Question for evolutionists

Neither one of which is a warm-blooded mammal. The question still remains. Blood could not evolve without a circulatory system. A circulatory system could not evolve without blood to circulate. It's a catch-22. You cant have one without the other, and they could not evolve separately.

Liberals resemble sponges, don't they?

Fun fact: Like a DEMOCRAT, a jellyfish's mouth is also its anus.
Why else would it evolve?

Because it's random and through reproduction eventually spreads. Life reproduces because it can survive long enough to do so, therefore ththe assumption is that these continual mutations which survive are therefore beneficial. All the ones that aren't beneficial do not live ti be passed on.
Oh, for crissake...tell him his god made humans exactly like they evolution involved. That's what he wants to hear.

Then the question can be changed to: Why did the god give men foreskins if foreskins offend it so much they are required to chop it off to please the god?

That is a much better, more interesting question than that bullshit about circulation and evolution.

And you could include: Why would a god that created the Earth, Sun, solar system...and the hundreds of billions of other stars in our galaxy...and the hundreds of billions of other galaxies... offended by a fucking foreskin?

Neither one of which is a warm-blooded mammal. The question still remains. Blood could not evolve without a circulatory system. A circulatory system could not evolve without blood to circulate. It's a catch-22. You cant have one without the other, and they could not evolve separately.


life started as something with cell layers, then developed into cold blooded creature, and over time developed what mammals use now.
Because it's random and through reproduction eventually spreads. Life reproduces because it can survive long enough to do so, therefore ththe assumption is that these continual mutations which survive are therefore beneficial. All the ones that aren't beneficial do not live ti be passed on.

There have been millions of changes and those that turned out to be beneficial, survived.

Those that weren't beneficial died off.
There have been millions of changes and those that turned out to be beneficial, survived.

Those that weren't beneficial died off.

Then liberals should be dying off...they do abort their babies and form childless homosexual unions, so there's that. :good4u:
That can't be true, your brain has clearly been deprived of oxygen for decades.

But also you can move oxygen through the body without one. Insects, mollusks, etc.

Insects and humans are the same thing?

As far as the "for decades" statement, it's a foolish one and easily proven to be such.
Is that so? With all the Vietnamese in Houston, has Bud evolved and stopped calling them "gooks?"

We're going to see if we can keep a conversation going despite your childish attempts to derail it. How does that make you feel, will you rise up?

life started as something with cell layers, then developed into cold blooded creature, and over time developed what mammals use now.

Mammals do not all share one approach; check out Weddell Seals for example:

Weddell seals have been observed to dive as deep as 600 m for up to an hour[14] Such deep dives involve foraging sessions, as well as searching for cracks in the ice sheets that can lead to new breathing holes.[15] Weddell seals exhibit a diel dive pattern, diving deeper and longer during the day than at night.[23] After dropping away from a breathing hole in the ice, the seals become negatively buoyant in the first 30 to 50 m, allowing them to dive with little effort as they make a “meandering descent".[24] The seals can remain submerged for such long periods of time because of high concentrations of myoglobin in their muscles.[25]

Weddell seals' metabolism is relatively constant during deep-water dives, so another way to compensate for functioning with a lack of oxygen over an extended period of time must exist. Seals, unlike other terrestrial mammals such as humans, can undergo anaerobic metabolism for these extended dives, which causes a build-up of lactic acid in the muscles.[26] The seals can also release oxygenated blood from their spleens into the rest of their bodies, acting as an oxygen reserve.[27]

Life Under Water: Physiological Adaptations to Diving and Living at Sea
Then he shouldn't have equated them in his comparison.

It's not hard understanding how a stupid nigger like you didn't see that.

Originally Posted by Quetzalcoatl

No, insects and humans are quite different
, that's the fucking point.