Question for vista users

Seriously, Apple is not nearly the size of Microsoft, and they spent half a billion a year on anti-Vista campaigns. And then they actually had the gall to critiscize Microsoft for launching a 300 million dollar counter-campaign - christ.

You are NOT an independent thinker for using Apple products. Apple is worse than Microsoft. If you want to be an independent thinker, try Linux - HAHAHAHAHAHA that was a joke. Whatever.
Seriously, Apple is not nearly the size of Microsoft, and they spent half a billion a year on anti-Vista campaigns. And then they actually had the gall to critiscize Microsoft for launching a 300 million dollar counter-campaign - christ.

You are NOT an independent thinker for using Apple products. Apple is worse than Microsoft. If you want to be an independent thinker, try Linux - HAHAHAHAHAHA that was a joke. Whatever.

With Mac it's the ease of use that supposedly gets people to buy it. However ease of use doesn't necessarily mean good. If you want to make movies buy a mac, otherwise it really doesn't matter and PCs are cheaper. I go PC usually and I don't find either of them "easier" than the other to use, they are just different.
Seriously, maybe if they didn't spend such huge amounts on advertising they wouldn't have to charge huge 20%-30% premiums on the parts, the likes of which you don't see on PC's unless your talking about ultra-high performance boutique shops that hand make their computers, like Alienware.