Question regarding a small paragraph from Henry Kissinger’s book “World Order”

Yes that does sound like that, especially the part general people’s will as the highest authority

how do you reconcile "the population shall submit to the rule of authority" and "All political power must reside with the people, exercising their general will"?........was he simply being inconsistent?.........
how do you reconcile "the population shall submit to the rule of authority" and "All political power must reside with the people, exercising their general will"?........was he simply being inconsistent?.........

My understanding is that the society is going to be a majority dominated society. You are either on board or you are going to be forced to be on board, and the majority represents the general will of people, and everyone shall submit to this rule of authority. My interpretation might be very wrong, I’m open to any corrections

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My understanding is that the society is going to be a majority dominated society. You are either on board or you are going to be forced to be on board, and the majority represents the general will of people, and everyone shall submit to this rule of authority. My interpretation might be very wrong, I’m open to any corrections

add a bureaucracy to decide what the people's will ought to be and you have any random totalitarian society......
Short Answer? Its bullshit as this nation was constructed as a Social Experiment where THE PEOPLE run a nation through republican representation (Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1) as set forth in a negative document that places limits and scope of the type of Administrative Government hierarchy that would place limits upon THE PEOPLE.

Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (that negative document that founded this nation) does not dictate what the PEOPLE are allowed, but what BIG GOVERNMENT is allowed, everything else belongs to THE PEOPLE/STATES to self govern as they see fit, Article 10 of the Bill of Rights.

The question you presented was simply an attempt to JUSTIFY the robbery of the natural rights of THE PEOPLE every time Big Government legislates away the natural rights of the PEOPLE.

People call the Nixon administration a Conservative Republican administration....when in reality Nixon was a progressive that followed in lockstep to Johnson's Social Nightmare called the War on Poverty.

Nixon.....Socially engineered such PROGRESSIVE nose up your ass concepts as SSI (federal welfare where the SS program is parroted to provide relief those who did not work enough to qualify for SS insurance). He amended the Fair Labor Standards Act to bring wages up by 40%.....causing inflation beginning in 1974. More progressive nose in the people's asshole legislation in the attempt to circumvent THE PEOPLE and socially engineer the US? The endangered Species Act. Clean Air Act. HMO act of 73 (making it possible for the current high cost of health care). And how can we forget the boondoggle act of ultimate totalitarian power being granted to circumvent Congress and the People's representation? THE EPA.

The list goes on an on......the ultimate answer to the question? The attempt to justify a One World Order and end the Social Experiment known as the United States of America......making the Central Government the source of rights instead of allowing THE PEOPLE to establish a moral code to govern.
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