Question for Dems

Run on Impeachment?

  • No we shouldn't impeach, but it should be part of the rhetoric

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JPP Modarater
If we take the house and the senate, should we move to impeach Bush? And should impeachment promises be part of the democratic rhetoric?
No it should not be part of the rhetoric. And even if we do take over the house, this only means that OVERSITE will take place and hearings and the such to figure out the truth of what the administration has been saying.

Only after investigations could take place and information supporting impeachment would the HOuse recommend impleachment.

I would not accept an impeachment unless Cheney was impeached also!

They say this is why Bush keeps Cheney on, so that no one will impeach him, for fear of Cheney running the show... :D
If we take the house and the senate, should we move to impeach Bush? And should impeachment promises be part of the democratic rhetoric?

No, that would be putting the cart before the horse - a presumption of guilt. Impeachment has to be treated as the solemn legal process it should be.

Dems need to promise what republicans don't do: provide accountability and oversight of the executive branch.

And their main role, should be to keep bush from making even more mistakes. A check on his power, if you will.

Certainly, investigations and oversight would and should be the perogative of the legistlative branch. If impeachable offenses are uncovered, then and only then, can impeachment be discused as a viable option. But, not BEFORE oversight has run its course.

BTW: I don't thing the Dems will take the house or senate.
No it should not be part of the rhetoric. And even if we do take over the house, this only means that OVERSITE will take place and hearings and the such to figure out the truth of what the administration has been saying.

Only after investigations could take place and information supporting impeachment would the HOuse recommend impleachment.

I would not accept an impeachment unless Cheney was impeached also!

They say this is why Bush keeps Cheney on, so that no one will impeach him, for fear of Cheney running the show... :D

I'd have no problems impeaching both of them. Would that be you're only reservation?
run for office on what we will do for the country going forward.

punish the bastards if we gain control.
No it should not be part of the rhetoric. And even if we do take over the house, this only means that OVERSITE will take place and hearings and the such to figure out the truth of what the administration has been saying.

Only after investigations could take place and information supporting impeachment would the HOuse recommend impleachment.

I would not accept an impeachment unless Cheney was impeached also!

They say this is why Bush keeps Cheney on, so that no one will impeach him, for fear of Cheney running the show... :D

Cheney's running it now. Do you really think the ignorant Chimp thought up invading Iraq on his own?

Bush is a moron. A puppet.
Cheney's running it now. Do you really think the ignorant Chimp thought up invading Iraq on his own?

Bush is a moron. A puppet.

no, I think Cheney is and has been running the real SHOW....

Therefore, Cheney must be impeached also, or it won't be any different than it is now, which is a nightmare as it is...
tiana, I don't think we should run on it.... I think that if we win, and there is evidence that impeachment should take place after they have their hearings, then we should do it....

but it should not be part of the campaign....

it would hurt the dems if they did, by not garnering any of the republican disillusioned on to our side.... it is a dividng issue instead of a positive approach to why Dems should win imo...
run for office on what we will do for the country going forward.

punish the bastards if we gain control.

that's my thought. I personally feel as though there needs to be some retribution for the last 6 years of utter failures.
it would hurt the dems if they did, by not garnering any of the republican disillusioned on to our side.... it is a dividng issue instead of a positive approach to why Dems should win imo...

I can see how that would happen.
I think demoncrats shouldl run on a positive note, not a negative one like the repubs. ie promoting more independence from imported oil.
I think demoncrats shouldl run on a positive note, not a negative one like the repubs. ie promoting more independence from imported oil.
Very smart idea, but too many believe that "punishment" is the answer. I think it would be a mistake to run on a platform of "punishment". need to RUN on that.... but we should have every intention of pursuing the guilty members of the administration if we do regain control need to RUN on that.... but we should have every intention of pursuing the guilty members of the administration if we do regain control
I think, like I did with Billy Boy (actually even less than that I didn't think it was enough regardless), that it should only be done if there is a reasonable expectation of Conviction. Otherwise it ends up being just a waste of tax dollars on a monumental scale. This would be on top of already wasteful government spending and would not benefit the nation at all.
I think that if the House judiciary committee feels that Bush has committed an impeachable offense, they ought to bring such a resolution to the House floor.... if the majority of the House agrees with them they should impeach him.... if a majority of the Senate agrees, they ought to convict
I'm not saying it should be part of the campaign slogans, but should impeachment be a standard mention when giving speeches?
Can you imagine Bush and Cheney with a Dem congress?

I would love to see a buch of their staff bail on them realizing they dont want to be standing there at the end of this admin( they can always say the got out out of principle).

It may become absolutely nessesary for Clowns to resign.

Cheney can say its heath reasons Bush will do it because he has a history of cutting and running.
His oil CO , the national guard.