

fully immersed in faith..
So, I may have mentioned that I quit smoking in January.....switched to an electronic personal vaporizer and get my nicotine in a smoke free way.....I was so impressed with the system that I started selling them, got my first shipment in from China last week and now I have made my first sales....(no internet sales intended, so this isn't a sales pitch)......

if any of you are interested in quitting, I have put a ton of research into these and can point you to the best sources for hardware and liquid.....
Well, actually, I don't think that non-tobacco sources of nicotine are nearly as harmful as tobacco sources. But it's certainly no great triumph.

And, also, I believe that PMP may have just bought into a multi-level marketing scam. If you want to just take in nicotine without tobacco, buy nicorrette or one of the other products.
And, also, I believe that PMP may have just bought into a multi-level marketing scam. If you want to just take in nicotine without tobacco, buy nicorrette or one of the other products.

lol....as usual you demonstrate your ignorance through your assumptions.....the personal vaporizer is superior to other methods of nicotine substitution, primarily because it duplicates all of the aspects of smoking.....you don't need to deal with substituting chewing gum for the social aspects of smoking.....it feels like smoking, it looks like smoking, it taste's BETTER than smoking (yesterday I was vaping a blend of Apricot Brandy and Menthol, the day before, Spiced Rum).......it's also cheaper than smoking....the system I sell allows people to refill their own cartidges with any eliquid out there.....I use about 5 to 10ml a week.....you can buy eliquid online from a hundred different places at costs ranging down from $1/ml including shipping....do the math compared to $5 a pack for cigarettes....

and, since I buy my hardware directly from the factory in China and my eliquid is mixed to my recipes in California how do you draw "multi-level" conclusions.....

if you would rather do your own research, start here...
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Can you use it for pot?

no.....nicotine evaporates at a much lower temperature than the active ingredients of pot.....these batteries won't put out enough power.....there are vaporizers sold for that purpose, but they cost in the range of $200 instead of $20 like mine....

best deal for someone thinking of starting would be a multipurpose passthrough like this one from Madvapes $14 (this is a brand new product line)

some 510 cartomizers...$9 (I see Madvapes has begun to stock the 510 cartomizers as well, save on shipping that way)

and some good quality US made eliquid, for example...sample pack, six flavors, 6ml each (around six weeks supply) $30 (you could also get some eliquid at madvapes but it will probably be Chinese eliquid.....I find most of the Chinese liquid to have a perfumey aftertaste)(nhaler also sells eliquid, but only their Octane line is US made)...

the best eliquid comes from Tasty Vapor, but you can only buy in 30ml size there so it isn't a good spot for just trying it out.....
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I have tried the vaporizers and the eliquids and PMP is right, they do taste better than cigarettes, they don't hurt your lungs or throat. I can't remember the brand that I sampled but the company was not selling them as quit smoking aids and so they were cheaper than many of the other vaporizers that were sold as a quit smoking regimine. I want to get one for Marijuana. That would completely remove the cough from smoking dope.
I have tried the vaporizers and the eliquids and PMP is right, they do taste better than cigarettes, they don't hurt your lungs or throat. I can't remember the brand that I sampled but the company was not selling them as quit smoking aids and so they were cheaper than many of the other vaporizers that were sold as a quit smoking regimine. I want to get one for Marijuana. That would completely remove the cough from smoking dope.

I believe that might be the intended purpose of this item
So, I may have mentioned that I quit smoking in January.....switched to an electronic personal vaporizer and get my nicotine in a smoke free way.....I was so impressed with the system that I started selling them, got my first shipment in from China last week and now I have made my first sales....(no internet sales intended, so this isn't a sales pitch)......

if any of you are interested in quitting, I have put a ton of research into these and can point you to the best sources for hardware and liquid.....

You haven't quit anything. You just transferred your addiction to a different product.
You haven't quit anything. You just transferred your addiction to a different product.

then isn't it obvious I have quit the other product?......that product was tobacco, the burning of which produces smoke.....smoke from the burning of tobacco causes cancer......nicotine, an ingredient of the product I switched to, does not cause cancer......I have, inarguably, quit smoking......any further comments?......
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then isn't it obvious I have quit the other product?......that product was tobacco, the burning and inhalation of which produces smoke.....smoke from the burning of tobacco causes cancer......nicotine, an ingredient of the product I switched to, does not cause cancer......any further comments?......

Nicotine is highly toxic at surprisingly low concentrations. It may also have some beneficial effects at low concentrations such as those ingested via smoking, but at this writing even some of those are being disputed/reversed in the neuroscience community.

I no longer have the issue of Scientific American that held this information, but in a special immunology issue there was the inevitable article on smoking and cancer. Not only did smoking have a direct causative effect on certain types of cancer, it also contributes to heart disease and has a permissive effect on the development of other types of cancer by suppressing the immune system. The potential involvement of nicotine may have been mentioned in that, but I don't remember. It will take some time to look into that and I'm a bit rushed right now.

Simply eliminating the smoke (tar, etc.) isn't enough. Has this product, for instance, been cleared by the FDA? (You don't have to answer that; I know the answer: NO).
Nicotine is highly toxic at surprisingly low concentrations. It may also have some beneficial effects at low concentrations such as those ingested via smoking, but at this writing even some of those are being disputed/reversed in the neuroscience community.

I no longer have the issue of Scientific American that held this information, but in a special immunology issue there was the inevitable article on smoking and cancer. Not only did smoking have a direct causative effect on certain types of cancer, it also contributes to heart disease and has a permissive effect on the development of other types of cancer by suppressing the immune system. The potential involvement of nicotine may have been mentioned in that, but I don't remember. It will take some time to look into that and I'm a bit rushed right now.

Simply eliminating the smoke (tar, etc.) isn't enough. Has this product, for instance, been cleared by the FDA? (You don't have to answer that; I know the answer: NO).

yes, if you drink a concentration of nicotine suspended in a liquid it can kill you......but then, I'm not suggesting you drink it, any more than I would have suggested you chew up and swallow a pack of cigarettes (which would have had the same result)......in addition, it is not wise to attach a hundred nicotine patches to your body simultaneously.....

you are speaking of the relationship between smoking and cancer.....irrelevant......I am not smoking......in fact, I chose this product specifically because it didn't involve smoking......

if you had some information indicating that nicotine vapor was hazardous to your health (and I know you do not) your comments might be timely.....as it is, it is nothing more than ignorant scare mongering......
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yes, if you drink a concentration of nicotine suspended in a liquid it can kill you......but then, I'm not suggesting you drink it, any more than I would have suggested you chew up and swallow a pack of cigarettes (which would have had the same result)......in addition, it is not wise to attach a hundred nicotine patches to your body simultaneously.....

you are speaking of the relationship between smoking and cancer.....irrelevant......I am not smoking......in fact, I chose this product specifically because it didn't involve smoking......

if you had some information indicating that nicotine vapor was hazardous to your health (and I know you do not) your comments might be timely.....as it is, it is nothing more than ignorant scare mongering......

Hardly ignorant. I'm a practicing neuroscientist.
from the AHA
NRT products only provide nicotine. They contain none of the carcinogens or toxic gases found in cigarette smoke.


there are two other ingredients in eliquid.....primarily PG
Because of its low chronic oral toxicity, propylene glycol was classified by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration as "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) for use as a direct food additive.
[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propylene_glycol"]Propylene glycol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Propylene_glycol_chemical_structure.png" class="image" title="Propylene glycol"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Propylene_glycol_chemical_structure.png/200px-Propylene_glycol_chemical_structure.png"@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/3/3e/Propylene_glycol_chemical_structure.png/200px-Propylene_glycol_chemical_structure.png[/ame]

the other, in small amounts and in a variety of forms, is flavoring....most companies use flavoring from companies like LorAnn, all of which are FDA approved.....
then you should be aware that there is no evidence nicotine causes cancer......what is your excuse for your post?.....

I also mentioned cardiovascular disease. I said I wasn't certain about the link between nicotine and cancer because it's been years since I read that article.

You should be concerned, however. A quick search gave me 180 hits (original research). Here's one. I'm not going to cut and paste the entire search results, one by one.

Pharmacol Res. 2009 Nov;60(5):361-8. Epub 2009 Jun 24.

Is nicotine a key player or spectator in the induction and progression of cardiovascular disorders?
Balakumar P, Kaur J.

Department of Physiology, University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. pbala2006@gmail.com

Cigarette smoking is common in societies worldwide and a growing body of evidence suggests that chronic cigarette smoking may affect the structure and function of cardiovascular system. The chronic exposure to high levels of nicotine, a major component of cigarette smoking, has been observed to play a pathogenic role in the induction and progression of cardiovascular disorders including cardiomyopathy and peripheral vascular disease. Nicotine alters the function of vascular endothelium, initiates the adhesion cascade and stimulates the vascular inflammatory events to induce atherosclerosis and hypertension. Moreover, nicotine has been noted to induce direct coronary spasm and ischemia, which develop coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction. In addition, nicotine stimulates the excessive release of impulses from sinoatrial node that may account for the induction of cardiac arrhythmia. The present review critically discussed the possible detrimental role of chronic nicotine exposure in cardiac and vascular endothelial dysfunction. Moreover, the signaling mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of nicotine exposure-induced cardiovascular dysfunction have been discussed. In addition, the pharmacological interventions to ameliorate chronic nicotine exposure-induced cardiovascular abnormalities have been delineated.

PMID: 19559087 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]