Good Luck
New member
For my own tastes corn fed beef is too fatty. I like range beef better, though it is a bit tougher than feed lot beef.When I was over seas the only meat I missed was good ole grain feed beef. You could get pork, fish, poultry of similiar or better quality then here (particularly fish) but good beef was hard to come by. In Asia you pretty much have to find beef imported from Australia, which aint as good as Iowa corn fed but better than the local shoe leather.
But that is probably a result of growing up on wild game. Beef was something "rich" people ate.
When I was older we were better off financially, and we would have an occasional beef roast or steak on special occasions. But wild game was still by far the standard.
My first decade in The Corps I only had wild game when I went home on leave. Boy, did I miss it after the first year or so. Since I retired I have gone back to eating mostly wild game, though my indulgence in beef is much more often than as a kid.