Question for gun grabbing liberals

When I was over seas the only meat I missed was good ole grain feed beef. You could get pork, fish, poultry of similiar or better quality then here (particularly fish) but good beef was hard to come by. In Asia you pretty much have to find beef imported from Australia, which aint as good as Iowa corn fed but better than the local shoe leather.
For my own tastes corn fed beef is too fatty. I like range beef better, though it is a bit tougher than feed lot beef.

But that is probably a result of growing up on wild game. Beef was something "rich" people ate.

When I was older we were better off financially, and we would have an occasional beef roast or steak on special occasions. But wild game was still by far the standard.

My first decade in The Corps I only had wild game when I went home on leave. Boy, did I miss it after the first year or so. Since I retired I have gone back to eating mostly wild game, though my indulgence in beef is much more often than as a kid.
If you pay attention to what the beef is fed in these modern times, to maximize production, you wouldn't feed it to your dogs. From steroids and antibiotics to ground up cows that had diseases, the beef in the grocery store is a marvel of modern chemistry.

We eat a lot of venison. I know of a processor that makes an excellent sausage from what I hunt. But venison tenderloin, wrapped in bacon, cooked in the smokers for a few hours is better than anything a steakhouse can put on your plate.

Luckily, in Alabama, we are allowed to take either a buck and a doe, or two does each day from mid November to the end on January. Then a buck a day throughout January. Some souther counties still allow does to be shot throughout January.

This fall I intend to go after wild hog, so I can add feral swine to the menu.
Yeah I raise my own beef. all grassfed, well I give them a bit of protein pellets in the winter. Who can afford to feed em corn ?
Simple, the proximity to congress.
The only reason the gun-huggers want a gun is to be like James Earl Ray
The only reason the gun-huggers want a gun is to be like James Earl Ray

Oh please, try not to be so ridiculous and ignorant.

There are over 63 million legal gun owners in the USA.

So your "theory" is that they ALL want to shoot a civil rights leader? Or do they just want to shoot some member of a minority?

The 63 million legal gun owners make up 21% of the population of the US.

If you have a legitimate reason to oppose private gun ownership then feel free to express it. But tripe like this is just stupid.
Oh please, try not to be so ridiculous and ignorant.

There are over 63 million legal gun owners in the USA.

So your "theory" is that they ALL want to shoot a civil rights leader? Or do they just want to shoot some member of a minority?

The 63 million legal gun owners make up 21% of the population of the US.

If you have a legitimate reason to oppose private gun ownership then feel free to express it. But tripe like this is just stupid.

DNC is a troll Solitary.