Questions for people who think the Deep State hates Trump

it's hard to buck the system. have the dems take that topic off the table by being anti war. dems won't even float the idea.

He hasn't even tried to buck the system. He's done exactly what the Military Industrial Complex wants. So why would the so-called Deep State hate him?
The deep state aren't politicians that have to stand for reelection.

Not only are the deep state not politicians - as an orgnized bloc, they are not anything except a lame way for fools to "explain" whatever they want to explain.

Also the median family income has grown faster under 3 years of Trump than it in 8 years of Obama.

Obama took over just after the Great Recession hit. WTH would you expect incomes to do?

Then again, maybe the deep state did it ... :rolleyes:
Not only are the deep state not politicians - as an orgnized bloc, they are not anything except a lame way for fools to "explain" whatever they want to explain.

Obama took over just after the Great Recession hit. WTH would you expect incomes to do?

Then again, maybe the deep state did it ... :rolleyes:

but you admit deep state exists right? stop sucking totalitarian cock.