Question for our gun enthusiast friends.

Trump rallies? It seems to work.

You and he are the ones claiming that gun control laws make things better. Yet you've got no evidence at all. Just places that didn't have a problem before and don't have one now. It's on you to present evidence that gun control laws have actually made a difference.
I've linked them before on this some of the old abortion threads.....I'm not in the mood to repeat myself to worthless lib'ruls who never read my posts....if you don't want to do that go to the CDC and look it up yourself......

Thank you for the link. I have looked it over, though, and didn't find any of the information that you said you got from there. Is that why you "weren't in the mood" to impart your pearls of wisdom to "worthless lib'ruls?" LOL!
Thank you for the link. I have looked it over, though, and didn't find any of the information that you said you got from there. Is that why you "weren't in the mood" to impart your pearls of wisdom to "worthless lib'ruls?" LOL!

you obviously didn't many women did the center for disease control say die each year from the complications of legal abortion.......isn't it still around 2-300?......
Define 'assault rifle'. What in the Constitution of the United States gives them the authority to ban any type of gun depending type of action it has, what the gun looks like, what it's made of, or depending on what brand it might be? I see no such phrasing in the 2nd amendment anywhere.

Heller does, dumbfuck.
And the only apparent effect of your wonderful "laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools" has been to get kids killed.

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Not my law, you fucking idiot. It’s the law of the land. And here you are, thinking that guns in schools is an answer.

What a fucking fool.
It may be "rudimentary" brain activity; but without something telling the heart to beat, it wouldn't.
Nope. No brain activity is required at all. The heart will keep beating on its own as long as it get oxygen and nourishment.
Otherwise why do people who have no noticeable brain activity, need to be on life support to keep the heart working?
Because the brain is required for breathing. The life support system is designed to correct for this.
Try to educate yourself so you don’t publicly humiliate yourself.

Scalia said:

The late justice also more generally offered the belief that “like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited.” It is “not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” For instance, Scalia said concealment laws were permitted at the time of the Constitution’s ratification and should be permitted today.

Scalia is wrong on that point. He is not authorized to change the Constitution of the United States.
It was Scalia writing the majority opinion in Heller, dumbfuck

No. He was writing an opinion. Scalia's reasoning behind the ruling (which is the opinion you keep harping on) is wrong. He does not have the authority to change the Constitution of the United States. The ruling itself did not try to.
No. He was writing an opinion. Scalia's reasoning behind the ruling (which is the opinion you keep harping on) is wrong. He does not have the authority to change the Constitution of the United States. The ruling itself did not try to.

The majority OPINION of Heller is clear.

How long have been a judge?
That’s what they call it, dumbfuck. The majority opinion in Heller.

He wrote that the right to bear arms had limits. “Nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.”

Why is English such a challenge for you?

Inversion fallacy. English seems to be a problem for YOU.

There are no limits to the right to bear arms. The Constitution of the United States never authorized anyone in the federal government to limit arm by type, brand, type of action, how it looks, whether they are practical, etc. There are no limits.
If you want to own a nuke, you can. It's not a practical weapon, and it requires unusual storage methods, but it's LEGAL. Nukes are too expensive to own and store to be of any practical use, except as a national defense system.
If you want to own a tank, you can. It's not a practical weapon, and it requires a large place to store it, but it's LEGAL. Some people do own tanks.
If you want to own a cannon, you can. Quite a few people do. Most often they are used for celebration or entertainment purposes now.
If you want to own a machine gun, you can. Quite a few people do. The requirement that you have to registers the thing and follow BATF restrictions with them is itself illegal. They use a LOT of ammunition, which people generally don't want to pay for and cart around to shoot the thing, but it's LEGAL.

Laws are not needed to forbid carrying a weapon into a government building. That building is owned and operated by the government. They can set whatever limits they want.
The government does NOT own aircraft. If an airline has no problem with guns on board, people should be allowed to carry them. The government cannot stop the use of right of way if you have a gun. That includes airport terminals. TSA is illegal.They are also ineffective. It is quite possible to BUILD a gun or bomb using nothing but materials you can find on the secure side of any major airport. Most terrorists already know how.

TSA does not stop terrorists. The reason they are not hijacking airlines anymore is because they know any fool that stands up to hijack and airline today will be rolled over by an angry mob in seconds, before they can do anything. People know a hijacking isn't just a trip to Cuba anymore.

Schools? Children in K-12 are already not able to legally carry a gun. Age restrictions are sensible, since they are not full citizens of age yet. College campuses can and do make their own decision on whether to allow guns on their campus. So do various businesses. This sometimes conflicts with State law.

Scalia's opinion is wrong. His opinion is NOT the ruling.
Inversion fallacy. English seems to be a problem for YOU.

There are no limits to the right to bear arms. The Constitution of the United States never authorized anyone in the federal government to limit arm by type, brand, type of action, how it looks, whether they are practical, etc. There are no limits.
If you want to own a nuke, you can. It's not a practical weapon, and it requires unusual storage methods, but it's LEGAL. Nukes are too expensive to own and store to be of any practical use, except as a national defense system.
If you want to own a tank, you can. It's not a practical weapon, and it requires a large place to store it, but it's LEGAL. Some people do own tanks.
If you want to own a cannon, you can. Quite a few people do. Most often they are used for celebration or entertainment purposes now.
If you want to own a machine gun, you can. Quite a few people do. The requirement that you have to registers the thing and follow BATF restrictions with them is itself illegal. They use a LOT of ammunition, which people generally don't want to pay for and cart around to shoot the thing, but it's LEGAL.

Laws are not needed to forbid carrying a weapon into a government building. That building is owned and operated by the government. They can set whatever limits they want.
The government does NOT own aircraft. If an airline has no problem with guns on board, people should be allowed to carry them. The government cannot stop the use of right of way if you have a gun. That includes airport terminals. TSA is illegal.They are also ineffective. It is quite possible to BUILD a gun or bomb using nothing but materials you can find on the secure side of any major airport. Most terrorists already know how.

TSA does not stop terrorists. The reason they are not hijacking airlines anymore is because they know any fool that stands up to hijack and airline today will be rolled over by an angry mob in seconds, before they can do anything. People know a hijacking isn't just a trip to Cuba anymore.

Schools? Children in K-12 are already not able to legally carry a gun. Age restrictions are sensible, since they are not full citizens of age yet. College campuses can and do make their own decision on whether to allow guns on their campus. So do various businesses. This sometimes conflicts with State law.

Scalia's opinion is wrong. His opinion is NOT the ruling.

He wrote the majority OPINION, stupid fuck. It’s the opinion of 5 SCOTUS judges. It IS the ruling. How many times does that have to be explained to you.

One simply cannot possess any type of gun, in any manner, in any place, and for whatever purpose. Try this dumbfuck. Go down to the local courthouse and try carry in your popgun. Let us know how that goes.
Not my law, you fucking idiot. It’s the law of the land. And here you are, thinking that guns in schools is an answer.

What a fucking fool.

Guns in school IS an answer. Another answer is to allow teachers to lock the doors from the inside of their classrooms without requiring a key, and to use steel doors. Another answer is to install isolation steel drop slats that can be triggered on command from the school office.

Isolate the shooter, deprive him of targets in this way, and he will most likely kill himself, ending the situation. If he doesn't, he is rendered powerless until the police arrive.

It would also help to provide first training for type type of wounds a gunshot victim might suffer. The equipment required is slightly unusual, but is not expensive and can be applied by anyone with proper training. You could save a lot of lives that way as well.

In Utah, there ARE guns in the K-12 schools. Any teacher may carry a gun. The school system is not even allowed to ask if they carry or not. Utah is not alone, either. It works.