Question for Biden supporters.....

did he get tired of shoveling coal into fires?......

Yeah that is what he did. Jo is confused with coal stokers on trains. Or perhaps he misspoke. He does that. Nowhere near as much as Trump, but too much for my taste. Gaffes are why I an not for Biden. Lots of gaffes are why you loke Trump.
if Biden thinks that any coal miner who shovels coal in a fire can learn to program computers, can anyone who thinks coal miners shovel the coal they mine into a fire learn to be a president?

There is NO such thing as a Biden supporter. All he has are donors and special interests in bed with each other and the liberal media. Whatever polls show him "trending" are way off the mark.

No rational thinking adult should vote for Biden given what we now know.

Not only that, but Joe Biden and Barack Obama were gay lovers. Obama tended to leave his hand on Biden's shoulder for an inordinate period of time.

“Remember, Anderson? Back 15, 20 years ago, when we talked about this in San Francisco, it was all about, well, gay bathhouses. It was all about round-the-clock sex. Come on, man. Gay couples are more likely to stay together longer than heterosexual couples,” he said.
On a more serious note, Biden also discussed curtailing foreign assistance to countries who discriminate against LGBTQ citizens, the importance of passing the Equality Act in order to reduce hate crimes and protecting transgender people’s right to join the military.
At one point, he referenced a time when he “came out” but rolled with the joke and walked across the stage to put his arm around Cooper, who is gay.
“Well, that would be news,” Cooper joked back. “I kind of figured it out a while ago.”

Full Source:

We do not save obsolete industries simply to maintain jobs, that's very Soviet thinking.

Shoveling coal is a dying industry for quite a few reasons. But if you want votes in coal regions, I guess you make that promise.
We do not save obsolete industries simply to maintain jobs, that's very Soviet thinking.

Shoveling coal is a dying industry for quite a few reasons. But if you want votes in coal regions, I guess you make that promise.
No, funneling money out of the pockets of hard working people and restricting access to job opportunities is Soviet thinking 101.

Im guessing your one of those gems who thinks America now has a services focused economy, and that we will never get our manufacturing base back?

First of all, Trump did get those jobs back for us and our manufacturing base and economy is growing day by day.
So your argument is now null and void anyway.
No, funneling money out of the pockets of hard working people and restricting access to job opportunities is Soviet thinking 101.

Im guessing your one of those gems who thinks America now has a services focused economy, and that we will never get our manufacturing base back?

First of all, Trump did get those jobs back for us and our manufacturing base and economy is growing day by day.
So your argument is now null and void anyway.

Since manufacturers moved to China and 3rd world countries for cheap unprotected labor and no environmental regulation, yes I think manufacturing will not come back. Someday China will get so sick of the pollution that they will regulate. Then the industries will move to another country and continue. When Welch was running GE he said he wished he could put all his manufacturing bases on barges and move wherever he got the best deal. They do not care about America . They care about money.