It's OK to Be White
Lots of allegations, no examples. Literally none.
I included a link. Did you look at it?
Lots of allegations, no examples. Literally none.
They have favorites, like anyone else. In the end, they would support any of those other people over any Conservative.So how come the so-called liberal media is supporting Biden, Harris, Booker, and Buttigieg while either ignoring or demonizing people like Sanders, Warren, Gabbard, Yang, and the Squad?
None of them are "Centrists". They are all Liberals. They all want to liberally apply laws/policies.It seems like they're backing the Centrists, not the Liberals.
You seem quite unfamiliar with the Communist Manifesto. You can read it here if you wish to learn more... involves collective ownership. None of the Democrats, not even Sanders, wants collective ownership. you give me some examples?
Of course not... They are fine with their own religions, such as the Church of Global Warming and the Church of the Big Bang...I'll agree that a lot of media bashes religious extremists, but they don't bash religion as a whole.
Define "moderate", Define "extremist" (with regard to Christianity).In fact, very often, moderate Christians will be the ones to mock and criticize extremists.
So?Meanwhile, the media hates Atheism so much, it's gotten its own page on TV Tropes.
Define "sexist".So how come the media was sexist, homophobic, and transphobic until rather recently?
I mostly agree. And it's important that we welcome Conservative who have conviction to stand against Trump.
I included a link. Did you look at it?
Yes. Top to bottom, twice to make sure.
Pretty much every talk radio network.
Joe Biden isn't a Centrist? If he's a Liberal, then what is Sanders and Warren?
They have always been welcome to reality and the real world- Good luck as they seem to be still drunk on their 2016 illegitimate win while still humping Donald Trump's leg for even more power and WHITEY PRIVILEGES!
I've learned not to count Chicken-Shits- until they actually hatch out! LOL!
so you admit all the other news networks are not conservative......
So why are you saying I didn't include examples? Just trolling?
They have favorites, like anyone else. In the end, they would support any of those other people over any Conservative.
They all want to liberally apply laws/policies.
You seem quite unfamiliar with the Communist Manifesto. You can read it here if you wish to learn more...
Define "moderate", Define "extremist" (with regard to Christianity).
Define "sexist".
Define "homophobic".
Define "transphobic".
Your article did not neither did you.
You (mainly from the article it seems) give purported claims with no examples of what is suggested.
I've seen numerous examples of the faithful painted unfavorably. Practically every priest in Game of Thrones (tv and moreso in books) as an example.
Yes, I was pretty clear in the OP. Every mainstream network is either conservative or centrist. There are no mainstream liberal networks.
/'re an idiot......thanks......
Yellow Journalism isn't always Left or Right. It refers to journalism that is about entertaining and getting attention, not informing and educating. CNN does Yellow Journalism, but so does Fox News.
Because Trump actually is that bad. And this is a big problem in America. We've become so divided by this Left vs Right bullshit, that we defend our sides no matter what. The Right needs to accept that Trump is unhinged and extremely corrupt instead of writing off honest reporting on him as being liberal. Even Fox News used to have the balls to tell the truth about Trump.
So I don't disagree with the way CNN is handling these stories, but to play Devil's Advocate, let's say you're totally right here. CNN is biased against Conservatives. That doesn't mean CNN is run by Liberals. Like I said in the OP, every mainstream station is either conservative or centrist. CNN is run by Centrists.
The examples in the article are, wait for it, examples.
I don't watch Game of Thrones, but doesn't it take place in Middle Earth or something where Christianity doesn't even exist? I'm pretty sure those aren't Christian priests.
If you compare them to the Far Right, sure. But really, they're more Centrist.
Now see, this is why so many people hate the Left. There is no such thing as white privilege. Poverty among Whites has gotten so bad that alcoholism and suicide rates are growing in white communities. So when some middle-class Liberal talks about "white privilege," it drives white people away from the Left. Most white Conservatives know Trump is a pathological liar, but they like him because he pisses off SJW cucks.
You want to move America towards the Left? Stop with the anti-white garbage. Have some compassion for white people who are suffering and don't get affirmative action or sympathy.
so besides Fox, which network supports a conservative?......