Question For Republicans: If The US Health Insurance Model Is So Good...

How am I a freeloader? I work and pay taxes. I support myself. But as someone who came from more extreme poverty than you can imagine, I understand the need to help our fellow man. You're so privileged that you think the poor need only "work themselves out of poverty" and that anyone who needs help must be "lazy."

As someone that claims to have come from extreme poverty, you should realize the difference between helping them and enabling them to be a freeloader.

What should they do, continue to beg for the government to force someone else to take care of them? Someone needing help doesn't make them lazy, someone constantly expecting others to do for them more than they do for themselves is lazy.

The problem with what you lefties call helping our fellow man is that you want to determine how I should help someone with what I've earned. I have no problem with you helping anyone YOU believe needs help and doing so in the manner YOU believe is the right way to do it. That's all I expect from you. More than one lefty on this forum has said if people who had more would give more, the government wouldn't tax them as much to help those in need.