Question for women


Verified User
Ladies, what good are your female friends? I mean, other than getting you to waste money (shopping, eating out), making you fat (eating), and killing time (meaningless chatter)? And, what percent of the time is spent on things other than spending money, eating, and doing nothing? Wouldn't you be better off without them?
I may be going out on a limb here, but I'm not sure this is going to be a popular thread. (?)
Very observant ... and your point being?

I also observed that you posted a second time on a thread you said wouldn't be popular.

What a fucking dumbass. No wonder you don't get it. You claim to care for other people yet believe forcing someone else to fund what you support is the same as if you personally helped them yourself.
Ladies, what good are your female friends? I mean, other than getting you to waste money (shopping, eating out), making you fat (eating), and killing time (meaningless chatter)? And, what percent of the time is spent on things other than spending money, eating, and doing nothing? Wouldn't you be better off without them?

Quite. Get arms and hunt down trumpers NOW!
Ladies, what good are your female friends? I mean, other than getting you to waste money (shopping, eating out), making you fat (eating), and killing time (meaningless chatter)? And, what percent of the time is spent on things other than spending money, eating, and doing nothing? Wouldn't you be better off without them?

Can men answer this question? I have more female friends than male friends.
Can men answer this question? I have more female friends than male friends.

Another pathetic Incel whining for attention. Oh, darn. lol

Today, 10:58 AM
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Today, 10:59 AM
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This message is hidden because CFM is on your ignore list.
No one is on ignore or goes unread....

We know. After slightly over two years here, we're all well aware of how you follow me, Evince, Phantasmal, Micawber, TTQ, etc. religiously, and never miss a single punctuation mark. Post #10 is for you, darling.

Poor stupid troll will never learn to leave well enough alone. :laugh: