If you can get covid after the shot, it is obviously not a vaccine.
it is a vaccine. you are wrong. https://www.kare11.com/article/news...-dna/507-a610177e-e368-483a-b440-c8e63bd0c636
If you can get covid after the shot, it is obviously not a vaccine.
Why do you choose to ignore health care givers pleas to get vaccinated and take proper steps to avoid transmission?
It makes no sense.
What you are doing defies logic.
What kind of American are you that you do not want to protect American health?
How did you get to be against humanity and on the side of the enemy?
Why do you refuse to listen to health care workers?
They have given us their all. They have worked tirelessly for over a year. Long hours. They have missed their families and special occasions. They have missed birthdays and visits with relatives. They have missed sleep and recreation. They have missed the chance to simply relax. We all take that for granted.
Many times they have chosen to sleep and live elsewhere over concerns that they might infect their families. Some of them shower and change at work before even coming home. Some of them have to wear a mask in their own home to avoid infecting vulnerable relatives.
They are doing their very best. Every day they strive to help others. They are fighting this disease with everything they have. It is arduous to have to suit up in PPE to perform their jobs. They have to time their biorhythms so they can get through the times they are suited up without drinking water or going to the bathroom. They are dealing with the crushing demands of their jobs out of sheer dedication to purpose and to helping others because they know if they don't do it our national effort is reduced by that much.
They know if they don't do their job that someone will die. They don't even know who, but just the knowledge that it is someone is depending on them is enough; because they can do something about that.
They have been fighting this pandemic on the front lines since March last year. Many have burned out. Only the strongest remain. Their dedication is not to be taken for granted. They are serving America at great personal risk. Many care givers have died from corona.
We all thought the vaccines were the beginning of the end. We turned the corner. We started to get it under control. Many states opened up too soon. We never got the disease completely under control. We could have been in far better shape had it not been for greed over money and jobs. Money and jobs are absolutely important; but lives are absolutely MORE important. We should not have let up. It turned out to be a huge mistake to relax the protocols too soon.
That was when the Delta variant hit hard. Right when we were not well positioned to deal with it. Delta hit us hard. The reason is because too many Americans are not taking the protocols seriously. They are not masking, not distancing, not even getting vaccinated. This is the one reason the pandemic is so bad in the USA right now. Nearly all the people in the ICUs and dying are not vaccinated. What a waste.
Health care workers are so tired of it. They have no problem helping people; but it is extremely difficult to know that the people who are hit the hardest, who made the decision to not get vaccinated, brought this on themselves. Health care workers tell heart-breaking stories of people gasping for breath in ICUs saying NOW they wish they had gotten the vaccine. They know heartbreak every day seeing people die needlessly.
And to leave work and see people in public protesting against masks and vaccines is a slap in the face of everything health care workers know and see. Propaganda is killing people and debilitating our nation. Anti-vax and anti-mask protestors are out three pretending it is all a joke but health care workers know better. They see the death. They pull the sheets up over the heads of anti-vax people who lost their lives for a lie. They wheel the bodies out, and when they come back down the hall there are more patients to replace them. More patients saying now they wish they had gotten the vaccine.
And still, you anti-vax people refuse to get vaccinated. How do you ignore all of this? How do you pretend it's not happening? How do you pretend there is no pandemic when clearly there is.
I just don't get it.
Where is your heart?
Where is your sense of duty to your country?
Where is your compassion?
What makes you think you are any different than the rest of us, that you will survive this when so many others who felt just like you lost their lives? It makes no sense at all.
A virus doesn't care about politics. A virus is going to go anywhere it is allowed to go. All we have to do is cut off the avenues for it to travel. Stop spending time with others in close proximity wherever possible. Wear a mask when you must be near others indoors or in crowds. And for the love of humanity, get vaccinated.
It is time. You've held out this long and you've lucked out if you're still OK. Maybe you've already gotten COVID and you didn't know it. Maybe you got it and did know it and you got better. Maybe you've already spread it to others and didn't even know it, or worse, didn't care. Somebody is probably dead because of you. We've all seen the stories of heartbreak and loss. We've all seen the stories of those who didn't get vaccinated, lost a husband or wife, parents, or even children, and THEN they changed their mind. They decided they will get the vaccine after tragedy struck them.
That might be you if you do not get vaccinated.
It is time.
Just do it.
And get with the rest of us in fighting this pandemic. If we all do our part together we can totally get it under control and get our regular lives back. But as long as people like you hold out and keep spreading the disease, that will never happen. You need to believe in America. It is time to unite. Believe that when we are united against a common enemy, we can prevail. We do not have to accept defeat by a dumb virus. We are humans. We have brains. All we have to do is used them properly.
Stop listening to your friends. Stop listening to propaganda. Think for yourself.
Do the right thing.
Get vaccinated.
I don't really care why you held out for so long. Sure. I am curious. But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that EVERYONE joins together to fight our common enemy. Don't worry about the politics. That is not important. This is a matter of life and death.
It is time to give it up and get vaccinated.
It is the single most patriotic thing you can do right now. Listen to what every hospital in America is telling you. If you have any questions at all about getting vaccinated, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.
You wouldn't ask a doctor how to build a house. If you're a carpenter, do not listen to another carpenter tell you how to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones. If you got messed up in a car wreck you are not going to get stitched up by a carpenter. You are going to trust your life to your doctor.
This is no different. Getting vaccinated is an important health care concern. The only person you should listen to on important health care concern is a doctor. (And don't make the mistake of shopping around until you get one to tell you what you want to believe. That is pointless.) Just ask your regular doctor. See what he/she says.
I bet they won't agree with Tucker Carlson. (who has no medical degree) Listen to the person whose job it is to protect your health.
Why do you choose to ignore health care givers pleas to get vaccinated and take proper steps to avoid transmission?
It makes no sense.
What you are doing defies logic.
What kind of American are you that you do not want to protect American health?
How did you get to be against humanity and on the side of the enemy?
Why do you refuse to listen to health care workers?
They have given us their all. They have worked tirelessly for over a year. Long hours. They have missed their families and special occasions. They have missed birthdays and visits with relatives. They have missed sleep and recreation. They have missed the chance to simply relax. We all take that for granted.
Many times they have chosen to sleep and live elsewhere over concerns that they might infect their families. Some of them shower and change at work before even coming home. Some of them have to wear a mask in their own home to avoid infecting vulnerable relatives.
They are doing their very best. Every day they strive to help others. They are fighting this disease with everything they have. It is arduous to have to suit up in PPE to perform their jobs. They have to time their biorhythms so they can get through the times they are suited up without drinking water or going to the bathroom. They are dealing with the crushing demands of their jobs out of sheer dedication to purpose and to helping others because they know if they don't do it our national effort is reduced by that much.
They know if they don't do their job that someone will die. They don't even know who, but just the knowledge that it is someone is depending on them is enough; because they can do something about that.
They have been fighting this pandemic on the front lines since March last year. Many have burned out. Only the strongest remain. Their dedication is not to be taken for granted. They are serving America at great personal risk. Many care givers have died from corona.
We all thought the vaccines were the beginning of the end. We turned the corner. We started to get it under control. Many states opened up too soon. We never got the disease completely under control. We could have been in far better shape had it not been for greed over money and jobs. Money and jobs are absolutely important; but lives are absolutely MORE important. We should not have let up. It turned out to be a huge mistake to relax the protocols too soon.
That was when the Delta variant hit hard. Right when we were not well positioned to deal with it. Delta hit us hard. The reason is because too many Americans are not taking the protocols seriously. They are not masking, not distancing, not even getting vaccinated. This is the one reason the pandemic is so bad in the USA right now. Nearly all the people in the ICUs and dying are not vaccinated. What a waste.
Health care workers are so tired of it. They have no problem helping people; but it is extremely difficult to know that the people who are hit the hardest, who made the decision to not get vaccinated, brought this on themselves. Health care workers tell heart-breaking stories of people gasping for breath in ICUs saying NOW they wish they had gotten the vaccine. They know heartbreak every day seeing people die needlessly.
And to leave work and see people in public protesting against masks and vaccines is a slap in the face of everything health care workers know and see. Propaganda is killing people and debilitating our nation. Anti-vax and anti-mask protestors are out three pretending it is all a joke but health care workers know better. They see the death. They pull the sheets up over the heads of anti-vax people who lost their lives for a lie. They wheel the bodies out, and when they come back down the hall there are more patients to replace them. More patients saying now they wish they had gotten the vaccine.
And still, you anti-vax people refuse to get vaccinated. How do you ignore all of this? How do you pretend it's not happening? How do you pretend there is no pandemic when clearly there is.
I just don't get it.
Where is your heart?
Where is your sense of duty to your country?
Where is your compassion?
What makes you think you are any different than the rest of us, that you will survive this when so many others who felt just like you lost their lives? It makes no sense at all.
A virus doesn't care about politics. A virus is going to go anywhere it is allowed to go. All we have to do is cut off the avenues for it to travel. Stop spending time with others in close proximity wherever possible. Wear a mask when you must be near others indoors or in crowds. And for the love of humanity, get vaccinated.
It is time. You've held out this long and you've lucked out if you're still OK. Maybe you've already gotten COVID and you didn't know it. Maybe you got it and did know it and you got better. Maybe you've already spread it to others and didn't even know it, or worse, didn't care. Somebody is probably dead because of you. We've all seen the stories of heartbreak and loss. We've all seen the stories of those who didn't get vaccinated, lost a husband or wife, parents, or even children, and THEN they changed their mind. They decided they will get the vaccine after tragedy struck them.
That might be you if you do not get vaccinated.
It is time.
Just do it.
And get with the rest of us in fighting this pandemic. If we all do our part together we can totally get it under control and get our regular lives back. But as long as people like you hold out and keep spreading the disease, that will never happen. You need to believe in America. It is time to unite. Believe that when we are united against a common enemy, we can prevail. We do not have to accept defeat by a dumb virus. We are humans. We have brains. All we have to do is used them properly.
Stop listening to your friends. Stop listening to propaganda. Think for yourself.
Do the right thing.
Get vaccinated.
I don't really care why you held out for so long. Sure. I am curious. But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that EVERYONE joins together to fight our common enemy. Don't worry about the politics. That is not important. This is a matter of life and death.
It is time to give it up and get vaccinated.
It is the single most patriotic thing you can do right now. Listen to what every hospital in America is telling you. If you have any questions at all about getting vaccinated, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.
You wouldn't ask a doctor how to build a house. If you're a carpenter, do not listen to another carpenter tell you how to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones. If you got messed up in a car wreck you are not going to get stitched up by a carpenter. You are going to trust your life to your doctor.
This is no different. Getting vaccinated is an important health care concern. The only person you should listen to on important health care concern is a doctor. (And don't make the mistake of shopping around until you get one to tell you what you want to believe. That is pointless.) Just ask your regular doctor. See what he/she says.
I bet they won't agree with Tucker Carlson. (who has no medical degree) Listen to the person whose job it is to protect your health.
We saw the number of cancer, heart disease and mass obesity etc skyrocket- we saw Americans on average gain a whopping what- 20+ pounds???!!!! in just less than 1 year!
Suicides ESPECIALLY OF THE YOUNG - have skyrocketed. hell leftists like the OP do not care about any of those lives- nor of the elderly who are increasingly dying deaths of despair CAUSE of leftist policies.
Oh and covid? yeah- like i said- if you stop dawdling in leftist degeneracy, you face far fewer deaths and problems- that includes covid. know where all the covid deaths occur? IN LEFTIST UTOPIAS! and stats bear that out.
Leftists exclusively leftists forced infectious patients into nursing homes. it was not trump nor any libertarian nor conservative who signed such mandates. it is exclusively proud democrats!
... Unlike you, i am a human being- ...
I wish you well, rocketliberty87.
This angry vindictive post has violated my PIP. Your name will be immediately added to my Permanent Ignore List. It was an easy decision. I only talk to people who can conduct a mutually respectful conversation. This is the only thing I will ever say to you.
I stand for respect and civil discourse. And you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.
lol you are anythin but logical- it is pure emotional vitriol and filled w nothing but fallacies. see leftists must deny science in favor of blind dogma. leftists must use fallacies like arguments of identity- cause your immutable identity is all you got- you have 0 merits to stand on.
Unlike you, i am a human being- and i have a face, head, brain, and functioning cardiovascular system and immune system. And I am not dumb enough to deny biology, economics, math and statistics unlike you. It is statistically far more dangerous to dawdle in your leftist degeneracy than it is to be a human being. For us human beings, unlike leftists, living a normal life- enjoying the outdoors, sunshine, good food, drinks, HUGS from friends, families and neighbors- and people HUMAN facial expression etc are vital for a good life and healthy immune system. Hecht playin in soil and sand is fantastic for developing immune systems- but leftists are NOT human. you are ANTI human.
there is no honesty on your part cause in fact you are not human- you are ANTI human. you disregard people humanity and what makes human being human. again- if this were ever about health- you subhuman leftists never would have destroyed all the businesses, and especially gyms and spas! You never would have forced healthy Americans to be locked imprisoned in their homes- and see the skyrocketing cases of obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc related deaths- oh and especially suicides. the deaths from suicides and especially the young- dwarf any such from your fear mongered Covid deaths.
Unlike leftists, i actually passed high school biology- and know that humans are resilient - our systems are resiliency based- meaning in order to grow, they must be constantly tested. I must go daily to the gym to workout and work the muscles and bones to the breaking point and move just past it in order to grow. same thing with cardio system, my immune system and so forth. you work hard, sweat, grab a cold one and some healthy food and rest then repeat. That is how humans grow. But leftists are not human- you reject humanity and especially freedom aka personal responsibility. you demand EVERYONE ELSE be forced to pay for your whimsical irresponsible decisions like your fat acceptance bullshit
FYI obesity and obesity related comorbidities make you only a couple DOZEN TO LIKE HUNDRED times more vulnerable to whatever covid and other diseases.... so funny thing is- if you are human, and have a sense of perspective and focus on living properly then you do not have to fuck around with unnecessary and INEFFECTIVE bullshit like your jabs.
Because I understand that a large number of them are literally promoting vaccinations under duress from the ABEM, ABP, ABFM, ABIM, and AMA. Don't believe me? You can view my links below, which are the ABEM, ABP, ABFM, ABIM, and AMA in their own words...Why do you choose to ignore health care givers pleas to get vaccinated and take proper steps to avoid transmission?
Being a stupid non-thinking sheep, self-confined to the kiddie pool, is what makes no sense.It makes no sense.
You have no idea what logic even IS, being the stupid non-thinking sheep that you are.What you are doing defies logic.
I am a North American.What kind of American are you
DEMONKKKRATS are the ones who are harming people, dude... not me.that you do not want to protect American health?
How am I "against humanity"?How did you get to be against humanity
Who is "the enemy"?and on the side of the enemy?
You don't get to speak for all health care workers. Not all health care workers are the same. Not all health care workers believe the same things.Why do you refuse to listen to health care workers?
... yet, after all the hard work and long hours that those health care workers have put in during the last couple of years, YOU wish to illegally and unconstitutionally remove many of them from their jobs solely due to their wish to not receive a COVID jab. You don't actually give a fuck about the hard work that they've done. You would immediately kick them to the curbside and curb-stomp them without any hesitation simply because they don't wish to get jabbed. FUCK YOU. AWAY FROM ME, SATAN!They have given us their all. They have worked tirelessly for over a year. Long hours. They have missed their families and special occasions. They have missed birthdays and visits with relatives. They have missed sleep and recreation. They have missed the chance to simply relax. We all take that for granted.
Many times they have chosen to sleep and live elsewhere over concerns that they might infect their families. Some of them shower and change at work before even coming home. Some of them have to wear a mask in their own home to avoid infecting vulnerable relatives.
They are doing their very best. Every day they strive to help others. They are fighting this disease with everything they have. It is arduous to have to suit up in PPE to perform their jobs. They have to time their biorhythms so they can get through the times they are suited up without drinking water or going to the bathroom. They are dealing with the crushing demands of their jobs out of sheer dedication to purpose and to helping others because they know if they don't do it our national effort is reduced by that much.
How can they do their job when they are being tossed to the curb solely because they refuse to receive a COVID jab? FUCK YOUR SATANIC WAYS!They know if they don't do their job that someone will die.
... yet, after all the hard work and long hours that those health care workers have put in during the last couple of years, YOU wish to illegally and unconstitutionally remove many of them from their jobs solely due to their wish to not receive a COVID jab. You don't actually give a fuck about the hard work that they've done. You would immediately kick them to the curbside and curb-stomp them without any hesitation simply because they don't wish to get jabbed. FUCK YOU. AWAY FROM ME, SATAN!They don't even know who, but just the knowledge that it is someone is depending on them is enough; because they can do something about that.
They have been fighting this pandemic on the front lines since March last year. Many have burned out. Only the strongest remain. Their dedication is not to be taken for granted. They are serving America at great personal risk. Many care givers have died from corona.
We were lied to, dumbass.We all thought the vaccines were the beginning of the end.
We turned the corner. We started to get it under control. Many states opened up too soon. We never got the disease completely under control.
Thank you for exposing yourself as a Marxist. You can shove your Satanic commie bullshit up your ass.We could have been in far better shape had it not been for greed over money and jobs.
Money and jobs are absolutely important; but lives are absolutely MORE important. We should not have let up. It turned out to be a huge mistake to relax the protocols too soon.
That was when the Delta variant hit hard. Right when we were not well positioned to deal with it. Delta hit us hard. The reason is because too many Americans are not taking the protocols seriously. They are not masking, not distancing, not even getting vaccinated.
The only pandemic in the USA right now is Liberalism.This is the one reason the pandemic is so bad in the USA right now.
LIES, LIES, and DAMNED LIES.Nearly all the people in the ICUs and dying are not vaccinated. What a waste.
Yes, they are so tired of tyrannical Satanic Marxist communist fucks like you forcing them to decide between their job and a jab.Health care workers are so tired of it.
... IF you don't force them to decide between their job and a jab, you Marxist communist Satanic FUCK!They have no problem helping people;
You can't force people to act how you wish for them to act. They have free will, dumbass... Your desire to control everything and everybody else around you is a reaction to the intense fear that dwells within you.but it is extremely difficult to know that the people who are hit the hardest, who made the decision to not get vaccinated, brought this on themselves.
Some of them do... Others tell heart-breaking stories of people dying before their very eyes moments after receiving the COVID jab... Others tell heart-breaking stories of young otherwise healthy teens who suffered heart attacks due to the COVID jab...Health care workers tell heart-breaking stories of people gasping for breath in ICUs saying NOW they wish they had gotten the vaccine. They know heartbreak every day seeing people die needlessly.
People are not protesting masks and vaccines... They are protesting mask and vaccine MANDATES, you dishonest DEMON.And to leave work and see people in public protesting against masks and vaccines
You don't speak for all health care workers, DEMON.is a slap in the face of everything health care workers know and see
Finally you got something right. LIBERAL propaganda is debilitating our nation.Propaganda is killing people and debilitating our nation.
Anti-vax and anti-mask protestors are out three pretending it is all a joke but health care workers know better. They see the death. They pull the sheets up over the heads of anti-vax people who lost their lives for a lie. They wheel the bodies out, and when they come back down the hall there are more patients to replace them.
... and other patients, IF they are still alive to tell the tale, are saying that they wish they had NOT gotten the vaccine... You purposely leave THAT truth out of the discussion, DEMON.More patients saying now they wish they had gotten the vaccine.
That's my right, DEMON.And still, you anti-vax people refuse to get vaccinated.
I'm not ignoring anything... YOU are, DEMON.How do you ignore all of this?
It is LIBERALS who rely upon pretending not to know things, DEMON.How do you pretend it's not happening?
The only pandemic occurring in the States of America ATM is LIBERALISM, DEMON.How do you pretend there is no pandemic when clearly there is.
Then try shutting your mouth for a change and opening your ears to people who know better than you and can educate you.I just don't get it.
In my chest cavity.Where is your heart?
On display every single day that I wake up and do the LORD's will. Where is YOURS, DEMON?Where is your sense of duty to your country?
Where is YOURS, DEMON?Where is your compassion?
I take care of myself and my immune system. The LORD still has work for me to do here on Earth.What makes you think you are any different than the rest of us, that you will survive this when so many others who felt just like you lost their lives? It makes no sense at all.
You act as if you can stop it...A virus doesn't care about politics. A virus is going to go anywhere it is allowed to go.
Good luck with that.All we have to do is cut off the avenues for it to travel.
No. Stop trying to ban me from fellowshipping with others, DEMON! That is directly opposed to God's will, DEMON!Stop spending time with others in close proximity wherever possible.
Masks do not stop viruses. They do not work for that purpose. You are living your life in fear, DEMON.Wear a mask when you must be near others indoors or in crowds.
NO. MY BODY MY CHOICE, DEMON!And for the love of humanity, get vaccinated.
Your fear is showing, DEMON.It is time. You've held out this long and you've lucked out if you're still OK. Maybe you've already gotten COVID and you didn't know it. Maybe you got it and did know it and you got better. Maybe you've already spread it to others and didn't even know it, or worse, didn't care.
I have killed no-one, DEMON.Somebody is probably dead because of you.
You are conveniently leaving out the stories of heartbreak and loss due to people who have DIED FROM THE JAB... people who have suffered debilitating side effects FROM THE JAB... More of your "half-truths", eh DEMON??We've all seen the stories of heartbreak and loss. We've all seen the stories of those who didn't get vaccinated, lost a husband or wife, parents, or even children, and THEN they changed their mind. They decided they will get the vaccine after tragedy struck them.
Fear mongering. I do not live my life in fear, DEMON.That might be you if you do not get vaccinated.
Just do it.
And get with the rest of us in fighting this pandemic. If we all do our part together we can totally get it under control and get our regular lives back. But as long as people like you hold out and keep spreading the disease, that will never happen. You need to believe in America. It is time to unite. Believe that when we are united against a common enemy, we can prevail. We do not have to accept defeat by a dumb virus. We are humans. We have brains. All we have to do is used them properly.
No. I have good friends.Stop listening to your friends.
You should try your own advice for a change.Stop listening to propaganda.
I AM... YOU are trying to tell me NOT to, DEMON!Think for yourself.
I am. I am calling out your lies, DEMON... I am educating others, DEMON...Do the right thing.
"Think for yourself."Get vaccinated.
I don't really care why you held out for so long. Sure. I am curious. But it doesn't matter. The important thing is that EVERYONE joins together to fight our common enemy. Don't worry about the politics. That is not important. This is a matter of life and death.
It is time to give it up and get vaccinated.
It is the single most patriotic thing you can do right now.
You don't speak for every hospital in America, DEMON.Listen to what every hospital in America is telling you.
... so that they can tell me to "get vaccinated", in many cases only because they are under duress to tell people to do so?If you have any questions at all about getting vaccinated, ASK YOUR DOCTOR.
You wouldn't ask a doctor how to build a house. If you're a carpenter, do not listen to another carpenter tell you how to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones. If you got messed up in a car wreck you are not going to get stitched up by a carpenter. You are going to trust your life to your doctor.
This is no different. Getting vaccinated is an important health care concern. The only person you should listen to on important health care concern is a doctor. (And don't make the mistake of shopping around until you get one to tell you what you want to believe. That is pointless.) Just ask your regular doctor. See what he/she says.
I bet they won't agree with Tucker Carlson. (who has no medical degree) Listen to the person whose job it is to protect your health.
What a page of thunderous stupidity.
Why would I take a shot if it doesn't make me immune to covid? It's obviously not a vaccine. Idiots like you just want me to suffer the side effects and good thing I am not as stupid as you obviously.
Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
The so called "vaccines' are a failure. You can catch Covid-19 and spread it, you can be hospitalized and die from either the "vaccine" or Covid-19 that it was supposed to protect you from.
PoliTalker is obviously not informed, (by actual facts), nor does he use the logic he claims to use.
VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at vaers.hhs.gov.
The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at medalerts.org or vaers.hhs.gov).
14,506 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths / 23,393 Total Reported Deaths
58,440 Total COVID Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations/136,256 Total Reported Hospitalizations
675,591 COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports
Through September 03, 2021
Safe eh? yasureyabetcha...
Why are the most heavily "vaccinated" places in the world experiencing the highest and most massive levels of infection post "vaccine"?
If you have any critical thinking skills, the facts are telling you these "vaccines" are a BIG FAT FAIL