Questions STU is unable to answer or is just scared to answer.

You continually repeating "professionalism" is not an answer; but you can always expand on it, by answering what should have been done. :D

Here's your chance to educate us and explain what should have happened, when:
Question 1 - The management asked her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 1 - _____________________________________________

Question 2 - The Officers told her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 2 - ________________________________________

Question 3 - The Officers told her to put her hands behind her back and she didn't?
Answer 3 - __________________________________________________

Question 4 - When she physically resisted having her hands put behind her back?
Answer 4 - ______________________________________________

Or I can change the questions to include "responsible", if it will help you come up with a logical reply. :D

Looks like your thread bombed pard, no one gives a phuck.
Just when STY thought I had forgotten about his inadequacies, here they are.

Here's your chance to educate us and explain what should have happened, when:
Question 1 - The management asked her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 1 - _____________________________________________

Question 2 - The Officers told her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 2 - ________________________________________

Question 3 - The Officers told her to put her hands behind her back and she didn't?
Answer 3 - __________________________________________________

Question 4 - When she physically resisted having her hands put behind her back?
Answer 4 - ______________________________________________

Or I can change the questions to include "responsible", if it will help you come up with a logical reply.
I love how STY says he knows oh-so much more then everyone else and 4 little questions have made him STFU and STFD. :)

Here's your chance to educate us and explain what should have happened, when:
Question 1 - The management asked her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 1 - _____________________________________________

Question 2 - The Officers told her to leave and she didn't?
Answer 2 - ________________________________________

Question 3 - The Officers told her to put her hands behind her back and she didn't?
Answer 3 - __________________________________________________

Question 4 - When she physically resisted having her hands put behind her back?
Answer 4 - ______________________________________________

Or I can change the questions to include "responsible", if it will help you come up with a logical reply.