Questions for people who think Liberals run the media.

There Arsecheese goes LYING again. Show me where I made that statement you dishonest hack.

Show me the profits from their news businesses Arsecheese. You give a new meaning to the term dishonest, uneducated hack. :rolleyes:

Here, I will do your homework for you dumbass:

Losing money and losing trust: The crisis of modern journalism

Guardian's losses hit £69m but it gains more than 50,000 paying members

How to Survive the Media Apocalypse

You read but lack the intelligence to comprehend. Or you are just a pathological ling dumbass. That isn't what I said; go back and read it again Arsecheese. Stop being a dishonest dumb fuck. :rolleyes:

I would think you would get tired of looking like a low IQ dumbass and a pathological liar; you prove me wrong every post. :rolleyes:

Yeah corporarions as Disney, Comcast, Bertelsmann, Comcast, etc., are losing money, also, I forgot, they are Marxist based companies that aren't in to it turn a profit, "truthienomics"

"MSNBC promotes lies and false naratives," while "Fox actually presents a fairly unbiased factual picture," and that isn't telling us one is illegitimate but FOX is legitimate? Does explain why "truthie's" ramblings are so whacky
Media is liberal, they admit it.
They are nit fringe because they are a business and enjoy payday as much as regular people.
If atheists come off bad, well, cant be helped.
They could say whatever they want, but actions speak louder. Why are these so-called "liberal" media networks backing centrist candidates? Why are Atheists portrayed negatively. You didn't actually answer any of the questions I asked.

I haven't seen a shred of evidence they are backing "centrist" candidates. What is your definition of "centrist"; not as far left?? DUH!

The Clintons aren't Liberals, they're Centrists. I agree that there is plenty of mainstream centrist media. I'm saying there is no mainstream liberal media.

The Clinton's aren't in power or office. Tell me which Democratic Party of the Jackass candidate is "centrist" and why the leftist PHONY media is in a war with their President? So much so they lie and impugn him every damned day!
Yeah corporarions as Disney, Comcast, Bertelsmann, Comcast, etc., are losing money, also, I forgot, they are Marxist based companies that aren't in to it turn a profit, "truthienomics"

What is with you??? You like being a MORON? It's not the parent companies losing money, it's the media companies you effing moron. This is why I don't like arguing with dishonest assholes; they ignore the facts and attempt construct strawmen they then demand we break them down.

Grow some honesty and an IQ shit-for-brains. I even gave you the fucking links from the SOURCES themselves. :rolleyes:

"MSNBC promotes lies and false naratives," while "Fox actually presents a fairly unbiased factual picture," and that isn't telling us one is illegitimate but FOX is legitimate? Does explain why "truthie's" ramblings are so whacky

No it is not talking about legitimacy you uneducated dishonest dumbass; we are talking about HONESTY and INTEGRITY. I do wish you had a brain and weren't a lying asshole. :rolleyes:
I haven't seen a shred of evidence they are backing "centrist" candidates. What is your definition of "centrist"; not as far left?? DUH!

You don't think CNN and MSNBC backed Hillary in the last DNC primary? Who do you think they're backing this time?

A Centrist, as the name implies, is in the middle of the spectrum.

The Clinton's aren't in power or office.

You brought up Hillary and how journalists were on her side. I was pointing out that she's not a Liberal. So yeah, of course journalists liked her.

Tell me which Democratic Party of the Jackass candidate is "centrist" and why the leftist PHONY media is in a war with their President? So much so they lie and impugn him every damned day!

In this primary, I'd say the only true Liberals are Andrew Yang, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and maybe Tulsi Gabbard. Coincidentally, these are the four candidates that the mainstream media is trying to bury. Wonder why that is....

Everyone else running is a Centrist at best.

and why the leftist PHONY media is in a war with their President? So much so they lie and impugn him every damned day!

Just because someone rightfully calls out Trump on his lies, that does not mean that person is a Leftist. When Trump lied about AOC calling America "garbage," honest people called him a liar. Not all of those people were Leftists and if you accept he's a liar, that wouldn't make you a Leftist.
Media is liberal, they admit it.
They are nit fringe because they are a business and enjoy payday as much as regular people.

They call themselves Liberals because it's good for business, but their actions show otherwise.

If atheists come off bad, well, cant be helped.

You misunderstood. It's not that real Atheists come off as bad, it's that the media portrays Atheist characters in a negative way.
What is with you??? You like being a MORON? It's not the parent companies losing money, it's the media companies you effing moron. This is why I don't like arguing with dishonest assholes; they ignore the facts and attempt construct strawmen they then demand we break them down.

Grow some honesty and an IQ shit-for-brains. I even gave you the fucking links from the SOURCES themselves. :rolleyes:

No it is not talking about legitimacy you uneducated dishonest dumbass; we are talking about HONESTY and INTEGRITY. I do wish you had a brain and weren't a lying asshole. :rolleyes:

We know, cause you told us those corporations aren"t interested in about turning a profit because they are Marxists

Show us another one of your lame studies
Why do news networks always support either the Conservative or the Centrist, but never the Liberal? Shouldn't networks like CNN, which is supposedly liberal, be supporting Sanders and Warren instead of Biden, Harris, and Buttigieg?

Why is the media so friendly towards Christianity, but so against Atheism? Atheists are usually portrayed negatively in the media, so much so that the term "Hollywood Atheist" has become a trope. If the media is liberal, shouldn't Atheists and Atheism be portrayed positively?

When exactly did Liberals take over the media? For most of American history, the media has been very sexist, homophobic, and transphobic, but at the same time Conservatives were claiming the media was Liberal. So when exactly did this switch occur for real? Were past Conservatives incorrect?

Are you off your psych meds, or just stupid? My money is on the latter, but it's quite plausible that you've gone off some sort of happy pills.
The Clintons aren't Liberals, they're Centrists. I agree that there is plenty of mainstream centrist media. I'm saying there is no mainstream liberal media.

the problem is with your think only the six people who are still to your left are the liberals.........
Why do news networks always support either the Conservative or the Centrist, but never the Liberal? Shouldn't networks like CNN, which is supposedly liberal, be supporting Sanders and Warren instead of Biden, Harris, and Buttigieg?

Why is the media so friendly towards Christianity, but so against Atheism? Atheists are usually portrayed negatively in the media, so much so that the term "Hollywood Atheist" has become a trope. If the media is liberal, shouldn't Atheists and Atheism be portrayed positively?

When exactly did Liberals take over the media? For most of American history, the media has been very sexist, homophobic, and transphobic, but at the same time Conservatives were claiming the media was Liberal. So when exactly did this switch occur for real? Were past Conservatives incorrect?

How do you tell the media is liberally biased? Its called YELLOW JOURNALISM

Most recently.....look at the fake NY TIMES Kavanaugh research whatsoever to confirm anything.
How do you tell the media is liberally biased? Its called YELLOW JOURNALISM

Most recently.....look at the fake NY TIMES Kavanaugh research whatsoever to confirm anything.

Yellow Journalism isn't always liberal or conservative. Most of the time it's just sensationalism. When CNN obsessed over Anthony Wiener's wiener, it wasn't about politics, it was about sensationalism and ratings.
I totally agree that all media is sensationalist, but that doesn't mean it's liberal.
Yellow Journalism isn't always liberal or conservative. Most of the time it's just sensationalism. When CNN obsessed over Anthony Wiener's wiener, it wasn't about politics, it was about sensationalism and ratings.
I totally agree that all media is sensationalist, but that doesn't mean it's liberal.

It means....its "BIASED", leaning to the left, as the media has become nothing but a propaganda arm of the DNC. Fact: Since Mr. Trump came down the escalator and announced he would be running for POTUS.....90% of the media coverage has been NEGATIVE.

Example: US media coverage according to "PEW" as been 3x more negative in reporting on Donald Trump than it was reporting on BHO. Quinky Ding?

Most recent example of left leaning FAKE NEWS. Fake Kavanaugh reporting in the attempt to help impeach a conservative court justice. And "today"....the bullshit coverage about some whistle blower catching Mr. Trump on a phone call talking to another head of state. There is nothing ILLEGAL about the President of the Untied States using his constitutional authority to talk to any damn foreign agent he wishes to engage in negotiations....its another TRUMP caught, sky is falling left wing hit job. The people who run these media agencies KNOW there is nothing illegal.....its yet another hit job on Mr. Trump. If the journalism was not so biased the real story would be......Some BHO plant asshole leaked private white house communication information to the press, and its most illegal to do as much.
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Why do news networks always support either the Conservative or the Centrist, but never the Liberal? Shouldn't networks like CNN, which is supposedly liberal, be supporting Sanders and Warren instead of Biden, Harris, and Buttigieg?

Why is the media so friendly towards Christianity, but so against Atheism? Atheists are usually portrayed negatively in the media, so much so that the term "Hollywood Atheist" has become a trope. If the media is liberal, shouldn't Atheists and Atheism be portrayed positively?

When exactly did Liberals take over the media? For most of American history, the media has been very sexist, homophobic, and transphobic, but at the same time Conservatives were claiming the media was Liberal. So when exactly did this switch occur for real? Were past Conservatives incorrect?

Biden, Harris, and Buttfucker are Liberals.