fully immersed in faith..
if Biden thinks that any coal miner who shovels coal in a fire can learn to program computers, can anyone who thinks coal miners shovel the coal they mine into a fire learn to be a president?
That was dumb, as usual. Hillary told miners she was going to help them get into alternative energy jobs. That did not mean each and every one of them would work out. Same for coal miners now. Lots of them cannot make the change. But then, some may be able. They are not all old decades-long miners. Many are not computer literate. But it is something. A chance.
Amazing how for personal political reasons politicians want to salvage what has to be the worst job in the world rather than trying to find them a way out from the worst job in the world, or as you mentioned, a "chance"
worst job in the world?.......on the news this morning they mentioned the average salary for a coal miner is $165k a year and the average salary for a computer programmer is $85k........Biden wants coal miners to take a 50% pay cut........
worst job in the world?.......on the news this morning they mentioned the average salary for a coal miner is $165k a year and the average salary for a computer programmer is $85k........Biden wants coal miners to take a 50% pay cut........
Coal miners don't make that and they pay with black lung and mine disasters. You are quick to believe what backs your fanciful stances, But it is not true.
He isn't about to go in the mines
lol......demmycrats think coal miners mine coal only to shovel it into wonder they decided to bankrupt the industry.......they did it to save the coal.......
LOOL no Democrats do not think that.
if Biden thinks that any coal miner who shovels coal in a fire can learn to program computers, can anyone who thinks coal miners shovel the coal they mine into a fire learn to be a president?
lol......demmycrats think coal miners mine coal only to shovel it into wonder they decided to bankrupt the industry.......they did it to save the coal.......
because you're a demmycrat.....I think coal miners shovel coal into fires and auto manufacturers deliver cars to junk yards
See "pp" has given up trying to tell us coal mining is a lucrative occupation
Maybe we can bring back key punch operators and teach them how to mine coal
My grandfather was a coalminer. He moved to Detroit to get auto jobs. The assembly line was tough back before the unions, but it was better than mining.
if Biden thinks that any coal miner who shovels coal in a fire can learn to program computers, can anyone who thinks coal miners shovel the coal they mine into a fire learn to be a president?
I know education isn't your strong suit what was being a knuckle dragger and all. coal miners in West Virginia have been retraining as coders for sometime. You should probably get an education before you make an ass of yourself any further.