Questions STU is unable to answer or is just scared to answer.


In the thread of Alabama cops tackle, arrest black woman in Waffle House over ‘the f-bomb’ , which is a false OP; I asked STU repeatedly the following question and he appears to not have an answer.

Here's your chance to educate us and explain what should have happened, when:
Question 1 - The management asked her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 1 - _____________________________________________

Question 2 - The Officers told her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 2 - ________________________________________

Question 3 - The Officers told her to put her hands behind her back and she didn't?
Answer 3 - __________________________________________________

Question 4 - When she physically resisted having her hands put behind her back?
Answer 4 - ______________________________________________
I heard somewhere people are sending Waffle House plastic utensils in protest. I never go to our Waffle House. Too many sketchy rednecks camp out in that thing. I have heard they run their drug businesses out of the booths.
I heard somewhere people are sending Waffle House plastic utensils in protest. I never go to our Waffle House. Too many sketchy rednecks camp out in that thing. I have heard they run their drug businesses out of the booths.

Has nothing to do with the questions, therefore, your reply was a non sequitur.
In the thread of Alabama cops tackle, arrest black woman in Waffle House over ‘the f-bomb’ , which is a false OP; I asked STU repeatedly the following question and he appears to not have an answer.

Here's your chance to educate us and explain what should have happened, when:
Question 1 - The management asked her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 1 - _____________________________________________

Question 2 - The Officers told her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 2 - ________________________________________

Question 3 - The Officers told her to put her hands behind her back and she didn't?
Answer 3 - __________________________________________________

Question 4 - When she physically resisted having her hands put behind her back?
Answer 4 - ______________________________________________

The days the crackas are over ,people will not submit to the racist bulling , those days are gone

tTe peckerwoods should learn how to police like they do in Europe, in America particularly in the south the uneducated fat crackas rush in with guns
Your thread is a non sequitur. even while begging the question. The thread title is the title of the article linked in the OP. Did you even bother to read the article?

Yes, I did read the article; but since this doesn't apply to the questions, your reply was a non sequitur.
Yes, I did read the article; but since this doesn't apply to the questions, your reply was a non sequitur.

Your questions are a non-sequitur from the OP you have declared false when it is nothing more than a link to the article and a line of jibberjabber, thus the "begging the question" thing you avoided.
Your questions are a non-sequitur from the OP you have declared false when it is nothing more than a link to the article and a line of jibberjabber, thus the "begging the question" thing you avoided.

This doesn't apply to the questions, therefore your reply was a non sequitur.
Bumping for STU, just in case he was unable to locate it. ;D

Here's your chance to educate us and explain what should have happened, when:
Question 1 - The management asked her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 1 - _____________________________________________

Question 2 - The Officers told her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 2 - ________________________________________

Question 3 - The Officers told her to put her hands behind her back and she didn't?
Answer 3 - __________________________________________________

Question 4 - When she physically resisted having her hands put behind her back?
Answer 4 - ______________________________________________
The days the crackas are over ,people will not submit to the racist bulling , those days are gone

tTe peckerwoods should learn how to police like they do in Europe, in America particularly in the south the uneducated fat crackas rush in with guns

All that's expected is for blacks to act civilized. Is that too much to expect?
In the thread of Alabama cops tackle, arrest black woman in Waffle House over ‘the f-bomb’ , which is a false OP; I asked STU repeatedly the following question and he appears to not have an answer.

Here's your chance to educate us and explain what should have happened, when:
Question 1 - The management asked her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 1 - _____________________________________________

Question 2 - The Officers told her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 2 - ________________________________________

Question 3 - The Officers told her to put her hands behind her back and she didn't?
Answer 3 - __________________________________________________

Question 4 - When she physically resisted having her hands put behind her back?
Answer 4 - ______________________________________________

I saw more action at a Girls Little League Softball Game last year ... :laugh:

The Words you from them ...
they were answered in the original thread. not my problem if you didn't like them or couldn't find them.

You continually repeating "professionalism" is not an answer; but you can always expand on it, by answering what should have been done. :D

Here's your chance to educate us and explain what should have happened, when:
Question 1 - The management asked her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 1 - _____________________________________________

Question 2 - The Officers told her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 2 - ________________________________________

Question 3 - The Officers told her to put her hands behind her back and she didn't?
Answer 3 - __________________________________________________

Question 4 - When she physically resisted having her hands put behind her back?
Answer 4 - ______________________________________________

Or I can change the questions to include "responsible", if it will help you come up with a logical reply. :D
Bumped for someone who obviously isn't smarter then others. :palm:

Here's your chance to educate us and explain what should have happened, when:
Question 1 - The management asked her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 1 - _____________________________________________

Question 2 - The Officers told her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 2 - ________________________________________

Question 3 - The Officers told her to put her hands behind her back and she didn't?
Answer 3 - __________________________________________________

Question 4 - When she physically resisted having her hands put behind her back?
Answer 4 - ______________________________________________