Question for Dems

Run on Impeachment?

  • No we shouldn't impeach, but it should be part of the rhetoric

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Oh, I'm sure we can think of something to come up with.

My point is that I dont think we should impeach for imeachment sake. Impeachment is bad for the nation, and unless the alternative... allowing a bad criminal to continue running the country is worse, impeachment should be avoided.

Now if an investigation turns up that Bush clearly knew no WMD were in Iraq and pushed for war with that reason anyway... I think impeachment would be in order... Thus far I have not seen any good evidence he knew for a fact Iraq had no WMD!
I dunno Jarod, the country did very well while Clowntoon was being investigated and impeached. It kept congress to busy to screw around with us citizens :)
Cypress said, "Dems need to promise what republicans don't do: provide accountability and oversight of the executive branch."

I completely agree with Cypress. This is exactly what a political party needs to do. I wish that one of our parties would step up and do just that. Isn't that kind of what GWB promised in 2000? Never happened... in fact, things got worse.

I hope it doesn't get worse next time around. Hard to imagine how it could.

Ohh it can get a lot worse, look at the Natzi party in Germany...

Now look at this ridiculous statement. What this inept administration has done has no, zilch, nada, zero, comparison to what went on in Germany. What is the deal with trying to pin Nazi-ism on whatever group happens to be in power? I heard the same drivel when Clinton was president. Knee jerk reaction language of hate, then and now.
Now look at this ridiculous statement. What this inept administration has done has no, zilch, nada, zero, comparison to what went on in Germany. What is the deal with trying to pin Nazi-ism on whatever group happens to be in power? I heard the same drivel when Clinton was president. Knee jerk reaction language of hate, then and now.

Leaning, are you an idiot or something.. Thats exactly what I was saying. Immanuel said it cant get worse and I said sure it can get worse and I pointed to an example of something MUCH MUCH worse!
Leaning, are you an idiot or something.. Thats exactly what I was saying. Immanuel said it cant get worse and I said sure it can get worse and I pointed to an example of something MUCH MUCH worse!

First of all, no, I am not an idiot, though I do make mistakes from time to time. If I read your response to Immie wrongly, I apologize for the misunderstanding. I felt your response implied that this (Bush) administration is akin to what started the growth of Nazi-ism in pre WWII Germany and would/could get to that point. If I misperceived that implication (or lack thereof) then again, I do apologize.
Leaning, are you an idiot or something.. Thats exactly what I was saying. Immanuel said it cant get worse and I said sure it can get worse and I pointed to an example of something MUCH MUCH worse!

Well, I didn't actually say that it could not get worse. At least that was not what I intended. Of course it could get worse. I just can't imagine it being worse and still being America.

First of all, no, I am not an idiot, though I do make mistakes from time to time. If I read your response to Immie wrongly, I apologize for the misunderstanding. I felt your response implied that this (Bush) administration is akin to what started the growth of Nazi-ism in pre WWII Germany and would/could get to that point. If I misperceived that implication (or lack thereof) then again, I do apologize.

I did not get that impression from what he was saying. I thought what he meant was... "yes, things could get worse... just take a look at NAZI Germany as proof of that". I didn't think he meant we were on that track.

Apology accepted. Sorry I asked if you were an idiot, I know you are not.
The bush admin has done its fair share of impeachable offenses. Its only reasonable to demand that at the very least a truly independent inquiry be made into things like:

-His support for torture (breaking the Geneva conventions)
-Patriot Act Sneek and Peak provisions, etc.

He needs to be held accountable for his transgressions and I don't think I'm comfortable voting for anyone who would let something let this slide simply because they didn't think they'd get the votes.