Teflon Don
I'm back baby
No, you originally said that YOU (an individual) were going to petition to take authority over MY (an individual) money. That is very different from the democratic process determining how we are going to go about paying for the things that the collective has decided the government needs to pay for.
If you will allow me... You believe the government should never attain any money from anyone? They should never raise money to pay for an army or a road or the salary of a police officer?
Using your logic, why should I have to pay for a police officer if I can afford to hire my own private security force?
I don't oppose the gobblement raising money. I oppose taxation of income.
Trust me, I could get the collective to vote for that. You don't think I could? On what grounds would they oppose the government taxing your money and allowing me to spend it on goodies for the community? What moral grounds would they oppose it? Remember, you are the 1%. You are easily reviled in the community. What leg do you have to stand on?