Race baiters won't like this

Nope. It means someone made a place they can read about Black Lives Matter. They do not require joining anything. They do not collect dues. Like the woman's march. the news that it was happening spread by the net, all kinds of people posted they were going./But there is no mater board about it. I know people who decided to go when they saw a friend was going on facebook.
Nope. It means someone made a place they can read about Black Lives Matter. They do not require joining anything. They do not collect dues. Like the woman's march. the news that it was happening spread by the net, all kinds of people posted they were going./But there is no mater board about it. I know people who decided to go when they saw a friend was going on facebook.

So they're too stupid to organize is what you're saying?
So facebook is an organization, not a communications method? tweeting is not how Trump communicates. it is his organization. learn a lot reading you guys floundering.
One black man in the picture. Just one. There is no together. There just just an occasional black who is playing to obtain attention. Other blacks know their interests do not align with the billionaires who own the Republican party.
Love that picture The only black guy in the photo is speaking.No others there.. That shows you what kind of a meshing that is. zero.
Love that picture The only black guy in the photo is speaking.No others there.. That shows you what kind of a meshing that is. zero.

Incessant masturbation may have ruined your eyesight, Nerdberg. Get someone who can see to look and tell you how many Negroes are visible.

It does not mean they are or have an organization. High school girls communicate on line, does that make them an organization? Trump tweets to communicate with his righty followers. What is the name of that organization? Sorry you should look that up. you are wrong again.
Are high school girls an organization because they are in communication? Who said an email, list? They visit sites that discuss racial problems, like this one. But this one in right wing . Ever been on facebook? They have sites you can go to , to see if similar minded people are doing something. I go to one for racketball. I see if people are going to play outdoors . We are not an organization, but we visit a site to get info on an event. That was a fake post done by "right".

every person [like you] who is complicit with the terrorist movements organized by Barack's Zombie Apocalypse army are de facto terrorists. yes; 13 year old white girls included.
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Psychological denial of fact is a fascinating aspect of the American conservative, find any example which appears to contradicts reality, and they, in their limited knowledge or sheltered world are content. The real world has no part in this made up apologetic. My thread on 'dog whistles' covers this topic and see a few links below for those who live in the real world. I do admit getting rid of racist thought is not going to happen quickly, it is so deeply embedded in the psyche of many Americans that it will take generations and lots of mixed marriage etc. People deny it to themselves. Homosexuality and transgender are two other topics that will take time. When you live in a glass house of ideas the world is only imagined and labeled within it.


Edit: link below does not work - be back.

Back, see here: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/showthread.php?89474-Know-what-causes&p=2167227#post2167227

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump' Jonna Ivin


"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley
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