Question for the Disciples of the Autocrat


Ken aren't you the one who said you hate rich people?
Show me where I said that, in writing please!

Not very difficult considering you rarely write anything. Do you consider your comment something affectionate?

"Why in the hell do the rich deserve a cut tax??? They do nothing for the nation as a whole or for the common man! These people are leeches, they take and give nothing in return!"
Or anyone else who would like to chime in ....

At the rate we are going.. and with the passage of the Heath Care Scam, Financial Deform, and the implementation of an ever powerful Shadow Cabinet .. do you think we have transitioned from a Populace with a broad range of Liberties with a Govt that has a Small amount of Power into a Government with a broad range of Power and a Populace with a limited amount of Liberty?
Let me answer your question a question. How could a hypocrite who voted for Bush twice have the gall and intellectual dishonestly to even ask these asinine question? You're just another one of those extremist bound and determined to take the Republicans over the deep end from authoritarianism to totalitarianism.

The truth is you would rather go back to the neo-fascism of the Bushies that this country walked away from rather then admit that we would by far rather have a left of center moderate lead us then you extremist.
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