R.I.P. Gerry Studds

Doesn't bother me one bit when a peophile goes....I'm just sorry it took so long...
OOooooo. Tough talk, big man.

So wise you are, too, to know just what went on back in 1973. Funny that you seem to know more than the parents of the young man in question. Ah well: mine is not to reason why. Or how.

Still no guesses, anyone, as to the phrase that tickled my fancy? Got a smile out of me, as it were?
Its the public record....don't you know what went on in 1973?

Excerpts From Committee Report on Rep. Studds and Male Pagehttp://www.newyorkblade.com/2005/5-20/news/national/studds.jpg

The Washington Post, First Section; A10 July, 15 1983

Following are excerpts from the report of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct regarding Rep. Gerry E. Studds' (D-Mass.) relationship with a male page:

One former page testified under oath that he had heard a rumor that Rep. Studds had traveled overseas with a congressional page. He could not recall the name of the page who allegedly made the trip. In another deposition, another former page provided the name of the page rumored to have traveled overseas with Rep. Studds.

In his deposition, the male page who had allegedly traveled to Europe with Rep. Studds testified that he had visited Rep. Studds' apartment at the congressman's invitation on at least three or four occasions in 1973 and that Rep. Studds and the page had engaged in sexual activity on each of those occasions.

The page testified that in late July, 1973, Rep. Studds invited him to travel abroad during the August recess. The page agreed, and the two took a 2 1/2 week trip together abroad. According to the page's testimony, they engaged in sexual activity every two or three days during this trip.

The page was 17 years old during the time he testified that he had a sexual relationship with Rep. Studds; the relationship may have begun when the page was 16, since the page was born in the spring of 1956. At that time, Rep. Studds was 36 years old.

Two other former pages, both male, have stated under oath that Rep. Studds made sexual advances to them in 1973 while they were serving as House pages. One was 16 or 17 years old at the time of the alleged incident; the other was 17.

The special counsel's staff interviewed the former page who had traveled with Rep. Studds twice before his deposition. At each interview the page admitted traveling to Europe with Rep. Studds, but he denied that he had been sexually propositioned by the member, and he denied that there had been a sexual relationship between them.

Then, just prior to his deposition, the page took aside a member of the special counsel's staff and told him that he had not been telling the truth. He stated then, and testified under oath in his deposition, that he had a sexual relationship with Rep. Studds while serving as a House page during the spring and summer of 1973.

The page testified that another page introduced him to Rep. Studds and a group of other congressmen at a restaurant in May or June, 1973. According to the page's testimony under oath, sometime after this introduction, Rep. Studds invited the page to the representative's house in Georgetown for dinner:

Q. After you met Congressman Studds, did you and he get together again shortly after that?

A. Yes. Shortly thereafter--I am not sure how long, how long it was--but I was invited to go out to dinner with him and I did. The dinner took place at his apartment in Georgetown. Would you wish a follow-up question?

Q. The follow-up question would be what happened at that dinner?

A. Well, we sat around and talked about abstract and general questions, all types and descriptions, until four in the morning, drinking vodka and cranberry juice, at which time I was told by the congressman that he was too drunk to give me a ride home and so he said, Why don't you sleep here? and I did.

At that point, according to the page's testimony, the congressman engaged the page in sexual activity.

The page testified that the sexual relationship continued after that first night:

Q. Did you and the congressman get together subsequent to this?

A. Yes. I would imagine we had dinner three or four additional times. Specifically I do not recall. But that is in the ballpark.

Q. And did you engage in sexual activity each time?

A. Yes.
how can a man be called a pedophile when the person with which he engages in sex is beyond the age of consent?
Such a stark contrast between Foley the Republican who resigns right away with just text messages and no sex, while Studds the Democrat who actually had sex goes on to win reelection six times.

Yet who does the (supposedly not Liberal) media make a big fuss over? The Republican of course!
Its the public record....don't you know what went on in 1973?

Excerpts From Committee Report on Rep. Studds and Male Pagehttp://www.newyorkblade.com/2005/5-20/news/national/studds.jpg

The Washington Post, First Section; A10 July, 15 1983

Following are excerpts from the report of the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct regarding Rep. Gerry E. Studds' (D-Mass.) relationship with a male page:

One former page testified under oath that he had heard a rumor that Rep. Studds had traveled overseas with a congressional page. He could not recall the name of the page who allegedly made the trip. In another deposition, another former page provided the name of the page rumored to have traveled overseas with Rep. Studds.

In his deposition, the male page who had allegedly traveled to Europe with Rep. Studds testified that he had visited Rep. Studds' apartment at the congressman's invitation on at least three or four occasions in 1973 and that Rep. Studds and the page had engaged in sexual activity on each of those occasions.

The page testified that in late July, 1973, Rep. Studds invited him to travel abroad during the August recess. The page agreed, and the two took a 2 1/2 week trip together abroad. According to the page's testimony, they engaged in sexual activity every two or three days during this trip.

The page was 17 years old during the time he testified that he had a sexual relationship with Rep. Studds; the relationship may have begun when the page was 16, since the page was born in the spring of 1956. At that time, Rep. Studds was 36 years old.

Two other former pages, both male, have stated under oath that Rep. Studds made sexual advances to them in 1973 while they were serving as House pages. One was 16 or 17 years old at the time of the alleged incident; the other was 17.

The special counsel's staff interviewed the former page who had traveled with Rep. Studds twice before his deposition. At each interview the page admitted traveling to Europe with Rep. Studds, but he denied that he had been sexually propositioned by the member, and he denied that there had been a sexual relationship between them.

Then, just prior to his deposition, the page took aside a member of the special counsel's staff and told him that he had not been telling the truth. He stated then, and testified under oath in his deposition, that he had a sexual relationship with Rep. Studds while serving as a House page during the spring and summer of 1973.

The page testified that another page introduced him to Rep. Studds and a group of other congressmen at a restaurant in May or June, 1973. According to the page's testimony under oath, sometime after this introduction, Rep. Studds invited the page to the representative's house in Georgetown for dinner:

Q. After you met Congressman Studds, did you and he get together again shortly after that?

A. Yes. Shortly thereafter--I am not sure how long, how long it was--but I was invited to go out to dinner with him and I did. The dinner took place at his apartment in Georgetown. Would you wish a follow-up question?

Q. The follow-up question would be what happened at that dinner?

A. Well, we sat around and talked about abstract and general questions, all types and descriptions, until four in the morning, drinking vodka and cranberry juice, at which time I was told by the congressman that he was too drunk to give me a ride home and so he said, Why don't you sleep here? and I did.

At that point, according to the page's testimony, the congressman engaged the page in sexual activity.

The page testified that the sexual relationship continued after that first night:

Q. Did you and the congressman get together subsequent to this?

A. Yes. I would imagine we had dinner three or four additional times. Specifically I do not recall. But that is in the ballpark.

Q. And did you engage in sexual activity each time?

A. Yes.
Typical child . . . er, con. Pardon the slip. Leaping from effect to cause as if all the world conformed to his little conception.

You realize, I trust, that no charges were ever filed against Studds. That's because (A) no crime was committed and (B) neither the young man nor his parents ever felt that they were victimized.

Oh yes. While I don't approve of older men pursuing teenagers for sex, there are exceptions to everything in life. This may well be one of them. Even if not, I don't -- unlike too many cons: that's why I call them "cons" -- condemn any man for just one mistake in his life. Nor two. Nor necessarily three.

The irony here is that Foley has (foolishly) made a career of appealing to the hateful and atavistic. His constiuency is drawn from the neanderthaloid evangelicals, who regard compassion and forgiveness as sins. The trash. The scum. The fecal humanoids poluting our society. And now, he has to live with them.

I laugh. :D
Such a stark contrast between Foley the Republican who resigns right away with just text messages and no sex, while Studds the Democrat who actually had sex goes on to win reelection six times.

Yet who does the (supposedly not Liberal) media make a big fuss over? The Republican of course!

Are you NUTS? the media had a HAYDAY with Studds back in 1983, regarding his affair with the page in 1973....

wtf are you talking about? Ignorance is bliss isn't it?

The media was in a frenzy with the Studds/ Crane page affairs WHEN IT HAPPENED...

DO YOU expect them to go back 23 fricking years to rehash STUDDS/CRANE for thier indescretions NOW, to make FOLEY look better or something?

What are you saying here Dano? gees....

R.I.P Scumbag rapist pedophile faggot
"Rapist?" Oooo -- more tough talk. That make you feel good, BF?

The man accomplished a lot in his life. He was wrong in pursuing a teenager, yes, and especially one over whom he was in a position of authority and respect. Those two statements are not irreconcilable, however.

He was, like all of us, a flawed man. Unlike too many he actually did some good despite his shortcomings.
P.S. Since no one seems willing to play my little game, I may as well out with it.

"His husband." Still new enough to be a novelty. Get used to it soon, though: it's not going away. ;)
Such a stark contrast between Foley the Republican who resigns right away with just text messages and no sex, while Studds the Democrat who actually had sex goes on to win reelection six times.

Yet who does the (supposedly not Liberal) media make a big fuss over? The Republican of course!
Then there is the Republican who plead guilty but still will not resign.....
But then he was a lying flipflopper, expressed his innocence untill hs plead guilty ;)
OOooooo. Tough talk, big man.

So wise you are, too, to know just what went on back in 1973. Funny that you seem to know more than the parents of the young man in question. Ah well: mine is not to reason why. Or how.

Still no guesses, anyone, as to the phrase that tickled my fancy? Got a smile out of me, as it were?
"His husband"

Damn, I'm good! I wrote this before paging down.
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I am suprised that some lib has yet to call this a Rove plot. Karl Rove killed him to distract from the Foley scandal. You know showing how someone who actually has sex with a page gets treated vs someone who wrote an email gets treated!
I had not even heard of the studds guy till the cons brought it up. Must have happened in a time period when I was purposely ignoring politics.
Now you can catch up US, here is a homo who actually had sex with a page, more than just sending an email. And what happened to him?
Oh I have caught up toby, lots of stuff on him on here lately. And That is histoyr I don't really care. Want to talk about Iran Contra ?
Not on this thread, this thread is about homos in congress and how the party handles them. See the difference?
Oh yes my topic was about trason and how a president pardoned the conspirators/traitors. Silly of me to think that was as important as gays .
I believe this thread was about Studds. Did he get pardoned? I hadn't heard that. Do you have a link?