Question for Liberal Heathens

my son is the church choir director. both of my two youngest children have spent years as acolytes. I am a deacon. I never make fun of Christians.

I think most of us "others" never make fun of true Christians. I haven't met many of those types. My mother and father walk the walk and talk the talk.
Matthew 7:5 says, Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Jesus is speaking to those (Pharisees) who judge hypocritically, themselves committing the deeds for which they judge others. This is summed up in John 7:24. Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment. Ah hah! So the truth is revealed: Christians are supposed to judge others, so long as we judge in the spirit of truth.

UCC is the offspring of hell. :eek:

Yes, but who has the truth, everyone has their own ideas on what is truth!
Those churches haven't been Bible-based for over 150 years. Their offspring includes the United Church of Christ, the Unitarian-Universalists, and a host of other wishy-washy groups. Nevertheless, it is my desire to give you the benefit of the doubt. What do YOU believe?

Bible based...exactly what does that mean?
I have three siblings who are evangelical Christians. I don't make fun of them, and I don't talk politics, religion or sex with them.

They in turn have no problem sharing their ideas with me.

One Christmas Eve with a little eggnog in me I did tell them my beliefs about invading Iraq. I will never do that again. I will listen to them and remain silent. It makes my mother feel better.
If they are true believers they are compelled to tell you, it is one of the few direct commandments from Christ...

"Go forth and spread the Gospel to every person in every nation..."

Therefore, I would feel that if those in my family who were evangelical christians stopped it would be because they no longer cared. I would be worried about them.

Saying, "They in turn do something different." is because they are somehow rude or horrid people would be a misrepresentation. They do it because they are ordered to, and also because they care.
If they are true believers they are compelled to tell you, it is one of the few direct commandments from Christ...

"Go forth and spread the Gospel to every person in every nation..."

Therefore, I would feel that if those in my family who were evangelical christians stopped it would be because they no longer cared. I would be worried about them.

Saying, "They in turn do something different." is because they are somehow rude or horrid people would be a misrepresentation. They do it because they are ordered to, and also because they care.

There is a point where there right to try to convert me, interfears with my right to be free from people trying to convert me. Luckily my family all live by the live and let live pholosophy.

I went to my sisters church for her daughters christining and was VERY offended. My wife refused to return for my sisters son's christening... WE skiped the service and only showed up for the christening afterwards. My sister did not care. She was happy we came at all.

I am having a Secular Christening for my son in March. The idea is that I want to welcome him to the community of love and family that we all share, but I dont think we need a Church for that. So I am borrowing from the religous service by having a ceramony to welcome my child, but leaving the organized church out of it!

I think my mother-in-law is worried about my sons soul but I am not!
At what point does Christians caring about my soul, become pestering and badgering ? Strange that Jesus did not try and force himself on anyone...
There is a point where there right to try to convert me, interfears with my right to be free from people trying to convert me. Luckily my family all live by the live and let live pholosophy.

I went to my sisters church for her daughters christining and was VERY offended. My wife refused to return for my sisters son's christening... WE skiped the service and only showed up for the christening afterwards. My sister did not care. She was happy we came at all.

I am having a Secular Christening for my son in March. The idea is that I want to welcome him to the community of love and family that we all share, but I dont think we need a Church for that. So I am borrowing from the religous service by having a ceramony to welcome my child, but leaving the organized church out of it!

I think my mother-in-law is worried about my sons soul but I am not!
I know my mother is worried about my daughters because I didn't dedicate them to God at her church. But I told her a million times over that I am not a Christian and am unlikely to become one. Imagine, I have been speaking to my BIL about Buddhism and he is near to converting from Catholicism. All of that without ever getting in his face, it is only my answers to his questions which are bringing him onto a different Path.

I would worry though if she didn't attempt to proselytize me... It is her strong belief that she is supposed to do so, even though I think hard sales bring a net negative rather than a positive. Giving up on my soul is not what I would expect from her.
At what point does Christians caring about my soul, become pestering and badgering ? Strange that Jesus did not try and force himself on anyone...
In what way did he not? He spoke directly to those he believed to be the sinner, talking directly to those who "needed him the most". It was one of the things the Pharisees and Sadusees had against him, he walked among known sinners to teach them.

That he was quietly intrusive can be thought to be a better way, but he certainly didn't make everybody come to him, he is shown to be bringing himself to the fight and directly intervening in that fight in the Bible....
He said "Let them come unto me" not pressure them to come unto me.
He said, "Let the little children come unto me." that particular verse is a cultural aspect. At that time Rabbis did not speak directly to the children, Christ did.

He however directly went to and spoke directly to those who were sinners. Taking one verse out of context over the entire story where Christ was proactive, not reactive, in his ministry seems a bit um... 'creative' with the actual story. That and the commandment to go forth and preach the gospel to every man in every nation pretty much tells me the proactive thing was supposed to continue and those who follow it are simply following what they believe God has told them to do.

I have no issue with their preaching to me so long as I can simply leave. It's not like they take battering rams and knock down my door... Each place I hear that message I have chosen to be in. I can equally well choose to leave.
Yes you can choose to leave.
I was a prisioner to Christianity for the first 16 years of my life, so were my siblings, except for the baby sister, and she was given a choice. she is the only one who goes to church now....
Yes you can choose to leave.
I was a prisioner to Christianity for the first 16 years of my life, so were my siblings, except for the baby sister, and she was given a choice. she is the only one who goes to church now....
That is another directive, as listed "wisdom" in the Proverbs. They are required to "raise you up" as a christian.

I too was trapped in that life as a child. It is why I understand the actual words of the scripture, rather than the actions of the person.
I was subjected to the actions of the persons, more than the words of the scripture. I read no where in the bible where drinking (in moderation) , going to movies, dancing, etc are sins....they were in the church I was raised in.

If religion is so good why do children have to be programmed from birth into it ?
Program them, than ask them to make a choice ? Yeah right!
Ok Brent, what is the name of the church that has it right then ?
Why do I have the funny feeling that any church of which he approves I don't want setting up shop in my neighborhood?

This is, I suppose, the hallmark of fundamentalism: the certain belief that one knows what is and is not essential doctrine and correct practice. Almost every religious person believes he or she knows what correct practice is. It's the certainty, the unwillingness to admit the possibility of error, that makes the difference.
Why do I have the funny feeling that any church of which he approves I don't want setting up shop in my neighborhood?

This is, I suppose, the hallmark of fundamentalism: the certain belief that one knows what is and is not essential doctrine and correct practice. Almost every religious person believes he or she knows what correct practice is. It's the certainty, the unwillingness to admit the possibility of error, that makes the difference.
That is one reason why these types are attracted to, and refuse to give up on bush and the neos. It would be admitting they had made a mistake, an intolerable situation I am sure for them.
I was subjected to the actions of the persons, more than the words of the scripture. I read no where in the bible where drinking (in moderation) , going to movies, dancing, etc are sins....they were in the church I was raised in.

If religion is so good why do children have to be programmed from birth into it ?
Program them, than ask them to make a choice ? Yeah right!
It is what is required of them.

Let me give a story of the church I grew up in, just one tiny one...

As a child of 6 or maybe even 5, I was forced to watch a movie dealing with the "End Times" (they say it that way, you can hear the capitals in the emphasis they give them). In that movie they showed children being "Left Behind" as believer parents were taken up in the Rapture. Also in the movie was a representation of the beheadings for not taking a Mark...

About four years later in life I came home from school (young newly made atheist), the front door was open, water was running, all the lights in the house were on, my mother was not home....

Can you imagine the fear setting in?

Come to find out that they had to turn power off and the water as they worked on underground lines in our area that were causing serious problems for the Electric Company... My mother had simply turned the water on, got nothing, and the power was out too so she had tried lights. She had gone to the neighbors asking questions about what was happening...

Still, I'll never forget the reaction to what I saw when I came home that day...


Anyway, living up to the religion that tells you to raise them in belief, and to spread the word doesn't change the fact that were they following the requirements that I have read they would have done both of these. If they believe they will continue to do them. It isn't something I will judge them poorly for, just realize that they thought they were doing right by me even as they pushed me away.
As a child of 6 or maybe even 5, I was forced to watch a movie dealing with the "End Times" (they say it that way, you can hear the capitals in the emphasis they give them). In that movie they showed children being "Left Behind" as believer parents were taken up in the Rapture. Also in the movie was a representation of the beheadings for not taking a Mark...

About four years later in life I came home from school (young newly made atheist), the front door was open, water was running, all the lights in the house were on, my mother was not home....

I never understood why some hardcore churches have to frighten people into the pews.

Frightening people into submission is what fascists do.
Anyway, living up to the religion that tells you to raise them in belief, and to spread the word doesn't change the fact that were they following the requirements that I have read they would have done both of these. If they believe they will continue to do them. It isn't something I will judge them poorly for, just realize that they thought they were doing right by me even as they pushed me away.
That's big of you but, like anything else, such tolerance can be taken too far.

To push one's beliefs on another who has expressed the desire to not hear it is disrespectful and provocative. It's a socially dysfunctional trait. If one's religious beliefs require one to persevere and persist then those religious beliefs are socially dysfunctional.