Question for evolutionists

Some simple facts. In mammals, a circulatory system is useless without blood. Also, blood is useless without a circulatory system. Neither one can exist without the other. So how did we acquire a circulatory system that pumps blood through our bodies? It's a simple question.

You're simply ignoring information posted here already. See if you can locate the post. Then see "open circulatory system".
Exactly. Science requires OBSERVATION, REPRODUCTION, and CONSISTENCY. Evolution has been debunked every time it is placed to the test of the Scientific Method. (If not show me the experiment that confirms evolution, one life form morphing into another after life was created from nothing. As I said...its a faith based belief void of even the Prima Facie evidence required to support it. With every statement from an evolutionist.....there are many demonstrated DOUBTS provided to accept it as a common sense truth.

First everything came from nothing, That from Hawking. Next we must accept that every element came from the two basic elements found after the big ban (another unprovable theory) …….Hydrogen and Helium...somehow morphed into all the elements found on the periodic table of elements. Then we must accept that life came from DEAD MATTER (when no such example has ever been witnessed)….then we must believe that a single asexual cell morphed into complex examples of life that require a male and a female to procreate. Then we must accept that fish (cold blooded life) morphed into land dwelling warm blooded mammals.

Should I go on?

Actually, science is just a set of falsifiable theories. The Theory of Evolution is not falsifiable. The Theory of Natural Selection (the theory that Darwin created) has been falsified.

No theory of science is ever proven. Not amount of supporting evidence will ever prove anything. A single piece of conflicting evidence will destroy a theory. Science does not use supporting evidence.

You bring up not the Theory of Evolution, but the Theory of Abiogenesis. This too is not falsifiable. Science has no theories about past unobserved events. The only way to test them is to go back in time to see what actually happened. That's not possible.
What’s the point of asking a question when you think you know the answer already? What’s the point of anyone trying to answer you when you’ve declared that your answer is the only rational possibility?

What’s the point of pretending to be an expert in a field that it’s quite obvious you’ve never studied? I think there’s a passion for easy answers in the creationist community. Like you want to feel like you know up from down but you don’t want to put any effort in.

If you seriously want to know about this stuff, we live in a time of unparalleled access to relatively inexpensive books, lectures, museum exhibits, etc. I’d be happy to give some recommendations. But it’s a bit weird to throw gauntlets down on stuff you’ve never studied and then expect either 1) people to hold your hand through an entire scientific discipline or 2) cower before your unfamiliarity with the material.

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The trouble with any of these books, lectures, websites, etc. is that they are just opinions and arguments in and of themselves. They are written by people just like you. They may be quite wrong. Even school and college textbooks have been wrong from time to time.

Just because someone bound some written paper together or put up a website doesn't make it automatically True.

The question posed at the beginning of this thread is a valid one for discussion here. Copping out to point at the arguments of others is not a valid reference. That's just lazy thinking. It simply means you can't present an argument of your own on the matter.