question for lady T

Nope God was going to make the perfect woman for adam. Sweet, loving, hard working, etc. God told adam it would cost him an arm and leg (literally). so Adam asks what can I get for a rib ? the rest is history.
Nope God was going to make the perfect woman for adam. Sweet, loving, hard working, etc. God told adam it would cost him an arm and leg (literally). so Adam asks what can I get for a rib ? the rest is history.

Ha! Well, the way I heard it was that each creation was an improvement on that which preceded it. Bearing that in mind, just remember whom God made last! :p
Ha! Well, the way I heard it was that each creation was an improvement on that which preceded it. Bearing that in mind, just remember whom God made last! :p
And it was his/her last too, I wonder why? Kinda hard to top perfection or, such a mess that he gave up making any more models ?

Nothing serious of course as I don't even believe in God.
"Does this indicate gods perfection level?"

Nope. I just put him there to screw around with mankind. What can I say... I am a bit sadistic..... and so it shall be written....:readit:
A little??!? Fuck me blind with a bull's pizzle, that's like saying Krakatoa was a "little" noisy. And believe me, I know Krakatoa: I was there. My ears bled for a week.

Yes ladies and gents, I present to you GOD, the almighty asshole of the universe. You know He's a Brit don't you? Of course he is. Who but an Englishman could stand there at the gate, drink in hand, all warm and cozy, only to say to some poor schmuck "I'm sorry but you'll just have to go below and burn," slamming the gate in his face? Little bowler hat and brollie too. Arrogant upper class twit is what he is.

You should see him, day in and day out, with that priggish little blue pencil, vetoing line items like mad. Every list comes across his desk it's always the same:
"Damn him."
"Damn him."
"Damn her to hell for all eternity."
"Oh, he is so damned."

If He had Santa's job the toy makers would be out of business in two years, I tell you.

We're sick and tired of it down below! How'm I supposed to combat urban sprawl when He keeps dumping these clowns on me? What the fuck am I supposed to do with all these prissy evangelicals anyway? There's no reasoning with that crew.

Of course, there is an upside, I must admit. We get all the best music, for example. Imagine seeing Janice doing a duet with Howlin' Wolf. Now that rocks.