Question for evolutionists

Mutations are caused by environmental factors, while natural selection is the process of species either reproducing or dying out as a result of those mutations.
Since one of those environmental factors is the survival of the species to mutate, and since 'unsuitable' species die out, the tendency is towards reducing the selection of different species. Where does the variety come from in the first place? If you say 'evolution', you negate the factor of 'natural selection'. That is a paradox, dude. You can't just suspend a theory of science when it's convenient!
re: definition of religion

Any ideology based on totally blind faith.
Then I submit the Theory of Evolution, the Theory of Abiogenesis, the Theory of the Big Bang, and the Theory of Creation qualifies as 'religion', for there is no way to test whether any unobserved past event actually occurred.
I also submit the idea that your own definition is itself a 'religion'.

I agree that religion is based on faith...even atheism. I do, however, state that for an argument of faith to be considered a religion, it must have arguments extending from the initial circular argument. Under that restriction, your statement no longer qualifies as a religion, but these theories still do.
come on.. you can read.

Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god
Yes it is.
nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes.
Yes it does.
It is simply a rejection of the assertion that there are gods.
Which is to say you believe there are no gods. This is a rather binary choice here, dude.
Atheism is too often defined incorrectly as a belief system. To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods.
Which is itself a belief, no matter how you try to couch it.
Atheism isn't an ideology. It's the lack of one single belief. The fact that you don't know that is scary and shows how bad the education system is.

It is an idealogy. It is a religion. It is the belief that there is no god, gods, or spirits. It is a belief.

Tell me, do you believe you exist?
Maybe the problem is rote learning???

Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes. It is simply a rejection of the assertion that there are gods.

Atheism is too often defined incorrectly as a belief system. To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods.

Well, the same bozos confuse socialism, communism, nazism, fascism etc.. Sloppy.. non-critical thinkers.

No, these meanings are very clear.

Socialism is the distribution of wealth by an overriding authority. It does not create wealth. It only steals it.

It comes in two forms: communism and fascism. Under communism, wealth is taken directly by the government and redistributed. Under fascism, wealth is taken indirectly by the government and redistributed.
The NAZI party was fascist, following in Mussolini's pattern (who coined the word 'fascism' and the governmental system that it is).

None of these three terms are equivalent in any way.
yes there is.....agnostics say they don't know, and atheists say they do......

Bingo. There are very few agnostics here, simply because to say 'I don't know' means there is no reason to come here at all. I find them in other threads, when I find them. There are actually very few agnostics around. I currently know of two in all my travels.
lib'ruls think that just because they changed the definition of marriage they can do it with everything.......

You notice that too, did you? They redefine words so fast it sometimes get redefined midway through a single sentence!

It's like they were speaking a different language, except that a language actually has rules. They seem to have none.
Yes. They do not define words either.

What field could you possibly be in where definitions of words don't matter? Not law, or medicine, or banking and finance, or Real estate or construction..I don't think you could work in a pizza parlor or Publix or even Home Depot or Walmart if you don't know what words mean.