Question for libs, dems and/or snowflakes...

If the emails from the DNC and Podesta exposed by Wikileaks had been proven to be sourced from say, a dem watchdog group looking to clean up the DNC's act or from Bernie bros, or say from G.B or Canada (our staunchest allies) would you behave differently or still put your heads in the sand? So far I've heard nothing from dems about doing anything to hold their leaders responsible for their blatant corruption not to speak of open racism.

Repubs, right leaners, independents, tea partiers, stormfronters, and libertarians please refrain from commenting for about a day. I really only want to see responses, if any , from the left.

I predict very few responses or 'yeah but Trump colluded blah blah', or I will be personally attacked. Almost guaranteed if TTQ responds she'll call me a racist for posting this.
BAC has already started a thread about the need for dem introspection , no real need for him to respond, but of course I welcome his comments.

neither of those were displayed in the emails asshole

the Democratic party perefered Hilary ( a life long Democratic voter)

over Bernie

A guy they gave a break to and allowed him to get some cred by using our party to run

gee how suprizing

he then used Russian lies instead of telling his people they were lies
You didn't look up the definitions. Now you've turned the corner from ignorance to willful ignorance. Now I'm really bored with your repeated ignorance. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

"This fallacy consists of offering a poorly supported claim about what might have happened in the past or future if circumstances or conditions were other than they actually were or are. The fallacy also involves treating hypothetical situations as if they were fact."

the Democratic party perefered Hilary ( a life long Democratic voter)

over Bernie

A guy they gave a break to and allowed him to get some cred by using our party to run

gee how suprizing

he then used Russian lies instead of telling his people they were lies

he USED my party

hes an asshole
he USED my party

hes an asshole
Your party let him use it. The corrupt DNC was stupid. I guess they thought the silly Marxist was too much of a freak to be taken seriously..
Repubs wouldn't give Johnson a chance even when he ran as a repub. They certainly wouldn't give him a chance as a libertarian.
"This fallacy consists of offering a poorly supported claim about what might have happened in the past or future if circumstances or conditions were other than they actually were or are. The fallacy also involves treating hypothetical situations as if they were fact."
STFU. Even Desh makes more sense than you.
Did your mommy tell you that, asswipe? She lied.

I apologize. You may have worked there as the token mental midget they needed to hire due to affirmative action to clean shitters or something, but you certainly never graduated with a degree from there.
I apologize. You may have worked there as the token mental midget they needed to hire due to affirmative action to clean shitters or something, but you certainly never graduated with a degree from there.

Did your mommy tell you that, asswipe? She lied.