Question for conservatives: Why has there never been a female US President?

There are women last election who said they would not vote for a woman. Some women do accept subservience. It does take away votes. Hillary did have 3 million more than Daffy though.
Can you imagine if Buttigieg won? Then lots of male presidents. One black and a gay, but no woman.
I don't care if a president is black, gay, same-sex, or any combination, just as long as when s/he says "get on your knees next to Trump, Putin," he is kneeling down before the President is finished speaking.
Because we haven't had a decent female candidate yet. Surely, even feminists would agree that Hillary was not a top tier choice.
There are women last election who said they would not vote for a woman. Some women do accept subservience. It does take away votes. Hillary did have 3 million more than Daffy though.
Can you imagine if Buttigieg won? Then lots of male presidents. One black and a gay, but no woman.

Correction. One that was half black

And appears the democrat party is done with that demographic now. They don’t seem to like the blacks running this time
Conservative women still let men rule them,grab them by the pussy,and do what they are told.

OwlWoman in a Conservative? I rule her on this forum on a daily basis. More than once, I've commanded her to prove her cowardice and she did exactly what she was told.
There are women last election who said they would not vote for a woman. Some women do accept subservience. It does take away votes. Hillary did have 3 million more than Daffy though.
Can you imagine if Buttigieg won? Then lots of male presidents. One black and a gay, but no woman.

There were women in the last election that said they would vote/did vote for Hillary because she's a woman.

227 is not 3 million more than 304.
I don't care if a president is black, gay, same-sex, or any combination, just as long as when s/he says "get on your knees next to Trump, Putin," he is kneeling down before the President is finished speaking.

You're a lefty. Identity politics is ALL you have.

How ironic that someone claiming not to care about race immediately got on his knees and kissed Obama's BLACK ass when he won.
The Incels are going to love this one.

There's an easy answer to the OP question even you lefties should be able to answer. If you knew anything about the Constitution you could answer it.

All you have to do is understand Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution and the concept of how electoral votes determine the winner.
Because we haven't had a decent female candidate yet. Surely, even feminists would agree that Hillary was not a top tier choice.

Politically she was standard, but had HUGE political experience, more than any eight Republican contenders, obviously. She was defeated by some very deliberate last-minute manoeuvres, and still won the vote by three million, so it seems to me that it is the American Establishment as well as the drunken hicks that detests the notion of a woman as Head of State. I should go back to monarchy - we have an excellent one here! :)
Politically she was standard, but had HUGE political experience, more than any eight Republican contenders, obviously. She was defeated by some very deliberate last-minute manoeuvres, and still won the vote by three million, so it seems to me that it is the American Establishment as well as the drunken hicks that detests the notion of a woman as Head of State. I should go back to monarchy - we have an excellent one here! :)

She was defeated according to Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution which says the person getting a majority of ELECTORAL VOTES is the winner. Since there were only 538 votes casts, where do you keep coming up with this 3 million number. It doesn't determine the winner.

Maybe your queen can explain it to you. We don't have a monarch here and haven't since we kicked ass over 200 years ago.
Politically she was standard, but had HUGE political experience, more than any eight Republican contenders, obviously. She was defeated by some very deliberate last-minute manoeuvres, and still won the vote by three million, so it seems to me that it is the American Establishment as well as the drunken hicks that detests the notion of a woman as Head of State. I should go back to monarchy - we have an excellent one here! :)

She was defeated by foolish decisions of her own which cost her electoral votes.