and Rudy can pull out all their evidence and clear up the matter once and for all, I am sure it will be interesting seeing all their "evidence"....ROTFLMAO!:laugh:

Well the right will get to prove their case when the civil lawsuits crank up, Powell and Rudy can pull out all their evidence and clear up the matter once and for all, I am sure it will be interesting seeing all their "evidence"....ROTFLMAO!:laugh:

I hope they get the Jerry Springer drunk voting machine contractor again. She was GREAT!

She 'just knows' there was Hanky-Panky going on...

I hope they get the Jerry Springer drunk voting machine contractor again. She was GREAT!

She 'just knows' there was Hanky-Panky going on...

Yes, I have to say she truly was a hoot, but then again she is also the gal that sits down next to you at the bar and after 5 minutes of listening to her talk you excuse yourself to go to the rest room and instead get in your car and burn rubber to get as far away from her as possible.
Yes, I have to say she truly was a hoot, but then again she is also the gal that sits down next to you at the bar and after 5 minutes of listening to her talk you excuse yourself to go to the rest room and instead get in your car and burn rubber to get as far away from her as possible.

Crazy chicks with big tits were always my weakness.

For that matter, crazy chicks with small tits too. :)