Question for Solitary

Several of us here have come to the same conclusion independently, based on the obvious evidence:
  1. same posting style;
  2. same reliance on straw men;
  3. same voracious appetite for posting;
  4. same support of gay rights;
  5. same penchant for cheer leading;
  6. same location ('bama);
  7. same support of Crimson Tide;
  8. same ex-navy;
  9. same political positions;
  10. same abhorrence with social conservatism;
  11. same fixation of me;
  12. knowledge of posts before you joined;
  13. joined date so close to Solitary's last post;
  14. as demonstrated in this thread, answers so readily to Solitary.

Just because there's no physical evidence doesn't mean that the jury can't convict. There are simply too many unexplained coincidences.

You forgot about the birdie who spilled the proverbial beans about who he was.