Question for vista users


I'm so sorry to clutter the internet asking about M$ crap, but I need to be able to find stuff on my computer fairly quickly and I miss the easy searching options of XP already. How can I do a search for all items with a specific extension like I used to on XP and earlier windows?
For example enter this ' *.html ' into the search bar and hit enter and all .html files will come up. Or add a name like *ball and any file with ball anywhere in the name will come up.

How can I do this in Vista?
Anyone know?
I'm sorry, how could anyone think that searching in XP is easier than searching in Vista? That is easily one of the OS's best features, and a lot of XP users have desktop search engines ready so that they can use something like it.
I'm not a fan of Vista's search "feature." I disabled the "Windows Search" service, along with Windows Time, Superfetch, Security Center, and a few other annoying "features." Much snappier with out all that crap running in the background.
I'm not a fan of Vista's search "feature." I disabled the "Windows Search" service, along with Windows Time, Superfetch, Security Center, and a few other annoying "features." Much snappier with out all that crap running in the background.

HAha here comes the elitist techie who's way too good to use such crass things as instant search.

Like the average user is EVER going to be using all of a modern processors power. And if you're playing a game and actually using all that power, it's not on anyway.
Well I know because I've disabled all that stuff before, and felt good about how uber 'leet I was, that I was operating on a light platform and above all those stupid consumers.

First time I had to wait ten minutes to do an actual search for some stupid file though, I realized the system really wasn't any faster, it was all in my head, and this was as annoying as hell.
Well I know because I've disabled all that stuff before, and felt good about how uber 'leet I was, that I was operating on a light platform and above all those stupid consumers.

First time I had to wait ten minutes to do an actual search for some stupid file though, I realized the system really wasn't any faster, it was all in my head, and this was as annoying as hell.

Pfft. Windows Search is for n00bs. ;) When I need to run a search, I use a free app called Locate32. It's simpler but superior to Windows Lost.

I realized the system really wasn't any faster, it was all in my head, and this was as annoying as hell.

My system is slightly faster with indexing turned off. However, the main reason I disabled it was to eliminate disk thrashing (which is also why I disabled superfetch and that scheduled defrag nonsense).

For defrag, I use a 3rd-party app called Defraggler (brought to you by the same folks who make CCleaner).
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I use PowerGREP, it's the best there is. You can search multiple directories at the same time. Fast too. A lightweight easier one I sometimes use is AgentRansack.
I use... uhmnmmm... diskeeper.

And I may try those third party search tools out. I thought that all the desktop search engines were like the Windows one, kind of limited.
I have yet to see Vista suck as bad as everybody says it does. It works just as well as my Macs and IMO has a better interface than any Linux stuff.
I don't have any real issues with it except the paint program is screwed up. You can't resize something and then move it. It's a fucking joke. You have to resize it, then save it, lose the version your holding and then paste the copy of it you just made. Otherwise it reverts back to size it was and clips the object your working with. What a joke. Nice upgrade.
I don't have any real issues with it except the paint program is screwed up. You can't resize something and then move it. It's a fucking joke. You have to resize it, then save it, lose the version your holding and then paste the copy of it you just made. Otherwise it reverts back to size it was and clips the object your working with. What a joke. Nice upgrade.

I haven't tried the Paint program yet; doesn't it have a "save as" feature, like Photoshop, so you can save both versions? I just learned that the pictures feature saves the original version so that you can revert to that if you change your mind about changes you've made, even if they were in Photoshop. I have CS3 and use that mostly.
I haven't tried the Paint program yet; doesn't it have a "save as" feature, like Photoshop, so you can save both versions? I just learned that the pictures feature saves the original version so that you can revert to that if you change your mind about changes you've made, even if they were in Photoshop. I have CS3 and use that mostly.
I use CS3 almost exclusively myself.