Quoted Predictions about Biden/ Kamala maybe?

I dunno what will happen, but whoever the democrats run, we lose. Depending on what "conservative" runs, the same thing could happen.
That speech last night pretty much assures that any undecided, hardworking, average American is Not going to vote for Biden... It's clear he has no solutions to the problems he's created, takes no responsibility, and cares nothing for the majority of real families in this country...
I hope people were watching last night...
I would expect if Biden does win the election for the following things to happen from 2024 to 2028:

Electricity prices will rise 50%
Inflation will remain at 3% + with grocery prices doubling from 2020, gas prices stuck at over $4 a gallon.
The rich will get richer... A lot richer
The poor will get poorer
The Middle Class will shrink

The illegal immigrant population will rise to about 10% of the total US population and will have more than doubled since Biden first took office.

Civil unrest will grow in the US

The unpopularity of Biden's push to go Green will reach a breaking point where the country is all but in open revolt against EV's, solar, wind, etc., due to the massive costs involved.

The Chinese will take Scarborough Shoal from the Philippines by force and Biden will do nothing. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia start getting ready for war with China.
The Chinese might invade Taiwan afterwards depending on Biden's exact reaction.
The Koreans and Japan will start arming like there's no tomorrow against a war with China. I could see both building aircraft carriers and seriously considering starting a nuclear arms production program.
China declares much of the S. China Sea their national waters and actively seeks to drive the US Navy out of the area.

Ukraine loses their war with Russia.
Hamas is utterly destroyed along with virtually all of the infrastructure of Gaza.

The US military has a readiness scandal stemming from Woke policies and actions.

Possibly, Biden dies in office. Harris takes over and things go from bad to worse on all of the above and more.
Prediction high groceries and gasoline will be Biden's down fall! That and it's highly to late for the USA's President to be pre-boomer!
I would expect if Biden does win the election for the following things to happen from 2024 to 2028:

Electricity prices will rise 50%
Inflation will remain at 3% + with grocery prices doubling from 2020, gas prices stuck at over $4 a gallon.
The rich will get richer... A lot richer
The poor will get poorer
The Middle Class will shrink

The illegal immigrant population will rise to about 10% of the total US population and will have more than doubled since Biden first took office.

Civil unrest will grow in the US

The unpopularity of Biden's push to go Green will reach a breaking point where the country is all but in open revolt against EV's, solar, wind, etc., due to the massive costs involved.

The Chinese will take Scarborough Shoal from the Philippines by force and Biden will do nothing. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia start getting ready for war with China.
The Chinese might invade Taiwan afterwards depending on Biden's exact reaction.
The Koreans and Japan will start arming like there's no tomorrow against a war with China. I could see both building aircraft carriers and seriously considering starting a nuclear arms production program.
China declares much of the S. China Sea their national waters and actively seeks to drive the US Navy out of the area.

Ukraine loses their war with Russia.
Hamas is utterly destroyed along with virtually all of the infrastructure of Gaza.

The US military has a readiness scandal stemming from Woke policies and actions.

Possibly, Biden dies in office. Harris takes over and things go from bad to worse on all of the above and more.
You also predicted a Red tsunami in 2020, TA/

How'd that prediction work out?

In any case, if Joe Biden wins/Trump loses...we all will be better off than if it had gone the other way.
Are you saying you do not know polls are meaningless this far in advance?
If Trump was behind in the poll, you would say polls are worthless.
Polls over time are not meaningless. Biden has been consistently sinking in the polls for more than a year now and doesn't appear to have bottomed out yet. If Trump were behind the polls for the last years with respect to Biden's numbers, I'd say he was finished and the Republicans need to move on.

So, no, the polls aren't "meaningless" at this point, but you can't take just one or a few days worth as indicative of where things are headed. But when they are consistent and trending over a long period of time, they are indicative of where things are headed.
OH. I'll take your word for it.

I apologize. I was wrong. I could have checked back, but I didn't.

I assumed.

Bad thing to do.
I avoid such direct predictions as they too easily come out wrong.

Biden might win in 2024, but it isn't looking good for him doing so.
Are you saying you do not know polls are meaningless this far in advance?
If Trump was behind in the poll, you would say polls are worthless.
If Trump were behind I would be saying, "Because Trump is behind there is no way that Biden will agree to debates"... Instead, because Biden is behind you get to hear me say, "That is why Biden is agreeing to debates."
I would expect if Biden does win the election for the following things to happen from 2024 to 2028:

Electricity prices will rise 50%
Inflation will remain at 3% + with grocery prices doubling from 2020, gas prices stuck at over $4 a gallon.
The rich will get richer... A lot richer
The poor will get poorer
The Middle Class will shrink

The illegal immigrant population will rise to about 10% of the total US population and will have more than doubled since Biden first took office.

Civil unrest will grow in the US

The unpopularity of Biden's push to go Green will reach a breaking point where the country is all but in open revolt against EV's, solar, wind, etc., due to the massive costs involved.

The Chinese will take Scarborough Shoal from the Philippines by force and Biden will do nothing. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia start getting ready for war with China.
The Chinese might invade Taiwan afterwards depending on Biden's exact reaction.
The Koreans and Japan will start arming like there's no tomorrow against a war with China. I could see both building aircraft carriers and seriously considering starting a nuclear arms production program.
China declares much of the S. China Sea their national waters and actively seeks to drive the US Navy out of the area.

Ukraine loses their war with Russia.
Hamas is utterly destroyed along with virtually all of the infrastructure of Gaza.

The US military has a readiness scandal stemming from Woke policies and actions.

Possibly, Biden dies in office. Harris takes over and things go from bad to worse on all of the above and more.
If you truly believe all of this, why don't you pull up stakes and flee to a country where you think things will be better?
If you truly believe all of this, why don't you pull up stakes and flee to a country where you think things will be better?
Because I'm one of the people making bank off Biden's fuck ups. My investments have skyrocketed in value such that I am easily outpacing inflation in terms of overall wealth. I just--in the last four months dumped roughly $55,000 into bathroom remodels and have made back close to 90% of that already. This is the entry door the wife wanted for our master bath.


From this company:

One door. It's a really nice door, but man it wasn't cheap...

Since I still do electrical side work and often end up doing it at apartment complexes and homes of the far less fortunate, I see how they're hurting and can remember when I was much younger how trying to make it to the next payday was. Biden has absolutely fucked most Americans and I think that's horrid.

The rich are getting richer off Biden
Everybody else is being fucked by Biden.

That's wrong and I want everybody else to be able to live reasonably well too. So, fuck Joke Bribem! I'll be okay either way come November. What I want is for everyone else to have a better chance to live a decent life and that isn't happening if the Left is running things.
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