It's OK to Be White
Why do news networks always support either the Conservative or the Centrist, but never the Liberal? Shouldn't networks like CNN, which is supposedly liberal, be supporting Sanders and Warren instead of Biden, Harris, and Buttigieg?
Why is the media so friendly towards Christianity, but so against Atheism? Atheists are usually portrayed negatively in the media, so much so that the term "Hollywood Atheist" has become a trope. If the media is liberal, shouldn't Atheists and Atheism be portrayed positively?
When exactly did Liberals take over the media? For most of American history, the media has been very sexist, homophobic, and transphobic, but at the same time Conservatives were claiming the media was Liberal. So when exactly did this switch occur for real? Were past Conservatives incorrect?
Why is the media so friendly towards Christianity, but so against Atheism? Atheists are usually portrayed negatively in the media, so much so that the term "Hollywood Atheist" has become a trope. If the media is liberal, shouldn't Atheists and Atheism be portrayed positively?
When exactly did Liberals take over the media? For most of American history, the media has been very sexist, homophobic, and transphobic, but at the same time Conservatives were claiming the media was Liberal. So when exactly did this switch occur for real? Were past Conservatives incorrect?