APP - Race based discipline

But you're living in a dream. It's overt discrimination against white men. Period.
So much harder being white than brown isn't it? I mean just LOOK at the unemployment rates when broken down by race and gender. Just look at the criminal justice system and who gets more prison time when ALL OTHER FACTORS are equal. Us white guys just can't get a break. We are soooooo put upon. Can someone please mail me some vagisil? My pussy hurts and itches so much and the vagisil will at least make the itch go away. WAAAAAAAAAAA!
So much harder being white than brown isn't it? I mean just LOOK at the unemployment rates when broken down by race and gender. Just look at the criminal justice system and who gets more prison time when ALL OTHER FACTORS are equal. Us white guys just can't get a break. We are soooooo put upon. Can someone please mail me some vagisil? My pussy hurts and itches so much and the vagisil will at least make the itch go away. WAAAAAAAAAAA!

But if you combine race and gender, white men are getting the axe.

Racial discrimination is wrong, even against white men. Why do you defend it?
So much harder being white than brown isn't it? I mean just LOOK at the unemployment rates when broken down by race and gender. Just look at the criminal justice system and who gets more prison time when ALL OTHER FACTORS are equal. Us white guys just can't get a break. We are soooooo put upon. Can someone please mail me some vagisil? My pussy hurts and itches so much and the vagisil will at least make the itch go away. WAAAAAAAAAAA!
Break it down by level of education, and you will see equality. :)
That's because they come from broken families and therefore commit more crimes.
You don't understand the meaning of "all other things being equal" do you? Blacks from Middle Class families who get in trouble with the law are more likely to go to jail or prison and NOT get probation than are their middle class white counter parts which get probation and non-judicial treatment far more often.
You don't understand the meaning of "all other things being equal" do you? Blacks from Middle Class families who get in trouble with the law are more likely to go to jail or prison and NOT get probation than are their middle class white counter parts which get probation and non-judicial treatment far more often.

do you have some study that can verify this? or is this just your wild ass opinion?
You don't understand the meaning of "all other things being equal" do you? Blacks from Middle Class families who get in trouble with the law are more likely to go to jail or prison and NOT get probation than are their middle class white counter parts which get probation and non-judicial treatment far more often.
Linky to a peer reviewed study? :)

I seriously doubt you, since liberals constantly say that blacks in general make less money, but when you compare blacks who are married with whites who are married the economic disparity practically disappears. I suspect the same with crime and punishment for their offspring.
You don't understand the meaning of "all other things being equal" do you? Blacks from Middle Class families who get in trouble with the law are more likely to go to jail or prison and NOT get probation than are their middle class white counter parts which get probation and non-judicial treatment far more often.

So therefore there must be discrimination against white males in the workplace?

That does not compute.