race baiting & incessant lying is the dem strategy

Referring to the OP
race baiting & incessant lying is the dem strategy is on the mark.

There is an unbroken line of Democrats using minorities as tools from Colonial Slavery to the present day. The Klan was started as the Military Wing of the Democrat Party, their list of priorities for hate and violence
1. Republicans
2. Blacks
3. Catholics
4. Jews

Oops, there it is. Another idiot breaking into the Illiterate Dumbfuck Club. Congrats illiterate!

Perhaps I will give you credit for being semiliterate since you did capitalize the term. But an historical dimwit, nonetheless.
Re: the OP.
They regarded me as a racist because I vote libertarian, as non-threatening as it gets because no libertarian will win an election. And because I'm a racist, anything I advocate is racist.
Me: "Adhering to a healthy diet is good for you." Them: "You're a racist to say such a thing."
Me: "Well eff you. You want me to be a racist, I'll vote alt right next time." And I will. They reap what they sow.
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Re: the OP.
They regarded me as a racist because I vote libertarian, as non-threatening as it gets because no libertarian will win an election, but not dem. And because I'm a racist, anything I advocate is racist.
Me: "Adhering to a healthy diet is good for you." Them: "You're a racist to say such a thing."
Me: "Well eff you. You want me to be a racist, I'll vote alt right next time." And I will. They reap what they sow.

i am of the opinion that many folkz will join u in the coming election yearz

i rilly hope the dems dont wake up to the gift they r giving trump bit i doubt they will

i dont think they can help themselves

perhapz they think every1 who disagreez with them is so skeered of being called rayciss that people will just stop opposing the dem agenda
no they dont own it

they deny & lie

their mantra iz that all the rayciss turned into republicanz

How many times does one have to explain American History to conservatives?

Southern CONSERVATIVE Democrats supported slavery, Northern LIBERAL Republicans opposed the same, you really didn't think the Radical Republocans who supported Federal authority were conservative did you?

Reversal of party ideologies began in the 20th Century culminating with Nixon's southern strategy in 1968

And that is history